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01-07-07, 21:49
Hi all Im just wondering if there is anyone who has or is experiencing same or similar symptoms - cos to be honest I feel its only me!
I have been diagnosed as having hyperchondritis ( im a Hyperchondriac!) I was upset with this diagnosis as I felt it meant Im making it all up or it was all in my head. Ive seen the neurologist and had brainscans etc - no abnormality apparently. He feels it is anxiety and just recently said he feels I am obssesive. I take imipramine but will soon be taking clomipramine to deal with the OCD. The drug has a side effect of tremor as if i dont look silly enough walking funny. Anyhow 1 symptom that really gets to me and to be honest is ruining my life is that I walk with a limp/ drag my left foot. I also walk leaning back -Idont reaslise Im doing it till I catch my reflection. people always comment saying is my back sore this is very embarassing. I really hate checkouts because i get so embarassed and people ask if Im ok. I feel that my left side is not working properly my left hand/arm is the same. 2 years on the neurologist is still unable to find anything wrong. Im sick and tired of being like this. I have two lovely children & partner and I dont want them to see me like this. please does anyone have any thoughts??

03-07-07, 17:34
I also feel an intense sense of weakness, and also on my left side. It does not really feel numb, but I just feel that I do not have such good control over it. At times I feel like I am dragging my foot also. I think that when we are anxious are nerves just get so over stimulated, they kinda just blow out. You have to remember that while anxiety is not dangerous, it does affect the nerves... so it would make sense to have sensations like that. Also, I do not beieve that makes you a hypochondriac. A hypochondriac imagines symptoms. We actually have symptoms, it just happens that they are not life threatening. Anyway, just know you are not alone. I hate the weakness feeling on the left side, I seriously have been convinced that I have had everything from MS to a stroke, but the drs just are not concerned.

03-07-07, 20:41

I don't have these symptoms during the day but I often dream I have them at night. So, I wonder if I am going numb at night. I really dream alot that I am falling down and can't get up or dragging one side of my body, quite odd huh? If I were you, I would go to a different doctor who would take me more seriously. Even if he doesn't think you have serious medical problems calling you that name is offensive and not professional in my opinion. Good luck.


03-07-07, 22:42
Thank you xx

04-07-07, 02:42
Have you been checked for coeliac disease (allergy to gluten products)? This can cause these symptoms. I know somone who always limped, had episodes of paralysis etc. she stopped eating gluten and has never looked back.Gluten is found in wheat, oats and barley.

04-07-07, 22:52
Thanx for that . I really hope that somthing like that is all thats required. Iyd try anything to get rid of the funny walk + tight left hand.
Sarah xx