View Full Version : uneven pupils and pupil not centred

26-01-18, 20:14
So I noticed on New Year's Eve that my pupils were not the same size. My right pupil is larger than my left one, although not all the time. About half the time they are even and twice, the left looked slightly bigger. When they're uneven, it's not a very dramatic difference but it's enough that I noticed it just looking at myself in the mirror.
The other day, I noticed my right pupil, the one that is usually bigger, is also not quite centred in my iris. It's very slightly up and toward my nose. This is very subtle and I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't been already examining my eyes all the time now.
I've been seen by an optometrist, who thinks there's nothing wrong, though she offered no explanation and refused to acknowledge the off-centre pupil. My family doctor was able to witness both problems but thinks the whole thing is likely anxiety. He did some basic neurological tests (balance, coordination, etc) and didn't see anything to be concerned about. He doesn't see any reason to be concerned about a tumour, lesions, etc, even though they can cause this kind of thing to occur.
I've been referred to a neurologist, but the wait will be close to ten months. My doctor is hoping I'll calm down and cancel that appointment because the neurologist will likely give me an MRI and my doctor really feels it's unnecessary and doesn't want to subject my brain to it for no reason.
Now I'm just living with my eyes like this and it's really freaking me out. I was also seen by a doctor in the ER who was not overly concerned but I can't get the idea of tumours and things out of my head. I'm scared I'm going to drop dead. Anyone else experience anything like this?

26-01-18, 20:33
My pupils are uneven sizes too !!! I noticed this about a year ago, it is most obvious in dark conditions and in bright conditions they go back to being equal. I was absolutely freaked when I first saw it, I can't tell you how freaked I was and it was quite obvious to my family too after I mentioned it. I discovered that is can be quite common and is called benign aniscoria and affects a fair percentage of the population. However you are right to have got it checked (I don't know anything about the pupil being off centre however), and if both a doctor and optometrist have no concerns then that would be enough for me. I never got mine checked as looked back in pictures and realised they had always been that way.
Do you think the MRI would be enough to convince you and reassure....what do you mean by the ER doctor wasn't overly concerned ? Was he concerned at all ?

26-01-18, 20:42
He wasn't concerned at all but told me to follow up with my family doctor. Which I did.
I'm more concerned that my pupils are only sometimes uneven. It seems like most people who have uneven pupils are like that all the time but mine definitely even out sometimes.

26-01-18, 21:02
He wasn't concerned at all but told me to follow up with my family doctor. Which I did.
I'm more concerned that my pupils are only sometimes uneven. It seems like most people who have uneven pupils are like that all the time but mine definitely even out sometimes.

But why? We're not made of porcelain nor are we symmetrical. You've had two medical professionals telling you it's nothing to be concerned with and that it's your anxiety playing mind tricks with you. I agree.

Positive thoughts