View Full Version : Dr. called and wants me to see ENT about lymph node

25-01-18, 23:57
I saw my PCP yesterday for a swollen lymph node at the base of my neck towards the back. I believe its a cervical lymph node. :shrug: Anyway, its soft and very moveable and painless, so she wasn't concerned but sent me off for an ultrasound because I have a family history of thyroid c. (my Dad). I went later on in the afternoon, luckily was able to get in right away. The tech found 2 nodules in my thyroid in the left lobe (same side as the lymph node). Lets just say, I started to worry about that. Anyway, the Dr. called this afternoon and told me she isn't concerned about the nodules that most people have them and they are small and she will re check them in a year. Ok great! The lymph node measured 9.7 mm X 4.1 mm. So in normal range but on the upper limit of normal. She said its swollen but not scary big and had a good shape (kidney bean) on ultrasound and no nearby mass or anything like that. Anyway, she told me she isn't concerned but to keep an eye on it if it enlarges or doesn't ago away in a couple weeks. If it doesn't, to come back in. Someone with anxiety, that is like panic for me. I'm so upset and frustrated. Should I be concerned about this really? I'm sure you all know where my mind has gone to. Ugh! :scared15:

26-01-18, 01:45
Hi Leslie,

Nope, 100% nothing to be concerned about, though I completely understand where your mind is, from my own experience with lymph node anxiety. What you're describing is Doctor speak for "everything's fine, have a nice day". I had a ct scan on a node roughly that size, was told the same thing - 'monitor for changes and come back if you notice any. 9 months later, same size. No need to go back. It'll be the same for you.

I know we anxious types get upset by the whole "if something changes" line. But honestly (1) that's always implied by any doctor visit, isnt it? If any of us had ANY kind of change that concerns us we're supposed to go back and let our dr know, and (2) it would be bad doctoring to say the opposite, which would be something along the lines of "never come back for this again even if it becomes the size of a baseball!" (Which don't worry, it wont!!)

Long way of saying, you got good news and there's nothing to worry over. Very well may not go away in a few weeks either, but these things can take forever to go down and that's not a concern either. The size is too small to even be considered clinically enlarged. Be relieved, sounds like you got a clean report!

26-01-18, 02:32
Hi Leslie,

Nope, 100% nothing to be concerned about, though I completely understand where your mind is, from my own experience with lymph node anxiety. What you're describing is Doctor speak for "everything's fine, have a nice day". I had a ct scan on a node roughly that size, was told the same thing - 'monitor for changes and come back if you notice any. 9 months later, same size. No need to go back. It'll be the same for you.

I know we anxious types get upset by the whole "if something changes" line. But honestly (1) that's always implied by any doctor visit, isnt it? If any of us had ANY kind of change that concerns us we're supposed to go back and let our dr know, and (2) it would be bad doctoring to say the opposite, which would be something along the lines of "never come back for this again even if it becomes the size of a baseball!" (Which don't worry, it wont!!)

Long way of saying, you got good news and there's nothing to worry over. Very well may not go away in a few weeks either, but these things can take forever to go down and that's not a concern either. The size is too small to even be considered clinically enlarged. Be relieved, sounds like you got a clean report!

Thank you very much for your kind words! Very appreciated!! :) You're right in the "come back with any changes." Ugh lymph nodes is a new territory for me. I've never worried about them before.

26-01-18, 07:23
It's not on the bigger side of normal. In neck lymph nodes they take into account the short axis which shouldn't exceed 1 cm for it to be considered normal. Your short axis is 0.4 cm. You're fine.

26-01-18, 19:55
It's not on the bigger side of normal. In neck lymph nodes they take into account the short axis which shouldn't exceed 1 cm for it to be considered normal. Your short axis is 0.4 cm. You're fine.

Thank you, I did not know that! :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 19:55 ---------- Previous post was at 19:37 ----------

They want me to go to an ENT about my lymph node for biopsy. So I'm going Tuesday at 8 am. I can't believe this!

26-01-18, 20:49
This nightmare keeps going! I posted a couple threads already about this and I thought it was over but that changed this afternoon. My Dr. called (after calling me yesterday and told me to just keep an eye) to re go over my ultrasound results I had on a lymph node. Its on the left side of my neck down at the base (posterior cervical node) it measured 9.7 mm X 4.1 mm on ultrasound. Ultrasound just confirmed its a node but didn't say anything else about it. My Dr. wants me to go to see an ENT dr. and depending on what he says, a biopsy. I'm completely beside myself and upset! I wasn't even looking for this lymph node the other day (I found it a week ago). I just randomly felt it. Its soft and very movable so I know thats good but geez. I'm so scared! :(

26-01-18, 21:00

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


26-01-18, 21:15
. My Dr. wants me to go to see an ENT dr. and depending on what he says, a biopsy. I'm so scared! :(

There is also a posibility that the ENT will say that it's nothing :)

26-01-18, 21:30
There is also a posibility that the ENT will say that it's nothing :)

I hope so! The node is defiantly there, you can't see it but you can for sure feel it, right under the skin and feels like a firm bubble.

26-01-18, 22:05
I have/had a posterior cervical node too. I had a sore throat twice about a month ago. The first time it wasn't too bad but one posterior cervical node swelled up and it drove me nuts. It went away after a few days. Then, 2 weeks later I got the sore throat again, really bad this time and that node swelled to the size of a big grape and it was not tender. It was really visible. I went to an urgent care and they said it's viral. I showed the doctor the node and she said its probably related to the infection and if it doesn't go down in a few weeks after i feel better, to come back. It did go down a lot, it's not visible anymore, not even when i move or bend my neck to a side, but i can still find it if i look for it.

Maybe you were about to get a throat infection and your body was fighting it off.

26-01-18, 22:14
Thank you for sharing neuroticcat, I appreciate it. I'm hoping that is all it is. Who knows? I'm completely freaked out! My Dr. ran a CBC and my levels were all ok so she doesn't think I'm fighting anything off and that is why she wants me to see an ENT. I noticed this last Thursday, so 8 days ago and its remained swollen. It feels like a firm bubble I can move around.

27-01-18, 02:07
I am not a doctor, but this sounds more like a case of "CYA" (Cover your @$$). The doctor clearly wasn't concerned, but potentially after thought you should probably be seen by a specialist just to be safe.

I have tons of lymph nodes that are bigger than that and no problem at all. So hopefully the ENT will look at the US and say the same thing :)

27-01-18, 05:08
I am not a doctor, but this sounds more like a case of "CYA" (Cover your @$$). The doctor clearly wasn't concerned, but potentially after thought you should probably be seen by a specialist just to be safe.

I have tons of lymph nodes that are bigger than that and no problem at all. So hopefully the ENT will look at the US and say the same thing :)

Thank you, I really hope that is all it is. Its just weird while this is one is so noticeable. I literally feel like I'm moving around a piece of firm jello. Its so creepy. It defiantly feels "up."

27-01-18, 23:59
I'm so scared! :(

28-01-18, 16:07
Anyone? I'm in such a bad place as I wait for this appointment. I'm completely beside myself in fear. :(

Lymph node bottom left side of neck towards back (posterior cervical) soft and movable. Measured as Ovoid shape at 9.7 mm x 4.1 mm. Dr referred me to ENT for possible biopsy.

I've never been able to feel lymph nodes before. It's easy to feel but you can't see it, I don't think. Dr. Confirmed that it's swollen.

28-01-18, 17:18
Leslie, having been there I totally understand. The only words of wisdom I can share is what everyone said on the cancer boards I was part of. So many people would come on frantic and scared just like you. In fact, it was those individuals that led me here. The reality is...

It's not cancer until they say it is.

All you can do is try to keep a positive attitude.

Positive thoughts

28-01-18, 17:34
Leslie, having been there I totally understand. The only words of wisdom I can share is what everyone said on the cancer boards I was part of. So many people would come on frantic and scared just like you. In fact, it was those individuals that led me here. The reality is...

It's not cancer until they say it is.

All you can do is try to keep a positive attitude.

Positive thoughts

Thank you, I really appreciate your kind words. You're right, but someone who suffers anxiety, this is throwing flame to the fire. Really testing what I've been working so hard on the last 3 month.

It really has put things in perspective for me. All the other times, I now realize, I was bringing the fear on myself. Now I see the difference and I'm glad for that but this isn't how I wanted to figure it out. This is so scary and nothing compared to all the other "scares" I've had. I'm praying I just have an over alert doctor and it's nothing to worry over. I have searched through these forums extensively and have seen several lymph node posts so I see I'm not alone. I also read it being under a cm. Is good so why is my Dr referring me on? I asked her and she didn't really explain, just that my blood was normal so I'm not fighting anything. This is the 2nd time this practice has alarmed me like this, recently. :/ Sorry to ramble I'm just feeling lost and scared.

28-01-18, 21:41
just because you aren't fighting something now, doesn't mean you weren't two months ago: lymph nodes often remain enlarged for a long time...: sometimes they never go down.

---------- Post added at 21:41 ---------- Previous post was at 21:37 ----------

I agree with what someone else said: the doctors are covering their asses. Given its size and mobility I suspect it is HIGHLY unlikely it is anything sinister. I also suspect it has been there longer than you think. I know you are scared. But I don't think a non- anxiety sufferer would be feeling the same fear. Indeed they probably would've never noticed the node....

28-01-18, 22:07
Thank you, I really appreciate your kind words. You're right, but someone who suffers anxiety, this is throwing flame to the fire. Really testing what I've been working so hard on the last 3 month.

It really has put things in perspective for me. All the other times, I now realize, I was bringing the fear on myself. Now I see the difference and I'm glad for that but this isn't how I wanted to figure it out. This is so scary and nothing compared to all the other "scares" I've had. I'm praying I just have an over alert doctor and it's nothing to worry over. I have searched through these forums extensively and have seen several lymph node posts so I see I'm not alone. I also read it being under a cm. Is good so why is my Dr referring me on? I asked her and she didn't really explain, just that my blood was normal so I'm not fighting anything. This is the 2nd time this practice has alarmed me like this, recently. :/ Sorry to ramble I'm just feeling lost and scared.

Thank you :) If a time comes when you're facing a potential serious physical issue, it puts things in perspective for you. Of the tens of thousands of posts I've read, I know of TWO that turned out to be something. Both faced it head on and their anxiety took a back seat and stayed there since. Perhaps the current storm is a wake up call to address the anxiety that accompanies it.

Positive thoughts

28-01-18, 22:39
Hi Leslie

Sorry you're having this scare. If there's anyone here who knows about lymph nodes, it's FMP, but I just wanted to share with you that I went through a "scare" a few years ago with a node. Like you I was also referred to ENT, and then the radiologist decided it was "suspicious". Well I don't suffer from HA but cue full blown panic. Anyway long story short, it was completely fine. So I'd spent weeks imagining the worst (which was partially fuelled by incessant googling) and it turned out to be fine. The doctors thought it was most likely caused by a scratch or spot on my scalp. It can be something really insignificant which sets them off.

So, my advice is to get off Google, as you'll find all the worst case scenarios and statistics. And then follow what FMP said about "it's not cancer until they say it is". I know it's difficult but please don't torture yourself with the what ifs

Good luck and let us know how you get on :)

28-01-18, 23:59
Thank you, everyone for taking the time to reply to me. I really do appreciate it, as right now, I just feel so alone.

I will keep posted on everyone, hoping my Dr. is just over alert and this will all turn out to be no big deal.

JoJo: I did have a pretty nasty cold back at the beginning of December but that was near 2 months ago now.

---------- Post added at 23:59 ---------- Previous post was at 23:58 ----------

Hi Leslie

Sorry you're having this scare. If there's anyone here who knows about lymph nodes, it's FMP, but I just wanted to share with you that I went through a "scare" a few years ago with a node. Like you I was also referred to ENT, and then the radiologist decided it was "suspicious". Well I don't suffer from HA but cue full blown panic. Anyway long story short, it was completely fine. So I'd spent weeks imagining the worst (which was partially fuelled by incessant googling) and it turned out to be fine. The doctors thought it was most likely caused by a scratch or spot on my scalp. It can be something really insignificant which sets them off.

So, my advice is to get off Google, as you'll find all the worst case scenarios and statistics. And then follow what FMP said about "it's not cancer until they say it is". I know it's difficult but please don't torture yourself with the what ifs

Good luck and let us know how you get on :)

Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I really appreciate it! Far as I know I don't have any scratches or anything on my scalp? Did you have something visible or they just assumed that is what it was?

29-01-18, 14:01
Tomorrow is my appointment. I'm completely beside myself in fear. This is ruining me! :(

---------- Post added at 14:01 ---------- Previous post was at 13:55 ----------

Thank you :) If a time comes when you're facing a potential serious physical issue, it puts things in perspective for you. Of the tens of thousands of posts I've read, I know of TWO that turned out to be something. Both faced it head on and their anxiety took a back seat and stayed there since. Perhaps the current storm is a wake up call to address the anxiety that accompanies it.

Positive thoughts

I hope that is all this is. I pray it's God's way of showing me that and it's all going to be nothing. I'm trying to take comfort in the fact it's very moveable and soft and it's not visible. I think I feel one on the other side but it's not as easy to feel. I tried looking up if both sides could still be c. Or if it's just one but couldn'tldnt find anything concrete.

29-01-18, 17:41
I really wouldn’t worry, it’s such a small lymph node I agree with previous poster they are probably covering themselves and the biopsy isn’t 100% yet is it?

I don’t know where you live but they wouldn’t biopsy my friends node which was a lot larger than yours in the UK. you could literally see it coming out of her neck, because it was no concern and it went away a couple months later.. best of luck tomorrow x

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

29-01-18, 18:10
I really wouldn’t worry, it’s such a small lymph node I agree with previous poster they are probably covering themselves and the biopsy isn’t 100% yet is it?

I don’t know where you live but they wouldn’t biopsy my friends node which was a lot larger than yours in the UK. you could literally see it coming out of her neck, because it was no concern and it went away a couple months later.. best of luck tomorrow x

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thank you for sharing! That really brings a lot of comfort. I'm in the U.S. so not sure how he will handle it. Thank you!!

30-01-18, 14:03
Update: I saw my ENT this morning, who I completely adore, he's the best Dr! Anyway, he said it's under the worrisome threshold especially since I'm not experiencing other symptoms and it's under 1.5 cm. He wants to watch and wait for now but he's not worried at all. Repeat ultrasound in 4 months to see if any changes. He said my thyroid is slightly enlarged but nothing worrisome but because I have a family history with my Dad he wants to watch that, too. He thinks my node is just a left over reactive one from my cold in December. I fully trust this Dr and God, pretty good team, I'd say. I go back in May for the ultrasound.

30-01-18, 14:45
Hi Leslie. That is great news!! I'm so happy for you. Great that you have such a great doctor who you are comfortable with also. Now you can finally relax :D

30-01-18, 14:50
Update: I saw my ENT this morning, who I completely adore, he's the best Dr! Anyway, he said it's under the worrisome threshold especially since I'm not experiencing other symptoms and it's under 1.5 cm. He wants to watch and wait for now but he's not worried at all. Repeat ultrasound in 4 months to see if any changes. He said my thyroid is slightly enlarged but nothing worrisome but because I have a family history with my Dad he wants to watch that, too. He thinks my node is just a left over reactive one from my cold in December. I fully trust this Dr and God, pretty good team, I'd say. I go back in May for the ultrasound.

There ya go! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

30-01-18, 16:26
There ya go! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

awwh I was hoping for a "Told ya so!" lol! Yes, one thing my work lately has taught me to trust my doctors, they have the education and experience that I do not. I got my medical knowledge from school (I do have a medical degree but defiantly not doctor or nurse status) and google. Not exactly reliable. ;) Thankfully I have a great history with my ENT. He has treated myself (tonsils) my husband and son (tonsils), my Dad (thyroid) and my Mom (throat issues) and he has 21+ years of experience. I trust him. :yesyes: Now, the goal is not to go to the "what if" side. What if this starts growing and its just early stages, etc. MUST not go there. And I'm rambling...

---------- Post added at 16:26 ---------- Previous post was at 16:25 ----------

Hi Leslie. That is great news!! I'm so happy for you. Great that you have such a great doctor who you are comfortable with also. Now you can finally relax :D

Thank you eevee!

30-01-18, 16:45
awwh I was hoping for a "Told ya so!" lol! Yes, one thing my work lately has taught me to trust my doctors, they have the education and experience that I do not. I got my medical knowledge from school (I do have a medical degree but defiantly not doctor or nurse status) and google. Not exactly reliable. ;) Thankfully I have a great history with my ENT. He has treated myself (tonsils) my husband and son (tonsils), my Dad (thyroid) and my Mom (throat issues) and he has 21+ years of experience. I trust him. :yesyes: Now, the goal is not to go to the "what if" side. What if this starts growing and its just early stages, etc. MUST not go there. And I'm rambling...

---------- Post added at 16:26 ---------- Previous post was at 16:25 ----------

Thank you eevee!
Good to hear. I see an ENT on Thursday to examine my throat because of a sensation of something in my throat.

30-01-18, 16:56
Good to hear. I see an ENT on Thursday to examine my throat because of a sensation of something in my throat.

I'm sure everything will be fine. I get that too, totally normal with anxiety. *hugs*

30-01-18, 17:03
Yay! My money was on that outcome. Great news now reeeelax!

30-01-18, 18:02
Yay! My money was on that outcome. Great news now reeeelax!

Thank you!! :yesyes: I'm MUCH happier and relieved, just hoping the follow up ultrasound will show good news as well.

30-01-18, 23:35
Hi Leslie

No, they never found any scratches or spots, it was an assumption I think.

Anyway, more importantly, GREAT news! Really pleased to hear your update and that you are feeling so much better :)

30-01-18, 23:56
Hi Leslie

No, they never found any scratches or spots, it was an assumption I think.

Anyway, more importantly, GREAT news! Really pleased to hear your update and that you are feeling so much better :)

Thank you so much!! :) :yesyes::yahoo::flowers:

31-01-18, 02:39
Great news! I'm really happy for you!

31-01-18, 13:04
Great news! I'm really happy for you!

Thank you!! How are you feeling about yours?:hugs:

31-01-18, 14:35
I was much better yesterday after reading all the comments but the first thing I did this morning was touching the node. I think I touched it so much the past days that I made it swell a little bit.
Even if in my mind I know that it shrunk and that's a good sign, it still triggers my anxiety. Sometimes I don't even know what scares me. I think knowing that is there and touching it makes me remember all the horrible things I read online

01-02-18, 02:31
My ENT appointment is tomorrow morning to examine my throat. My anxiety is through the roof. I am hoping for good news.

01-02-18, 15:18
My ENT appointment is tomorrow morning to examine my throat. My anxiety is through the roof. I am hoping for good news.

What is going on with your throat? Praying all goes well, I'm sue it will. :hugs:

01-02-18, 15:37
awwh I was hoping for a "Told ya so!" lol!

Ask and ye shall receive! :D


Positive thoughts

01-02-18, 17:38
Had the ENT stick the camera down a nostril into my throat and told me he did not see any sings of cancer or anything malignant. He saw a lot of mucus in my throat and thinks the sensation I'm feeling in my throat is my throat reacting to the build up of mucus. He told me I could do a saline treatment or leave it alone to let things resolve on their own.

01-02-18, 19:19
YAY! Great news!!! :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 19:19 ---------- Previous post was at 19:18 ----------

Ask and ye shall receive! :D


Positive thoughts

HAHA! Love it! Thanks Fish! :flowers:

01-02-18, 20:22
Had the ENT stick the camera down a nostril into my throat and told me he did not see any sings of cancer or anything malignant. He saw a lot of mucus in my throat and thinks the sensation I'm feeling in my throat is my throat reacting to the build up of mucus. He told me I could do a saline treatment or leave it alone to let things resolve on their own.

Great outcome here, now you can relax yay! :)
Interesting about the mucus, as I've had this a lot over the last 25 years! lots of throat clearing too! Have often thought it was an allergy of some kind.

13-02-18, 18:42
Today, I'm having anxiety about the lymph node. Its been 4 weeks since I first noticed it and its still there, still the same. Some days, I think it could feel smaller but I'm not sure. My last cold was beginning of December so about 2.5 months ago. Otherwise I haven't had anything. I'm starting to get really nervous its not going away. My ENT is going to re ultrasound in May so that brings me some comfort but I'm praying it will just go away and I won't even need the ultrasound. I'm starting a new job on Monday and I was to fully indulge in it and enjoy the new experience but I just can't with this hanging over my head.

To sum up, lymph node on lower left side of neck. It measures 9.7 mm X 4.1 mm on ultrasound, last month, its movable, soft and painless. It feels like a small bean. I have felt all over my neck and none of my other lymph nodes can be felt, even with me digging for them. So what gives? I read about shotty lymph nodes but I've never been a lymph node checker so I dont know why I'd have one.

13-02-18, 19:32
So what gives?

Nothing. Nothing at all. Medically tested and proven It is what it is :)

Positive thoughts

13-02-18, 20:04
Nothing. Nothing at all. Medically tested and proven It is what it is :)

Positive thoughts

True, yes, and I agree. But why isn't it going down? Its a swollen node, not a normal node I can just feel. He also wants to re ultrasound in 4 months to check its size. :huh:

13-02-18, 20:45
True, yes, and I agree. But why isn't it going down? Its a swollen node, not a normal node I can just feel. He also wants to re ultrasound in 4 months to check its size. :huh:

Probably shotty from poking and prodding or some past infection and your doctor is doing what a good doctor should be doing. So keep your hands off it and follow up with your doctor in 4 months ;)

Positive thoughts

13-02-18, 21:15
Probably shotty from poking and prodding or some past infection and your doctor is doing what a good doctor should be doing. So keep your hands off it and follow up with your doctor in 4 months ;)

Positive thoughts

Its defiantly not from poking and prodding because I've never been a node checker. I discovered this by accident. I'm hoping its from a cold I had back in December and its eventually going to go down and be gone so I won't even need to follow up.

13-02-18, 21:22
I'm hoping its from a cold I had back in December and its eventually going to go down and be gone so I won't even need to follow up.

Well that makes total sense doesn't it? :winks: Especially in light of all the tests. Even if it goes down check in with your doctor to see if he wants to follow up, but you know the dragon and how he works so it might be worth an office visit at that time and let the doctor decide :)

In the mean time, don't let the dragon steal your thunder. You got clean test results so there's no reason to be concerned. I've been there and wasn't so fortunate so I'm speaking from experience.

Positive thoughts

13-02-18, 21:33
Well that makes total sense doesn't it? :winks: Especially in light of all the tests. Even if it goes down check in with your doctor to see if he wants to follow up, but you know the dragon and how he works so it might be worth an office visit at that time and let the doctor decide :)

In the mean time, don't let the dragon steal your thunder. You got clean test results so there's no reason to be concerned. I've been there and wasn't so fortunate so I'm speaking from experience.

Positive thoughts

It does make sense, mostly. I keep reading that they should go down within a couple weeks of being sick, even the Dr. said that. That is what is throwing me off. Yea, I plan to follow up with my ENT regardless I'm just hoping I won't need the ultrasound. I hope it was clean results? I took it more as a "lets wait and see if it grows by doing another ultrasound to make sure." I mean thats better than what I fear, of course, but still not completely dismissed and I don't need to think about it.

I know the dragon is trying to get a hold of me. I can see it and I have realized it. My work I've been doing has made me realize what is going on here, but just having a bit of a set back the last couple of days. I tried to refrain from updating my thread but finally gave in. Hey, at least I delayed right? ugh lol!

14-02-18, 00:53
I’ve found a lot with my lymph nodes they always feel bigger than they are because your head is telling you that, looking at your measurements it’s not really even that swollen?

Don’t let it eat you up, you have a scan in 4 months and I bet if you leave it till then you will feel so much better :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

14-02-18, 03:45
Hi so this is really really random, but I just discovered today a little pea sized bump on the left part of my neck to the left of the spine that is movable and soft. My throat has been killing me for the past couple of days, and I’ve been so worried about tonsillitis happening again. I’ve never had swollen lymph nodes were really even knew about them until reading this post, and I can’t help but to think that I found it for reason. I’m curious as to where this this could be related to the thyroid? Every day for the past six months my throat has had this strange sensation while at work that I have to take ibuprofen to cure any pain.

14-02-18, 04:42
I have a problem too, the lymph node I have all of a sudden feels harder

---------- Post added at 04:36 ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 ----------

Cherryolivia is the lump moveable and/or squishy?

---------- Post added at 04:42 ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 ----------

Oh yes it is so that means ur probably on the clear, it seems normal, that’s how normal nodes are

14-02-18, 15:03
Hi so this is really really random, but I just discovered today a little pea sized bump on the left part of my neck to the left of the spine that is movable and soft. My throat has been killing me for the past couple of days, and I’ve been so worried about tonsillitis happening again. I’ve never had swollen lymph nodes were really even knew about them until reading this post, and I can’t help but to think that I found it for reason. I’m curious as to where this this could be related to the thyroid? Every day for the past six months my throat has had this strange sensation while at work that I have to take ibuprofen to cure any pain.

Sounds like mine and very similar location. I'm sure yours is related to the sore throat. Ugh I hate it and wish it'd go away!

14-02-18, 15:33
To let you know that lymph nodes can be nothing, even if you have issues. I had the same tests done on my thyroid three years ago, because I have a history for other reasons. I had three and one of mine turned out to be papillary carcinoma. (Don't freak out, I had it out, was so small it didn't need treatment and I am free of it today), but I had a small peanut shaped lymph node on my collarbone that they tested and it was nothing, even though I actually had something. Before you jump to conclusions, thyroid nodules are usually benign, so your doctors watch and wait is not a bad way to go.

14-02-18, 16:29
Guys, is having a lymph node that suddenly got harder for me but not rock hard normal??

14-02-18, 20:39
Guys, is having a lymph node that suddenly got harder for me but not rock hard normal??

Depends. Sometimes it can be normal if you have an infection. I don't know about this for sure. I'm not that "up" on lymph nodes exactly.

14-02-18, 20:54
To let you know that lymph nodes can be nothing, even if you have issues. I had the same tests done on my thyroid three years ago, because I have a history for other reasons. I had three and one of mine turned out to be papillary carcinoma. (Don't freak out, I had it out, was so small it didn't need treatment and I am free of it today), but I had a small peanut shaped lymph node on my collarbone that they tested and it was nothing, even though I actually had something. Before you jump to conclusions, thyroid nodules are usually benign, so your doctors watch and wait is not a bad way to go.

Thank you for your story. My Dad also had papillary carcinoma back in 2016. I also had nodules on my thyroid but choosing not to worry about it. My Dr. will handle it as he sees fit.

My concern is the lymph node but trying to keep it under control.

---------- Post added at 20:54 ---------- Previous post was at 20:52 ----------

Guys, is having a lymph node that suddenly got harder for me but not rock hard normal??

Have you been prodding it?

14-02-18, 21:38
Yes actually, I have

14-02-18, 21:41
Yes actually, I have

Aren't you in school now? :shrug:

Positive thoughts

14-02-18, 21:43
Yep, but it’s lunch

04-06-18, 22:50
Bumping this thread up, I have my follow up ultrasound on the 18th and seeing the ENT on the 20th for my results/follow up. I have done quite well over the last 4 months on not letting the fear of it get a hold of me too much and I have been doing really well with not prodding it. BUT now that I have the appointment scheduled my mind is going wild and I'm getting really anxious over it and its caused me to start prodding it. The node is still there. I don't think its grown but its hard to tell sometimes. It still moves pretty easily but I do think its firmer than it use to be. I use to describe it as firm jello but now it feels rubbery but still pretty small (like 1/2 a pea I'd say) and moves very easily. I know thats all good signs but my anxiety is trying to get the best of me. Anyway, nothing I can do but wait I guess.

08-06-18, 10:44
Hope all goes well on your check up, Leslie!

08-06-18, 16:34
Hope all goes well on your check up, Leslie!
