View Full Version : Constantly worried about developing a dangerous illness

27-01-18, 05:02
So, I have anxiety. This forum actually helps me out a lot. But recently I've been noticing that I've been constantly assuming the worst case scenarios for minor 'issues', if they can even be called that.

First, I found a tiny bit of metal in a slice of pizza I was eating. For the next week, I couldn't stop thinking I had tetanus and was gonna die. Then with that fear gone, and a vaccine update later, I was convinced I was developing appendicitis. After that I minorly choked on a tiny bit of food and thought I was going to get aspiration pneumonia, and today a dog I know has been vaccinated and watch all the time happened to accidentally lick the inside of my mouth (ew gross) and now all that's on my mind is rabies and C. canimorsus.

The annoying thing is that I know the odds are I don't have the issue. But I know enough about disease to know a few worst case scenarios, and they terrify me regardless of odds. Does anyone have any advice?

27-01-18, 07:07
I'm not sure I have much advice as I do sympathy. Just know that you aren't alone and a majority of us here suffer these kinds of feelings and thoughts as well. That alone helped me to see my anxiety for what it truly is. Just anxiety.

It's so hard to change a thought process. Distraction works the best for me and I feel the best when I keep myself, and my mind, busy.

27-01-18, 07:51
I go through countless illnesses and accidents and unfortunate ways to become a conculusion per year, I even convince myself I possess them or have them dormant within me, died so many times but still here if this is actually, you know, here :blush: it is useful to be aware of the many maladies one can succumb to and encounter and endure, but you realize so much you cannot prevent, just be on the lookout for clusters of symptoms that spell out DANGER and educate yourself on family history and vulnerabilities your own body has revealed in life. Have to focus on trying to live whilst you're around and healthy or you'll just be miserable and expecting to wither away every single hour of the day.

11-03-18, 04:16
I feel you, I have these same thoughts that I am going to get cancer, or have a hearattack or a blood clot and I keep searching google and yeah big mistake, I used to not do this, worry about things, I am even worried that when I cut my finger chopping food and such that It won't stop bleeding, I wish I had advice for you, but one thing I can say and I am trying to do this myself, is check with yourself and ask, do you have this symptom or this symptom or this, if not then I don't have it, oh and don't google or look on web md, big mistakes, I am guilty of doing this and setting myself up for a panic and anxiety attack.