View Full Version : Worried about my cold

27-01-18, 11:28
Last year my Dad took me the GP because I was sneezing a lot more than usually, she gave me some spray (I have had my flu shot last year) but worried I have cold after cold. I am scared it is a blood cancer or some other type of cancer.

She says it could be allegy to something.

I have not lost weight even though the dentist assistant thought I lost a bit of weight. I struggled to put on weight no matter what I eat.

27-01-18, 11:40
Yeah I always have that in winter. When I recover from a cold but before I'm fully recovered I get another one :wacko: It's horrible but meh, it gets better in Spring. In 2017, from May till like July I was sick on and off... it was horrendous

27-01-18, 11:49
How on earth have you made a connection from frequent colds to cancer? Thats so illogical I honestly would struggle to explain why. Your doctor said it could be some kind of allergy, or you know what, its a time in your life (are you under 30 years old) where you get lots of colds?

27-01-18, 11:53
I am 34. my Dad said when he was in his 30s he had sneezing fits. I wish the whether will make it mind up,

27-01-18, 12:04
how have you worked out that a common cold is a sign of blood cancer??????

I have just googled (don't have HA) and the only way I got anything to appear saying it does is by googling "common cold cancer" ?!?!?!

STOP GOOGLING!!! stop putting the word cancer if you do google!!! of course you are going to get snotty nose - sneezing = Cancer if you do that!!

It is winter, the cold season. colds hang about in the winter and make you sneeze

you have a cold, you don't have cancer

27-01-18, 12:11
Yes that's all it is a nasty 'Common' cold, common why cause it affect loads of people across the uk this time of any year. Cancer not even a remote chance Ahh now get some lemsip etc down you ATB