View Full Version : Constant aching left shoulder blade area

27-01-18, 15:36
For a couple days I had some sinus like headaches that have now passed. Then I got a stuffy nose that keeps me awake bc I feel like I can't breath well at night. That seems to be lessening too but while all this has been going on the past 3ish days I've had a constant dull ache in my left shoulder blade area. Now I know since my panic attacks came I've had this too but now I'm worried I have pnemonia or something as I've read some experience back pain with that.

I've been taking oregano oil 3 drops a day and just started a probiotic today as I've read candida in the gut can actually cause anxiety and panic attacks. Which makes sense bc when I had tmy two attacks I'd eaten TONS of sugar those days which feeds candida and causes it to grow. I read a study where mice given candida in their gut became incredibly anxious and when treated with a probiotic, they normalized. I also have psoriasis which often indicates candida overgrowth. Prior to having my son I cleared my psoriasis in 3 months by taking oregano oil (which is antifungal/bacterial/viral). So that confirmed to me that it was in fact caused by candida. All of this info makes me think the gut imbalance is causing my anxiety and panic and my psoriasis is incredibly bad again. I've cut sugar in all forms including fruit and grains and frankly feel much better (anxiety symptoms disappearing more each day). Except this back ache which is concerning me! Does anyone else have a nagging back ache with anxiety?

27-01-18, 15:41
All the time. My back is like a block of wood it's so stiff, and the worst part is on my shoulder blades.

27-01-18, 16:11
So sorry to hear that! I'm going to try a hot shower and exercise today and remain positive that this too is my anxiety talking. I'll keep everyone updated on my progress, just started my probiotic today. Best of luck to you too!