View Full Version : No life no friends no girlfriend spending everyday of my life inside please help me

27-01-18, 21:07
Where should i start i dropped out of school never had friends or girlfriend or someone to talk to spent everyday of my life inside playing videoo games and board games by myself watching stuff reading stuff no online friends either also i dont really have money i dont know how to get a job i want to move out live alone or with someone that i can be with i dont really have a wardrobe too only few shirts and 2-3 jeans please tell me where to start what should i do its just me and my pc video games and thats it :frown:. I'm sorry for my grammar and also i dont really use ponctuation . Hopefully you will understand it

27-01-18, 21:28

It's difficult to offer advice.

I would have thought the obvious first step would be to find a job, anything at first. I assume you're living with your parents?

Not sure which country you're in or how viable it is to move out/cost etc.

27-01-18, 21:41
As Ankietyjoe said getting a job is the key to solving most of your problems. A job will give you a purpose and more importantly, the money and confidence to go out there and get a girlfriend.

27-01-18, 21:45
....and work colleagues who you can socialise with, and the ability to buy new clothes, and mean that you can't sit all day playing video games.

27-01-18, 22:37

It's difficult to offer advice.

I would have thought the obvious first step would be to find a job, anything at first. I assume you're living with your parents?

Not sure which country you're in or how viable it is to move out/cost etc.
I dont know how to get a job i live in bulgaria

---------- Post added at 22:36 ---------- Previous post was at 22:35 ----------

As Ankietyjoe said getting a job is the key to solving most of your problems. A job will give you a purpose and more importantly, the money and confidence to go out there and get a girlfriend.
How do i get a job ?

---------- Post added at 22:37 ---------- Previous post was at 22:36 ----------

....and work colleagues who you can socialise with, and the ability to buy new clothes, and mean that you can't sit all day playing video games.
My health is probably shit will die young when im 30 probably or 25

27-01-18, 22:42
Hi, and welcome

I'm not sure exactly how it works in Bulgaria but I'm sure it's pretty similar to most places. You look for a job vacancy, then fill out an application. If that's successful you'll get an interview, and if the interview goes well enough you'll be offered the job. Some places might do things slightly differently but that's the standard process.

Do you suffer with anxiety? Who do you have for support?

29-01-18, 15:50
I dont know how to get a job i live in bulgaria

Well, we don't know either as we don't like in Bulgaria. How do they advertise jobs there ? Newspapers? Internet? A job centre? local shops?

In order to make life changes, such as the ones you are hoping to make, you need to take some actions yourself and others can't make up solutions on your behalf.

30-01-18, 18:00
Hi there,
You could try going for a walk each day to get some fresh air.
Try to join a volunteer group to help people.
Look for clubs, groups to join.

There are people for everyone on this planet, but first you have to try.

Even the greatest journey starts with one step.

Good luck.

31-01-18, 23:55
Look for a job as they all say but in the meantime you need to distract yourself.
Start learning a new language off the internet, or how to make websites or code or something. All these are marketable skills as well as a great passtime. Also look for groups to join and events to go to through the internet. You dont have to speak to anyone when you go, just start going somewhere with a purpose.

01-02-18, 10:28
If you don't have social anxieties you could always join a club based around your interests or maybe a gym to improve your health and fitness as that would be a way to meet new people also.

Also regarding the job, does Bulgaria have any online job vacancy websites? Or even a phone app maybe? That way you could look through available jobs on your pc/phone.

Good luck.