View Full Version : Sudden zaps electric shock in brain

27-01-18, 21:37
I just joined the site today cause I need to know more about what I'm feeling and if anyone you have gone though this or found away to make it stop, for about 6-7 months now I've been getting a sudden zap or shock in the back of my head it's like losing consciousness for a millisecond and after that my vision is blurry like I'm staring through a screen door and my balence is way off it feels like the ground is bouncing when I walk or like walking in a fun house and I always get ringing in my right ear shortly after , im not on any medication or havent been for 10 years and back then I was put on Aderall and before that Concerta for school, please if anybody has info or somthing that makes this go away let me know I need my life back

28-01-18, 07:38
Hey andrew, yes that’s exactly like what I get, like I’ve been turned on and off really fast but I haven’t. It’s almost like I’ve gone under water or something weird, I hate the feeling and yes my eyes are blurry after but that’s the anxiety kicking in. It’s happens most often when I’m on my computer - but I get them sometimes super randomly as well. Feels like a mini seizure but it’s not a seizure. Dr told me it’s from the body releasing built up adrenalin which meals sense as it kinda feels like that!!!

28-01-18, 13:17
Anxiety head and brain zaps anxiety symptom description: It feels as if your head, brain, or both have experienced a sudden shake, vibration, tremor, jolt, electric shock, or zap. Some people describe the head and brain zaps symptoms as if the brain has been suddenly jolted by electricity or strong electric charge. .

28-01-18, 21:40
Have you don't anything that helps them from not coming back? Thanks for taking the time to read and reply

29-01-18, 10:32
Hi Andrew

I had something very similar on Friday night. I'd drank coffee (a big NO NO for me - it makes me anxious) and I felt anxious/jittery all night. Then for about 2-3 seconds I had a very strange feeling in my head...sort of like a vibration/shock. Really hard to explain.

Of course I worried about brain tumour/seizure...but in all likelihood it was caffeine related anxiety.

If you've been taking SSRI ADs, and came off them, it could be that.

29-01-18, 12:39
No meds and stopped having caffeine 5 months ago to see if it would help and pretty sure brain tumor is ruled out cause I've gotten 2 mri's one of my brain and the other of neck /spine, was kinda disappointed when nothing was found cause I wanted there to be a problem to fix