View Full Version : What is this rash?

05-01-18, 18:51
Hi all. This is my first time posting, I'm also new to this page.
About a week ago, literally from morning till night, I found a load of these red under the skin spots on my legs, some tiny red ones grouped together, but then some bruise type of thing that are much stronger in colour. I think I have had more since then, but not entirely sure if that's just the panic in me. They don't itch or feel rough or anything so that's why I'm thinking they are probably petechiae.
I am really worried about this mainly because they appeared so suddenly and without any precedent, no injuries, no medication nothing. The only thing that changed prior to this was that I took some vitamin c for about a week and then probably stopped around the same time these appeared. Could it be sepsis or any other blood infection that can kill you? I have 3 small children and the thought of leaving them is paralyzing!
I went to see my gp today and she called me back for a blood test on Monday and referred to a specialist afterwords to check out my veins or something.
I've had a full blood test at summertime sometime and that all came back fine.
Has anyone experienced anything similar? ( I know there are many posts about petechiae, but I couldn't find any that described the larger bruise like spots)
Thank you for any replies!

05-01-18, 19:30
Hey there,

I have the same sorts of markings all over my body, and only noticed how many I had once I had learnt about blood poisoning and other related diseases. It’s always good to get them checked out just in case but based on just having them alone signifies it’s most likely nothing to worry about (like mine). Blood poisoning/septacemia would make you extremely poorly, so poorly you wouldn’t be able to type what you just did. Rashes alone aren’t anything to worry about so I would certainly say you’re absolutely fine and the blood tests from before coming back fine add to this. I hope you have a great new year and the doctor can put your mind at rest.

Peace and love

05-01-18, 22:55
I get petechiae all the time and at times I even get splinter hemorrhages under my nails.. When I first started to notice them, I freaked out and started googling all I could about them, which sent me back and forth to the doctors but after a bunch of blood work nothing wrong was found. Its been years now and I still get them all the time.
Its good to get it checked out but its likely nothing to worry about.

What's wrong with your veins?

06-01-18, 06:40
Thank you so much for replying!!
I am trying to get through to the weekend without panicking too much, but it's so hard... every other thought I have is this...
Nothing is wrong with my veins as far as we know, I think she is sending me to this specialist due to these red spots, but only after we get the blood results back.

17-01-18, 10:44
Hi all
I'm currently sitting at the dermatologists office waiting to be seen for a skin issue I have posted about here. Anyway, I haven't drank coffee for about a week now and this morning I decided to have an espresso. That was about an hour and half ago. Ever since I have been feeling quite odd, a bit dizzy, light headed, especially when I move my head or change the direction of my vision, it's almost like my eyes (or brain) can't keep up with the speed!? I'm also feeling a little shaky. I'm on my period also, not sure if that contributes with anything at all? I have moments when I feel like I might pass out, but not sure if it's just the panic in me or actual sensation.
Anyone any input please???

17-01-18, 10:56
An expresso is the "shot of vodka" of the coffee world. I don't drink coffee at all because of the symptoms you describe. Coffee should be avoided if you have anxiety as it most likely will cause problems. If you like coffee, try decaffeinated :D

17-01-18, 11:03
yep it can..... especially espresso

17-01-18, 17:49
Coffee can cause palpitations, shakes, tremors, anxiety, sweating, lightheadedness, fast heart rate, and the need to urinate more frequently. Espresso is a concentrated form of a cup of coffee...if you or your body is not used to it, then you can certainly have symptoms. Also, symptoms are worse if you drank it on a empty stomach..

17-01-18, 17:59
Oh yes it sure can and espresso has more caffeine in it then regular coffee.

17-01-18, 22:44
Thank you everybody for your replies!!
It must have been the coffee, because shortly after leaving the dr's I started feeling much better :) Lesson learned for sure!

28-01-18, 06:13
Hi all

I have posted before with regards to these rashes that appeared on my legs a few weeks ago which I I initially thought were petechiae. Well been to the Dr since who's done blood tests that came back fine, then sent me to a dermatologist who diagnosed it as eczema. I am having a hard time trusting this diagnosis because they don't itch to begin with and they cannot be felt over the skin (to me they look like they are under the skin).
Has anybody seen anything like this before and have had a diagnosis? Also I'm not just looking at getting rid of these, but would like to find the source and treat that instead.

28-01-18, 06:31
Well, its not often I'd say this to someone on here (disclaimer disclaimer I'm not a medic and this isn't medical advice)....but I think I'd have a hard time believing that too. Arrgghhh I know I shouldnt have said that, but you aren't posting under the HA section. They don't look at all like eczema, and presumably doesnt feel like it in real life. You have what looks like lots of red blood spot things under the skin, kind of what I get from scratching too hard, infact it looks exactly like what I get from scratching too hard lol. UNLESS what the dermatologist is saying is that you are scratching from the eczema and causing this? However, you did say they don't itch, therefore you can't be scratching.

My Dad gets these where there has been pressure on his skin on his lower legs, he gets it even from tight socks - but he is on blood thinning meds and its kind of been put down to that. Do you know.....if whatever lotion or potion he has given you bears no results.....I would be requesting a second opinion myself.

On the positive side, your doctor has done blood tests which have come back clear, so that rules out anything really nasty that you had fears about (I read your other thread on this).

28-01-18, 08:27

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


28-01-18, 12:46

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


No worries and apologies!

---------- Post added at 13:46 ---------- Previous post was at 13:41 ----------

Well, its not often I'd say this to someone on here (disclaimer disclaimer I'm not a medic and this isn't medical advice)....but I think I'd have a hard time believing that too. Arrgghhh I know I shouldnt have said that, but you aren't posting under the HA section. They don't look at all like eczema, and presumably doesnt feel like it in real life. You have what looks like lots of red blood spot things under the skin, kind of what I get from scratching too hard, infact it looks exactly like what I get from scratching too hard lol. UNLESS what the dermatologist is saying is that you are scratching from the eczema and causing this? However, you did say they don't itch, therefore you can't be scratching.

My Dad gets these where there has been pressure on his skin on his lower legs, he gets it even from tight socks - but he is on blood thinning meds and its kind of been put down to that. Do you know.....if whatever lotion or potion he has given you bears no results.....I would be requesting a second opinion myself.

On the positive side, your doctor has done blood tests which have come back clear, so that rules out anything really nasty that you had fears about (I read your other thread on this).

Thank you for your reply! I will definitely go and look for a more competent dermatologist and also going to see a vein specialist that I have a referral to also.
Normally I don't bruise so easily and these spots don't itch at all, the only thing I can think of that is on these lines is my children especially my 16m old is always hanging off my legs, but still I find it hard to believe that this is would be that!

28-01-18, 12:56
You are welcome, I'm glad you are moving on with the vein specialist and another dermatologist, do come back and update when you get a chance :)

03-06-18, 18:34
I know this is old now, but did you ever find out what this was? Like you, I have three small children, and about two months ago recognized these same spots on my lower leg! Your post is LITERALLY the only post I can find on google (and trust me I been looking) and I’m starting to panic. I’ve seen my PCP and she wasn’t concerned but gave me no diagnoses or testing. I took it upon myself to make an appointment with a well known derm who has years of experience and is wells known in my city, and he didn’t use the dermascope or anything, but said “this is eczema, do you have nasal allergies” and pand scribed me steroid cream which have not helped. HE said come back at the end of this month if it doesn’t go away and he will do a “small biopsy just for me”. I don’t know how to take this, did he say it for me for real or was it because he’s secretly worried... hmm... I’m just worried at this point and I’m in a constant panic!