View Full Version : mirtazapine withdrawals???

28-01-18, 08:55
I have been on mirtazapine for over 7 years and on a 45mgs for most of that time and over the past month they have had me reducing and last week finally stopped it all together, i was fine reducing and even fine when stopped all together until around 2-3 days after but now im having what im assuming are terrible withdrawals,feeling sick, shaky,flu like symptoms, sleeping is terrible, wobbly on my feet at times, muscles cramping at times, really huge list of things and feel terrible
just wondering how long I should expect theses feeling s to last as I spoke to my cpn/care co-ordinator on Friday and she basically asked me to bare it out until my gp appointment which is not until Friday coming, but im getting worse by the daytime even getting to the point where im having 2 or 3 beers just to take the edge off and help me get at least 3 or 4 hours sleep, but my usual exercise which I would do to help with anxiety issues etc I cannot do as it makes me feel even worse at the moment

Violet Blue
28-01-18, 09:07
Hello James

It sounds as if you reduced too quickly. Doctors are pretty clueless when it comes to knowing about withdrawal symptoms, but those of us who do come off the tabs know how difficult it is.

I was only on 15mg mirtazapine for a few months and I found it comparatively easy to come off. Everyone is different so there's no point thinking you'll be the same but I know with me for the first month off if I was fine, but I got worse after and in the third month especially I had sleep and digestion problems. After about four months I was fine.

No idea what to suggest with you, but very good luck to you. :hugs:

28-01-18, 09:37
thanks for the reply Violet,it was the psychiatrist who instructed the gp how to reduce me and he promised me no withdrawals or side effects but so I was not expecting any ill effects at all so its all come out of the bluets as if they dont really care to be honest, its like its ok its only withdrawals its not going to kill your was on 45mg most of that 7 years and even on 60mg for a period of that but never below 30mg
at the minute everything is going out the window so to speak lol
thanks again for your reply

Violet Blue
28-01-18, 09:44
You were PROMISED no side effects??? How many years of study before they deliver this nonsense to us?

I am so sorry you've been through this but it's all too common, as you'll read on here.

Perhaps go back to your GP and explain how terrible you're feeling. If you're lucky to not be working during this time (as I was) the whole thing may be more bearable.

Take care and keep in touch if it helps. Xxx

28-01-18, 10:13
You were PROMISED no side effects??? How many years of study before they deliver this nonsense to us?

I am so sorry you've been through this but it's all too common, as you'll read on here.

Yeah, and it's even recorded on the drug databases and will be on the PIL in the box.

I remember another member in Australia who's psychiatrist refused to accept withdrawal was possible.

It's annoying for James too because he's moving onto a med with no interactions with this Mirt so I don't see why they need to even do this so fast? :shrug:

Violet Blue
28-01-18, 10:45
Yes I was thinking of that lady too. I just hate to think that this situation may be made worse by more drugs. I found the worst thing is when you have a symptom you don't know what is causing what, could be the original illness, etc.

28-01-18, 11:03
I think you are right there VB, I remember someone on here talking about how they had to see an out of hours GP once and he had been on antidepressants himself and it changed his views to a more cautious approach.

When I started my latest med it was a real nightmare with symptoms, all new things I had never had before. Then the OCD started which had only ever been a minor trait thing for me and I spent ages thinking I was losing it until I found places like this where I could make sense of things through the experienced people on here as well as reading articles.

I think Shaz ended up giving that psychiatrist the boot over all that. At least they should know all about this stuff, we can be more forgiving of GP's.

Violet Blue
28-01-18, 11:15
Well, we don't have to pay our GPs.... I'd be pretty peeved if I paid a lot of money to be told that how I was feeling was nothing to do with the drug they'd prescribed, as Shaz would have done (being from New Zealand).

Drugs don't work for me, but I know they can keep people alive and functioning, it's just a lottery what actually does work for each person. I would advise James try to stay away from all ADs, but I'm no expert of course.

28-01-18, 18:43
thanks for the advice and support, the reason the taking me off dirt is a new diagnosis so they are starting me on mood stabilisers,topiramate I have just started on but im almost certain these feelings have nothing to do with the new meds its withdraws from the mist I would swear blind on it, i have diazepam for appointments etc as my anxiety is so bad but as I only get rationed amount per month im reluctant to use it for dealing with these withdrawals but my care co-ordinator/cpn suggested that too me on Friday but like I said I get small amount per month to start with so if im using it to cope at home alone that means im not going to be going anywhere at all due to no diazepam for appointments as at present I get enough for twice at week maybe 3 at a push

Violet Blue
29-01-18, 13:57
Hi James

Yes, I was wondering if mirtazapine had actually helped your mental condition. I know for me it didn't so it was a no brainer to come off it. It seems odd if the mirtazapine did help they should switch you, regardless of having a new diagnosis.

There was a time for a few months in 2016 I couldn't cope with GP waiting rooms so had phone appointments. I think I slipped through the net really - didn't make a fuss, no diazapine, etc. But I can imagine it must be a very scary time for you.

30-01-18, 08:51
To be honest I got to the stage where I had no idea if the meds where helping or not not if that makes any sense,all they seemed to do was make me foggy headed all day every day and even telling the so called experts this year after year all they seemed to do was suggest change dosage,carry on with breathing techniques and exercise and new therapies and I understand totally what you mean about go wait rooms or any waiting rooms for that matter if it wasn’t for diazepam I wouldn’t even manage them myself,I find it crazy I have to to take meds to go see a gp or psych to see about getting more meds,all I want to do is be well enough to work again,I kind of accept il never be totally anxiety/panic free or whatever it is that’s wrong with me but just to be able to manage it enough to go to work each day and start living again is all I want
Thanks again fir your contact and sharing it’s good to talk as they say lol

Violet Blue
30-01-18, 09:33
No worries. I can tell when someone is in genuine anguish, unlike a lot of people on here.

It does take real effort to get better, but it is possible. I live alone so I had no choice but to do things myself, like supermarket shopping, so it forced me out. As I say I quit the drugs too. It's horrible for you to be like that for years.

I'm not free from anxiety, like you I don't think I ever will be that, but that crippling disability has mainly gone.

Just try to do little things. How far can you walk alone, for example?

30-01-18, 20:40
It may not make much sense but I git to the stage where I have no idea if meds apart from diazepam actually made any difference at all lol I did tell them this over a period of years but all I got was a change in dosage and told to carry on with my breathing techniques and exercise and I know exactly what you mean about waiting rooms if it wasn’t for diazepam I wouldn’t manage them at all either,it’s crazy I need to take meds to go see the gp or psych for more meds lol
Thanks for your contact Violet sometimes just talking to somebody with similar experiences can be huge help
Thanks again fir taking time to message

---------- Post added at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 17:30 ----------

Sorry violet didn’t realise my previous message had posted lol

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:32 ----------

Well like you Violet I live alone so push myself to get my shopping but go first thing on a morning while it’s quiet but even then it’s a major task and have attacks,I have 2 dogs that I walk regular that force me out too so I take them round fields 5 Mins from home and I do graduated exposure,walk each day without meds Just 10 mins until it becomes to uncomfortable then return home but I could never go to local shops etc in middle of day without meds,if I didn’t have my dogs apart from shopping I wouldn’t leave the house apart from appointments so I walk them 4 times a day even on really bad days if it means I have to take a route that avoids people all together they still get there walk lol

---------- Post added at 20:40 ---------- Previous post was at 17:38 ----------

Thank you again though fir taking time out of your day it really is appreciated

31-01-18, 01:17
Hi Borojames - Hope the topiramate works out okay. Drug switches by docs can be brutal - they aren't the ones copping it. It may be an idea to keep some mirtazapine and diazepam in check.

Violet Blue
31-01-18, 06:36
Morning James

There's no easy solution, in short, however it is great you've got your dogs to get you out every day. They will understand you really go through it too, bless them.

When on mirtazapine I did well if I walked ten mins away from my flat or car. Often it was metres before having to return, I just felt so sick I couldn't continue. I got exercise by taking short walks or walking round some streets without venturing far (on a good day). Funnily enough it was easier running during that time.

But the mirtazapine had no adverse effects when I was at home, no weight gain. I've got the weight gain now!

Do you have friends and family nearby?

Violet Blue
31-01-18, 14:17
I'm going to come off NMP as it's doing my head in (which rather defeats the object).

Do message me though if you want to keep in touch and I'll give you my email address.

31-01-18, 14:43
Hi all,

My psych done exactly the same. Took me off 30mg over 8 days and I crashed hard with the withdrawals including my depression and anxiety back. I reinstated and only now after 2 weeks am I having one or 2 days a week which feels ‘normal’, I have had to go off work too as the withdrawals were to harsh to stay at work :-(

I just want to be better and be at work, I feel like my lively hood has been robbed. The psych also said I wouldn’t get withdrawals... I think because it’s softer than SSRI withdrawal they think it’s manageable...

What a joke

31-01-18, 15:15
iv had no issues with weight gain but saying that I do exercise at home on a daily basis so that may help lol and I have my parents not far from me but don't like putting on them to be honest and when I try and talk about my issues they kind of clam up and look little awkward so tend to only say as little as possible to them about how I am,probaly like you I tend to say say to most people when asked how I am oh yeah I'm fine lol my usual answer when actually I'm far from it but think people get feuds of hearing my problems
iv sent you private message regarding you leaving here and offer of email
thanks again for your help and hope you got my private message Violet

---------- Post added at 15:15 ---------- Previous post was at 15:13 ----------

yes Benjamin they think its more manageable than it is as they never been through it themselves only read about it, they really have no idea half the time

Violet Blue
31-01-18, 16:26
Sent email address, feel free to write.

Benjamin, yet again it staggers me that psychs think it's ok to come off these drugs in 8 days. You're right, it's a joke but a flaming unfunny one.

I'm wound up by NMP, but not because of people like you trying to manage meds and other genuine people, but by the attention seeking HAers.

There's a 'child' on here, and you feel like saying to people trying to help, "that is a child on social media, are you crazy??" But actually, I'm fairly certain they aren't a child, so I guess that's ok.

Yup, I've gone mad too. Good luck chaps, hope you get your lives back soon.

31-01-18, 18:41
well hope you change your mind Violet,i sent you an email any way so even if you do decide do stop this site hopefully can stay in touch

01-02-18, 14:30
hey Benjamin how you getting on at the mo with withdrawals ?
things any better or any change with meds etc?

02-02-18, 06:08
Hi mate - things are getting there gradually. I’m less suicidal, my mood has uplifted etc I just keep having repetitive thoughts over and over again which is like my brain wakes up and chooses to focus on one thing then over analysis it all day - it’s tiring.
How r u mate? U ok?

02-02-18, 10:35
To be honest withdrawals getting slightly better but still far from right lol I’m like a totally different person to this time 2 month ago behaviour wise,just git back from gp he a good gp but not to helpful today he got me booked in for bloods to rule out anything other than medication issues,guess that’s what they have to do so it business as usual carrry on trying to get through day by day,all we can do is take it a day at a time Benjamin,he said we don’t really want to go back down the road of mirtazapine again but on low dosage to help with withdrawal do we and I said no straight awY iv come this far I’m not starting from from scratch all over again and he agreed that’s best way,my digestion not really improving though but I am getting little more energy back finally and I’m now up to max dose of topiramate a mood stabiliser so that takes a good while to take effect,all I want is be in a level where I can go out and work that’s what eats me up most not being able to work
Anyway take care mate and just message if you need to talk I know it always help talking to people in similar situations

02-02-18, 13:53
To be honest withdrawals getting slightly better but still far from right lol I’m like a totally different person to this time 2 month ago behaviour wise,just git back from gp he a good gp but not to helpful today he got me booked in for bloods to rule out anything other than medication issues,guess that’s what they have to do so it business as usual carrry on trying to get through day by day,all we can do is take it a day at a time Benjamin,he said we don’t really want to go back down the road of mirtazapine again but on low dosage to help with withdrawal do we and I said no straight awY iv come this far I’m not starting from from scratch all over again and he agreed that’s best way,my digestion not really improving though but I am getting little more energy back finally and I’m now up to max dose of topiramate a mood stabiliser so that takes a good while to take effect,all I want is be in a level where I can go out and work that’s what eats me up most not being able to work
Anyway take care mate and just message if you need to talk I know it always help talking to people in similar situations

Sounds so similar mate. I’m booked in for an ECG and routine bloods to make sure everything ticking and clicking. I’m so fed up mate to be honest so fed up... 1 step forward 2 steps back... glimmer of hope some days only to be snatched away by dementors.
People say they understand, people say they will support but how can they when you don’t really understand of support yourself. You do all the right things : meds, exercise, therapy..... why does recovery take so long.

I love my work, I love my independence.... it’s like part of me has been snatched away from me and all I long for is that to come back. I can believe 3 weeks ago I was fully functional at work and loving life so much that I thought I didn’t need meds.... now I’m sitting here waiting for the meds to even me out.

Glad your better mate and glad your not turning back on your decisions .... it’s probably as hard to deal with the withdrawals as it is to deal with re stabilising yourself on a dose.

Chin up every day brings a new challenge

02-02-18, 16:47
Hi , I've been on Mirtazapine for 3mths & gained alot of weight. I've seen my psychiatrist this morning & he wants to change me onto Venlafaxine. Ive been told to cut from 30mg to 15mg over 2 weeks then & take the Venlafaxine. I was told stopping Mirtazapine doesnt have any withdrawals but reading it does I'm really frighted I'm to become really ill again. Anyone like to chat & give me some insight on if its going to be very bad & how to cope. I went through a Diazipam withdrawal & really thought I'd never se the light of day again....

02-02-18, 17:05
Hi , I've been on Mirtazapine for 3mths & gained alot of weight. I've seen my psychiatrist this morning & he wants to change me onto Venlafaxine. Ive been told to cut from 30mg to 15mg over 2 weeks then & take the Venlafaxine. I was told stopping Mirtazapine doesnt have any withdrawals but reading it does I'm really frighted I'm to become really ill again. Anyone like to chat & give me some insight on if its going to be very bad & how to cope. I went through a Diazipam withdrawal & really thought I'd never se the light of day again....

Hi :-)

I’m not a doctor but maybe you want to discuss with your psych of reducing down to 15mg and staying there for a while and combining it with venlafaxine? The withdrawals from mirtazapine maybe mild due to your time on the drug but I don’t want to under estimate it so only you can decide if it is too quick or not

02-02-18, 18:45
Thank-you for your answer, but I have a problem I've been on Peroxatine for around 15yrs...so I'm taking Peroxatine & Mirtazapine & eventully have to come off the Peroxatine as its not working for me any more. The psychiatrrist seems to want me stable on just one antideressant otherwise your idea would of worked well.

02-02-18, 20:35
thats one of the problems too Benjamin the docs and psychs pu there eggs in one basket giving you one med to work on for so many months to get into your system before they decide if its right for you or not then if not its all change again and wait at very least another 6 weeks for new meds to get into your stem but they don't see this waiting game as a big issue, but the days are long long days when your struggling through them, iv had weeks where yes iv still not been able to go to shops in middle of day etc but felt better in myself and managed my 8am shopping a little better and my exercise has made me feel better etc for a good 3 mo nth or so then bam I suddenly get a spell of 5 or 6 weeks of going back over massively,but saying that this past year I was doing really well improving massively not so many blips for a good 7 months then I had one blip and it started a massive snowball effect that knocked me back massively so I can't work it out at ally was keeping on top of graduated exposure,bfeathing exercises and exercise all on daily basis but still somehow bit me in the ass again lol hence the need for new diagnosis after all these years telling them there was more too it
but we have to try and focus on the positives in each day even if we have a terrible day but still have one tiny good thing we do focus on that, its getting that mind set which is hard as it comes lol
just keep pushing yourself and looking for a positive every day