View Full Version : Random pins and needles in my hand

28-01-18, 09:35
My hand has randomly got pins and needles. My middle finger up the side is most effected, my whole hand feels like it’s fizzing as well. I haven’t been lying on my hand or anything. This has just suddenly come on for no reason. I’m worried

28-01-18, 09:49
Please do not keep starting new threads on the same subject.

It makes it hard for members to follow and frustrates people.

Thank you Elen

28-01-18, 09:56
You said about lying on your hand in your sleep (and you didn't do it, but how would you know that you are asleep), and that is the most likely cause, along with straining your wrist or hand with a repetitive movement and temporarily trapping a nerve. I don't see why you are concerned? Most people get this all the time, I often get it from a shoulder down my arm, and even you recognise the feeling as you said 'I haven't slept on my hand awkwardly' - so you know the feeling. It will go, of course and it hasn't come on 'for no reason' there will be a minor reason of no significance. Your body isn't your enemey waiting to catch you out...it will repair itself and probably within 48 hours.

In 10 days, honestly, you've had multiple 'serious' health concerns, of a wide variety....with lots of user replies. You must be recognising what you are doing now? Have a look back at your posts started, its interesting to see how much advice and reassurance you have had as you move from one thing to another. You MUST start applying your own logical reassurance or this is going to carry on indefinitely.

28-01-18, 09:58
I haven’t been lying on my hand which is why I’m concerned. I’ve just been walking around doing housework

28-01-18, 10:04
I haven’t been lying on my hand which is why I’m concerned. I’ve just been walking around doing housework

Housework IS repetitive movement though - as the poster above is saying.

28-01-18, 10:04
I am closing this thread down.

Please continue to post here about these worries
