View Full Version : Would pancreatic cancer show on ultrasound?

11-01-18, 22:09
Why would someone have cloudy urine off and on? Like, once a day. Yesterday I had it in the morning first thing, today midday. It's been happening within the past few weeks off and on. I saw my doctor on Tuesday and he did a urine test but it was clear, no cloudiness, and he said everything was normal on it. He felt my abdomen and back and said he didn't feel any enlargement or swelling. I had kidney/liver function blood test came up normal, and tomorrow I have an abdominal ultrasound in the morning and I'm pretty scared they're going to find kidney cancer or something. Looking for reassurance. I'm well hydrated too.

11-01-18, 22:13
Why would someone have cloudy urine off and on?

Level of hydration... nothing more.

Positive thoughts

11-01-18, 23:07
Try drinking more water :)

11-01-18, 23:12
And by the way, certain foods and supplements can cause it and like like you say... it's off and on and there's a pattern.

Positive thoughts

12-01-18, 14:31
Ok, I have my ultrasound in a couple of hours and I'm worried they're going to find a tumor or something like that on my pancreas or liver. I'm also having upper left quadrant pain on and off for about a month, so this is really concerning me. Praying the sonographer will give me some peace of mind today before leaving the office.

12-01-18, 16:34

I have exactly the same as you! Cloudy urine on and off, it went away for a day or so and has now come back. Had a dipstick test which revealed nothing and doctor also felt around and said it was fine.

I guess it'll go eventually, we'll see. Let me know how your ultrasound went!

28-01-18, 15:07
I'm 30 yo female in USA. I had an abdominal ultrasound a few weeks ago that was normal. I have upper left quadrant pain into my back, especially when lying down and in the mornings. I'm worried that maybe the test wouldn't show a pancreatic tumor.

28-01-18, 15:27

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28-01-18, 22:48
Build up of phosphates causes cloudy urine. It's harmless. To test for phosphates mix a little vinegar with a sample of cloudy urine. If it goes clear it's just phosphates.

29-01-18, 01:30
yeah, except probably home testing your urine might be an OCD path to go down.

The doctor thinks you are ok. Try to keep that in mind.

29-01-18, 02:13
My Dr says pancreatic cancer is rare and that most people don't get issues with their pancreas. She said that if you had anything wrong with it your urine would be orange, (not, yellow, green or cloudy)! All shades of brown and sometimes yellow are normal stool colours. Grey or pale (like white) need attention. Sometimes pale stools can mean gluten intolerance.

An ultrasound will show any structural changes with the pancreas :)

29-01-18, 16:10
But would it show pancreatic cancer?

29-01-18, 16:54
As others have said there's a hundred or more boring reasons why you can have cloudy wee, and no need to leap to scary, hugely rare possibilities, especially if you've been checked out.

29-01-18, 17:03
But would it show pancreatic cancer?

I had an abdominal ultrasound a few weeks ago that was normal.

Positive thoughts

29-01-18, 20:34
But would it show pancreatic cancer?

YES :doh: because it would show structural changes eg, narrowing of the bile ducts (which connect to the pancreas) or a tumour on the pancreas (whether benign or cancerous)

You have neither of these and as Fishmanpa quoted, yours was NORMAL so stop worrying and leave it alone :)

29-01-18, 20:43
Did you have all of those tests (bloodworm, ultrasound, etc) just because your urine is occasionally cloudy?? That seems like serious overkill.

30-01-18, 21:03
Worried about this one myself but think mine is caused by IBD (NOT saying yours is, I have/have had a whole host of other symptoms.) Also heard it can be down to high blood pressure but hydration is the main one, make sure you are drinking enough water.