View Full Version : cancer HA question

11-01-18, 23:08
My partner had blood test results that Came back with high creatinine levels and high urea levels, doctor wasn’t even going to let us know but it was just because I picked up a copy of the results that I knew they were high, after speaking with the same doctor on the phone he advised to get her to repeat the blood test at the end of this month. I’ve read online that those high levels can mean kidney disease or kidney failure both of which have to have a cause...her BP is fine and so is her glucose levels which is what kidney failure/kidney disease most likely Is caused by, the other things are something blocking the tubes so now I’m absoluely terrified she’s got a tumour somewhere blocking the tubes of her kidney or kidneys...she still is drinking more than normal but not as much as she was when I took her to the doctors in the first place. If she had some kind of cancer blocking her kidney would she have had symptoms of it do you think? I’m not asking for a diagnosis but just someone who has any knowledge on anything like this. My partner just says she’s feels fine and normal...I feel scared and alone

11-01-18, 23:16

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This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

11-01-18, 23:22
Hi there,

First of all a close family member of mine had kidney failure which they were in so much pain with, and their urine if I remember rightly had blood in it too as well as other things I won't go into as they are very vague but it was so obvious to all the doctors something was seriously wrong. Luckily they got through it and ended up being able to tell the tale. The reason I just mentioned this is to re-assure you that if it was kidney failure your partner would be very poorly and would feel really unwell in themselves too. It's not something that one can ignore even if they wanted to. These blood results could mean anything and I am not medically trained to interpret them but from my understanding creatinine is a waste product produced by the kidneys and when it is high this signifies there is an underlying condition that CAN be treated. If the doctor was that concerned they would be doing a lot of different things at this point so try not to worry. Your partner will be fine I'm sure and it's best that they have found this now before it might escalate. Everything will be okay:)

Peace and love

14-01-18, 18:03
Thank you for replying. I keep googling online which I know doesn’t help anencephaly I’ve read it can be caused by kidney cancer or a tumour blocking part of the kidney so I’m really concerned about that. My partner says she feels fine though and healthy

14-01-18, 18:31
Dr Google will tell you the worst case scenario first anyway which will make your fear go through the roof she isn't in any pain at all so that's a good sign my white blood cells are slightly raised when I had my full blood count done so I panicked but according to the doctor 40% of patient's have raised white blood cells and just may means that there's an infection somewhere so I can relate to your worry if kidneys are in harm they let you know my mum at 19 had kidney failiure she collapsed and fainted and woke up with horrific back pain and kidney pain she was screaming so I wouldn't worry but it's easier said than done ask her do for to send her for a scan to put your mind at ease

14-01-18, 19:46
It’s just because I don’t know what’s causing it that’s my main concern, I think I’m quite good at spotting symptoms and I’m worried she has cancer and it’s caused this

15-01-18, 19:10
Your health anxiety will make you feel like this I'm like it with my husband he had a headache in October I rushed him to hospital only because he never has headaches and it turned out he had pulled a vein in his neck that goes to his head which was causing his severe headaches I know it turned out to be nothing but I can cope with that...have you lost anyone to cancer who you were very close to?...the reason I ask is because I lost my mum to cancer I'm petrified of it for me or my family that's when my health anxiety kicked in

15-01-18, 22:14
I lost my nan to cancer and then 6 months later my step dad died aged 49 from a massively heart attack. If I didn’t know the blood results were abnormal I probably wouldn’t be panicking x

16-01-18, 20:33
Hi, as many of you know my partner had a blood test that’s showed elevated levels of creatinine and urea
Creatinine 144 umol (36-91)
Urea 8.3 (4.2-7.9)

She is scheduled for more blood tests but that hasn’t stopped my worrying.
I work on health care and I dipsticked her urine as I have access to everything like that, her urine dipstick was completely normal- no blood,wbc,protein or anything like that. Does anyone know if there was something wrong with her kidneys or something like that then would a urine dipstick still be normal? I don’t want you all to diagnose or anything just some advice
Ta x

23-01-18, 05:09
My partner had some blood tests done when she was feeling unwell before Christmas, doctor said they were normal but when I picked the test results up (I didn’t need to I guess it’s part of my anxiety) I noticed that a couple of the kidney function results were high (creatinine and urea) I spoke to then doctor who wasn’t overly concerned about it but said my partner could repeat them at the end of the month.
Anyway now my question...my partner is adamant she feels fine, I mean she looks fine but I’m still constantly symptom watching for signs she may be sick but she’s adamant she’s healthy and is a compete gym bunny and is very fit, she doesn’t want to go for another blood test as she feels so well and doesn’t think she needs to...my health anxiety wants her to go and have more blood tests done but it’s getting to the point now that it’s beginning to ruin our relationship as I keep pressuring her. Any advice? Do I try and make her go or do I let her own body know what to do for the best and trust that she’s ok?

23-01-18, 07:45
You can't force her to go back, especially if she doesn't feel the need to. I had some above average LFT's on my last blood test, and was told it was nothing to worry about. I think it's when they're sky high then the doctors will take another look.

Trust the Dr, he has medical training, you don't!

23-01-18, 16:44
Thank you...she says she feels fone...my health anxiety won’t let me believe her...although after I spoke to the doctor he did say to repeat but my partners not bothered...

Clydesdale Epona
23-01-18, 16:53
I feel like doctors will always ask you to repeat them, its to save their skin sometimes.

I needed to repeat mine before going on birth control but I still skipped and did because I felt fine.

I think if she doesn't feel the need to then you can't really make her.

I'm sure she'll be fine, its just your health anxiety being the same and not letting it go as it would with you x

Best wishes :hugs:

23-01-18, 16:59
Hi, I did get the sense he wanted to save his skin as u put, he’s obviously not used to being questioned and he started saying that usually they take all the blood results taken at the same time in to account but then he back tracked and said “oh but there’s never been elevated kidney levels before so usually we’d get you to repeat” this was 3 weeks after the initial blood test...so obviously he had no interest in contacting her x

Clydesdale Epona
23-01-18, 17:37
Yeah GPs will always contact you straight away,

My blood count was rather low due to iron deficiency and I got contacted a day or two later to get some iron tablets.

If they're concerned they won't mess around x

23-01-18, 18:16
Thankyou, maybe the levels weren’t quite elevated enough for them to be overly concerned but they were definitely well over the top end of the scale. I don’t know, I just don’t know why the doctor wouldn’t bother contacting her. Another doctor at the surgery also put it down to dehydration but my partner went in there as she had a stomach bug at the time and was constantly thirsty...even I know thirst is a signal something is wrong with the kidneys. She seems to think the thirst is a lot better now than it was. I just kind of hope that if it was something serious or she was sick in some way there would be symptoms and she’d tell me about them x

23-01-18, 18:24
Your posts have been merged as they are a continuation of the same thing.

23-01-18, 19:14
I wouldnt say they are way over. 8.3 against 7.9. Its probably dehydration

23-01-18, 23:22
The creatinine levels should be between 36 and 92 whilst hers was 144...that’s probably my main concern x

24-01-18, 07:45
Again, in the grand scheme of things, i don't think that's excessive. You said she goes to the gym, does she take any supplements? I used to use creatine myself

25-01-18, 11:57
She doesn’t take creatinine, she takes raspberry ketone supplements though, she has done for about 2ish years now I suppose

25-01-18, 18:16
If a full blood count comes back normal does it mean you don’t have anything sinister going on like cancer??

25-01-18, 18:23
If a full blood count comes back normal does it mean you don’t have anything sinister going on like cancer??

Unless it's to rule out leukaemia or lymphoma, a blood count isn't the best indicator of cancer.

If you're anything like everybody else on here, though, you probably don't have cancer.

If you're worried about a specific one then you should check with your doctor to see if he thinks your concerns are warranted and if there are any specific tests you can do.

25-01-18, 18:26
While a blood test cannot rule out all cancers, it can show readings/markers that warrant further investigation. I'm a survivor. My bloods were good but a few readings were off. That along with my symptoms warranted further tests.

Congratulations of being physically healthy! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

25-01-18, 18:27
Threads merged - please add any further worries about blood tests here. Thanks

25-01-18, 18:28
This is a different topic...this is regarding my blood tests not my partners

25-01-18, 20:07
Oh sorry - I will sort it out for you

25-01-18, 20:26
Thank you...I do post a lot...I have rather a lot of anxiety in my head all at one time xx

28-01-18, 17:02
Could I or my partner have cancer and feel healthy and normal? Would there likely be some symptoms do you think? Thanks x

28-01-18, 17:08
Well yes in theory you could but why are you worrying about this and asking the question?

28-01-18, 17:23
It’s just a massive worry of mine really �� x

28-01-18, 17:27
Acceptance of uncertainty is key in recovery. There are very common behaviors of HA sufferers all do. Changing those behaviors is also key in recovery. There's a great thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=212815) about this and some wise words.

Positive thoughts

28-01-18, 17:31
I try and calm myself by thinking my partner is only 32...but I know in much mind cancer can strike at any age and that’s what makes me worry so much x

28-01-18, 17:37
But you can't live you life waiting to get cancer - that isn't living.

28-01-18, 17:42
I know, I’m more concerned about my partner than myself, but yes that’s been what everyone keeps telling me but it’s very difficult and since my partners kidney function blood tests came back a bit elevated I’m obsessed it’s because they’ve got cancer x

28-01-18, 17:52

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

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