View Full Version : Terror

02-07-07, 12:32
Feeling very scared after I spotted a lump on my neck. It's small, doesn't hurt and feels sort of "rubbery". Can't always feel it - eg if I turn my head towards it and compress the muscle I have to hunt to find it. Also it's not visible. I've been having trouble with cattarrh and sinuses lately and even though a sensible part of me is saying this is probably connected, I'm scared to death. Going to the doctors tomorrow but having spent all weekend convincing myself it can't be anything other than cancer I almost daren't go I've a lot on right now and can't take something big like this happening. Does anyone have any similar experiences/anything? I've almost got to the point that I've taken it as red that this is the big one and it's bad news no question.

02-07-07, 15:42
Sounds like a lymph node to me. From what you've said I'd imagine it's connected and that you're fine :)

02-07-07, 15:46
It does feel connected - feels like it could almost be attached to a muscle if anything. It's about 1cm behind the big muscle that goes down the side of your neck. If I turn to the right, it becomes more pronounced; if I turn towards it, it disappears into the muscles and is hard to find.

I'll be a jibbering wreck by the time I get to the doctors tomorrow. All weekend I've bene terrified and since making the appointment I'm convinced it's lymphoma.

Cancer's my dreaded fear in life - every symptom I have Iinstantly think "cancer" so when a lump is involved (bearing in mind the word lump makes me quake in fear) it's a nightmare.

02-07-07, 17:45
If it's small and rubbery I doubt very much there is anything wrong with you. I've got bigger lymph nodes on my neck that haven't gone down in the 18 months since I first noticed them, and loads of little pronounced ones that I've noticed for ages. You'll be fine.

Btw I meant connected to the sinus troubles. :p

02-07-07, 17:50
Hi there

I had EXACTLY the same thing after a sore throat. Convinced myself it was cancer, and worried for ages before going to the Dr. Had tests done, and it was nothing. I'm glad you're getting this seen to sooner rather than later, as I messed up 2 months of my life worrying about this. And you won't be the first to ask about such a thing, so please don't feel like you're wasting anyone's time.

02-07-07, 22:08
Feeling very scared after I spotted a lump on my neck. It's small, doesn't hurt and feels sort of "rubbery". Can't always feel it - eg if I turn my head towards it and compress the muscle I have to hunt to find it. Also it's not visible. I've been having trouble with cattarrh and sinuses lately and even though a sensible part of me is saying this is probably connected, I'm scared to death. Going to the doctors tomorrow but having spent all weekend convincing myself it can't be anything other than cancer I almost daren't go I've a lot on right now and can't take something big like this happening. Does anyone have any similar experiences/anything? I've almost got to the point that I've taken it as red that this is the big one and it's bad news no question.

Could it be an insect bite? I've had small lumps under the skin resulting from them, they stayed for a while. In fact, I have a small lump on my lower leg which has been there for about 30 years!

03-07-07, 09:34
sounds just like a lymph node, i had the same, my doctor was not at all concerned. It's normal for your lymph nodes to come up, and they can stay up for a very long time. i have one that is always more prominent on one side than the other. i'm sure i heard it would be the size of a golf ball if it was a symptom of lymphoma.

it's good for you to go to the doctors to put your mind at rest, but please try not to worry too much, it really sounds pretty normal. :hugs:


03-07-07, 11:16
Thanks for your comments....going to doctor late this afternoon. I really don't want to go and will be a jibberin wreck in the waiting room but I've realised I can't not go; it's going to mess with my head till I've seen someone. Kept waking up all through the night last night so am shattered now and need to get it sorted. I just keep trying to convince myself if it was something more sinister the chances are other symptoms would be involved. Aside from the worryin, I feel fine : appetite's as big as ever, not feeling tired all the time etc. :rolleyes:

03-07-07, 11:19
Btw I meant connected to the sinus troubles. :p

Lol! God, I must be losing the few marbles I've got left. :blush:

03-07-07, 17:41
Well I've been to the doc now. She doesn't think it feels like a dodgy lump and it turns out I've another one elsewhere that I didn't know about.

I've to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't start getting bigger or start hurting or anything and if so I need to pop back. Apparently it should start going down within a month.

She was very nice and not at all dismissive of me turning up - seemed to think it was natural for someone to worry upon spotting a lump. Course, I then start thinking "Ooh does this mean it really could be cancer after all?!"

I know I'll be anxious for the whole month now but I just need to keep thinking she said it didn't feel like a sinister lump.

Trying hard to focus on that ... :huh: