View Full Version : Weight loss and appetite loss is scaring me

28-01-18, 18:18
Hi all, I have been steadily dropping weight and have a decreased appetite due to this damn HA. I get triggered every time I get on the scale and see that I have lost more weight. I always think it's because I have cancer somewhere in my body. I started paxil yesterday, so hoping it will help, though it did make me nauseous yesterday. I wonder how many of you have had this same weight loss/appetite disturbance. I've had so many tests in the last 6 months and they've all been fine. Surely something would have come up if I had cancer, right? The intrusive thoughts are so frustrating. When I'm having a good day, they always creep back in. Being anxious is becoming my normal and I'm so over it.

28-01-18, 20:35
Hi healthanxietysuffe

I’ve also been having these worries and I know how you feel. I’ve felt sick for the past couple of months and loss of appetite due to anxiety. The thing is, if you don’t eat a lot, you’re gonna lose weight. Period. And the loss of appetite thing is just anxiety because you’re worrying and worrying about having cancer. So I honestly wouldn’t worry on that part. Another thing, you said you’ve had blood tests the past 6 months. They’ve come back normal. You’re right. If you had something seriously wrong with you, there would be some abnormality with the test somehow. So honestly don’t worry. You’re absolutely fine. And I don’t know if you do this, but don’t google. It will only fuel your anxiety even more. Plus you said you’ve been taking Paxil which can make you feel queasy.

I hope I helped a little. I hope you feel better soon. :)

28-01-18, 21:03
That does help a bit. I just wish I could get out of this negative spiral. I Google all the time, even though I know it's a terrible habit. I'm going to work on quitting it.

28-01-18, 23:07
I know what you mean. It is a terrible habit and every time you get a symptom, you immediately turn to google for reassurance. But the thing is, websites like google, webMD or whatever will always pop up with the worse case sinario and then that’s when it fuels your anxiety. But when really, your symptoms can be as simple as something benign. For example, if you type in fatigue, it will come up with cancer or diabetes. When it could be just something to do with your diet or you just haven’t been sleeping well recently. Oh and it can be a sign of anxiety which in your case would be the most likely cause. So please please please don’t look on google for your symptoms. It only makes you worse. And if I’m doubt for any reason. See a real doctor.

Sorry for me rambling but I hope I have reassured you a little.

29-01-18, 01:37
join my no google thread. and try to eat more. and weigh yourself less.