View Full Version : Weight loss

28-01-18, 19:47
Does anybody know any good websites or online resources for dietary advice for someone who's looking to lose weight?

28-01-18, 20:15
Read up on low carb :)

02-02-18, 00:34
I'm sure that's a great way forward.

Anyone have any suggestions for good places to look? There must be someone around here with some experience of this. Help a fat dude out.

02-02-18, 02:24
I was a personal trainer in my late 30's and early 40's before all the health issues started. It really depends on what you're trying to accomplish.

First off, calling it a diet puts a negative connotation and mindset before you even begin. Diet = restriction and that's difficult mentally. Think of it as a "nutritional program". You're restricting certain foods as well as some caloric intake but not to a obscene degree.

Bottom line is regular exercise and a solid mix of proteins, low glycemic carbs, veggies and fruit. Instead of three larger meals a day, spread it out to 4-6 small meals. Think of your metabolism like a car and you need to keep your gas tank full (metabolic rate stable) to maximize efficiency.

Naturally, if you don't eat, what happens is the body uses stores of muscle first and hangs onto the fat as it thinks it's starving. So by maintaining a full tank of gas along with exercise, it will use more fat as energy.

So small fist size portions.. chicken breast or thigh etc., small potato or rice (brown or wild), veggies, raw or cooked etc. Having a decent meal replacement shake to make up a couple of those meals really helps. They're full of protein, low carbs, calories, taste great and filling too. You don't have to join a gym or anything. Walking, jogging etc. three times a week along with standard home exercise (stretching, pushups, walking lunges etc. All things you can do without equipment. One hour three times a week, proper nutrition will do it.

I'm really simplifying it but essentially that's it. It's not so much a "diet" as it is a lifestyle. One more thing. You be good with the routine for 6 days a week. Give yourself a "free day" (mine was Sunday). A day you can have a beer or pizza or whatever you want or were craving during the week. During the week, behave, eat clean and exercise. I found that as time went on and I got healthier, that free day turned into a free meal or two as I always felt awful after stuffing my face on free day.

Positive thoughts

02-02-18, 04:12
Just the homemade prozac. No ice crean!:whistles: