View Full Version : Hemangioma

28-01-18, 20:34
Hi everyone, I nee a bit of advice. Thought my gall bladder was playing up again. I've had issues with a lazy gall bladder since 2011 but not had it removed. Had a new ultrasound and a few days later the doctor rang to say there were 2 lesions on my liver that could be hemangiomas. Had a ct scan 2 weeks ago and waiting for results. Since this started last November, I seem to be struggling. No appetite, can't tolerate dairy or wheat, bloating, diarrhoea, nausea, upper back pain and a feeling like being squeezed round the middle. Reading about hemangiomas and these seem to be the classic symptoms if the hemangiomas are of a good size. Just wondering if anyone on here has the same and if they can tell me about their experiences and what I can expect to happen. Just fed up with feeling ill all the time and scared about what it is and what will happen to me. Thanks for reading

28-01-18, 20:43
I had my gallbladder out 25 years ago, I was told that I have a hemangioma at that time.

Haven't missed my gallbladder once and have never had an issue with the hemangioma.

My surgeon and my OB/GYN told me .. never.. never .. never take any type of hormone replacement, or hormonal birth control, can cause the hemangioma to grow.

28-01-18, 21:37
Hi Nancy, I'm also having issues with my hormones or at least I think I am. I'm wondering if this has caused the hemangiomas as they have never been picked up on a scan before. The doctor is aware of the hemangiomas and until they are treated by the consultant, she can't do anything about my hormones. So catch 22. J

28-01-18, 22:37
Nothing has to be done with the hemangiomas, unless they cause pain or bleed. The goal is to keep them quiet.

Mine showed up after my second child was born. I wondered too if pregnancy hormones made it grow.