View Full Version : Nerve pain in arm and hand. Anyone?

29-01-18, 06:29
Hello! I'm here again looking for some kind of advice! Three days ago my left hand started to hurt, it definitely was nerve pain (like the ones you have with sciatica) and it surprised me because it came suddenly. The next day my arm and elbow started to hurt too, but the pain in my hand was a little better. Now my shoulder hurts a little too, always the same kind of nerve pain irradiating through almost the whole arm. The thing here it's that I don't really know what could happen with my nerves because I didn't made any extra effort or something with that hand or arm, I play guitar and bass but I don't think that could be the cause, I play music many years ago and I've never experienced something like this.
Fortunately the pain isn't thaaat bad and also comes and goes through the day so I can live with it at least for now, but I'm a little worried about what could be causing this pain. And yes, I sometimes think that I may be having some kind of life threatening neurological disease or MS... Any advice? What can I do to resolve this? :wacko:

Thank you for reading! :)

29-01-18, 19:58
there are nerves that go all the way from the neck to the hand. lots of people these days have a straight neck, where there is no curve (there should be a curve) and because of that, it causes nerve issues. It can happen anywhere from the neck to the shoulder.

If you feel any tingling or numbness, that's a clear indicator of nerve irritation. It usually clears up on its own, but if you keep using a computer or whatever it can get worse and lead to nerve damage which can cause weakness.

Last July I was sleeping on my side and I jumped to the other side, and I felt a weird sensation all the way up to my shoulder and two fingers of mine were stuck....it was odd. Doctor called it nerve irritation of the ulnar nerve. Hasn't happened since, but especially these days where people use computers (these are not natural movements) people get things like carpal tunnel

30-01-18, 02:54
there are nerves that go all the way from the neck to the hand. lots of people these days have a straight neck, where there is no curve (there should be a curve) and because of that, it causes nerve issues. It can happen anywhere from the neck to the shoulder.

If you feel any tingling or numbness, that's a clear indicator of nerve irritation. It usually clears up on its own, but if you keep using a computer or whatever it can get worse and lead to nerve damage which can cause weakness.

Last July I was sleeping on my side and I jumped to the other side, and I felt a weird sensation all the way up to my shoulder and two fingers of mine were stuck....it was odd. Doctor called it nerve irritation of the ulnar nerve. Hasn't happened since, but especially these days where people use computers (these are not natural movements) people get things like carpal tunnel

I messed up my ulnar nerve by leaning on the left armrest constantly while working and gaming. That hand goes numb if I keep my arm bent while I sleep, and especially if I have it bent while sleeping on that side, though it's hard to keep your arm straight at night without a splint. I have to go see a nerve specialist at some point to get a nerve conduction study and potentially get the nerve relocated to where it won't be constantly irritated.

30-01-18, 03:28
I have a disk issue in my neck that causes those symptoms. Chiropractor helped me a great deal and with no medication.

30-01-18, 04:34
I get this!! It's happened after I've used my arm like lifting weights or yard work. But recently it happened on it's own.