View Full Version : Feel awful and very sorry for myself!

29-01-18, 15:16
So my flu like symptoms have progressed into non stop diarrhoea for nearly three days now. My temperature seems to have normalised (thank god as I have massive anxiety about temperatures) but still have a headache and non stop diarrhoea.

I spoke to the GP today as I've barely managed to eat since Friday other than an odd dry cracker or biscuit here and there and she said it's no wonder I feel awful as diarrhoea would make me lose all my body salts and I'm not eating to replace anything.

She reckons it's gastroenteritis but if the diarrhoea continues for a week or more I need to do a sample to check for bacteria.

I can't believe how wiped out I feel, whenever I've had stomach bugs in the past I've normally been over them in a day or two but this is odd no vomiting just the runs. Has anyone else had gastroenteritis for this long? I know it's not that long but feels like forever and GP said she wouldn't recommend taking anything to try and stop it as it's better out if it's a virus causing it!

Just want to feel normal again.

29-01-18, 15:25
I had that bug but I had it from both ends! Started the 17th... I still feel like I got hit by a truck! Time, rest, lots of fluids... that's all you can do. Feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

29-01-18, 15:40
Oh my Fishmanpa that sounds awful, hope you are fully recovered soon. It's such a nasty bug really knocks you for six!

29-01-18, 15:46
Oh my Fishmanpa that sounds awful, hope you are fully recovered soon. It's such a nasty bug really knocks you for six!

Thanks... you too!

Positive thoughts

29-01-18, 16:25
Gosh that sounds absolutely AWFUL, it is draining having that level of diahorrea (I never spell that right). Have you managed to get some rehydration salts from the chemist ?

29-01-18, 17:35
I have Carys I've taken a couple, they actually make me gag to be honest but needs must!

29-01-18, 17:41
Oh, you used to be able to get them in nice flavours like melon and citrus. Are yours not flavoured ?

29-01-18, 18:25
They are Blackcurrant flavour but still have an overpowering taste to them which isn't pleasant. xx

29-01-18, 18:29
Oh dear......hope you feel better very soon. :)

29-01-18, 21:16
I had something like that about a year ago. Everything I ate resulted in very painful cramping and diarrhea within an hour or so, for about 9 days. On day 8, I went to the ER on the advice of my GP and they did stool and blood tests and gave me an IV to rehydrate me (even though I was trying my best to stay hydrated, it's very difficult when you've been ill for that long). Turned out to just be a bad virus (stomach things tend to hit me hard for some reason), and the next day I started to turn the corner. The dehydration does make you feel so much worse, so definitely try to keep up your fluids and electrolytes.

29-01-18, 21:59
I've been having something similar since Xmas. Have a GI appt scheduled. Could be my IBS, but I'm also wondering if I got E Coli from a romaine salad right when the recall occurred.

30-01-18, 07:30
Thanks guys, I also have IBS so tend to be affected more by stomach bugs than a lot of people. This one seems particularly nasty though and yesterday my son started with diarrhoea so looks like he's heading the same way! I think hubby will be moving out he'd already put me in isolation due to fear of catching it. I hate this time of year, bugs are rife and I work in an infant school so there's just about everything going around at the moment!

31-01-18, 08:28
Firstly I apologise for TMI in this post!

So I'm now going into day five on a tummy bug. Yesterday I felt much better, managed to eat bland foods and actually felt hungry, no temp for a couple of days and headache was finally subsiding.

So I stuck to the soup, bread banana and rice cake type food and went to bed feeling good as I'd only had one small bout of diarrhoea early in the morning and then a further bowel movement which appeared to be getting more back to normal.

About 3 this morning I woke needing the loo. I went and whilst it wasn't a normal motion it appeared more formed and I thought it was ok as it will take a while to normalise so wasn't too concerned.

I then woke a couple of hours later went to toilet again, this time loose with mucus and blood and I really felt like I was straining to go, this has happened again about an hour ago and there's definitely blood and mucus in it.

So now I'm worrying. I do have piles and obviously due to the amount of times I've been to the loo over the last few days I feel sore and they could possibly be playing up but I'm thinking the worst as always!

I'm just so annoyed that I felt like I was turning a corner yesterday only to go back to square one last night.

I've rung the GP as she was asking about blood and mucus when I spoke to her Monday and just waiting on a call back but just feel like I've never going to feel normal again.

Anyone else had this with gastroenteritis I know from my previous post they can go on for longer than the 1-2 days that I originally thought they lasted as others have had similar but now this is setting me off again.

31-01-18, 10:42
Loose stools are more acidic which causes irritation to piles according to another member in here who was seeing a specialist due to a referral.

And straining makes them bleed too.

When I have bouts of loose stools I find it causes some straining and my piles greatly inflame.

So, don't jump to conclusions and let your GP explain why this was asked about because it happens to people just having loose stools anyway.

31-01-18, 11:12
Thanks Terry, GP wants a stool sample as he fears it could be a bacteria causing the diarrhoea rather than viral.

I asked about piles and he said they could cause the blood but not the mucus which is odd as a previous doc told me they can cause mucus and blood. Anyway he mentioned a specific type of bacteria they would look for and said if it is that it would probably clear up on its own anyway but they can give something to help me.

So hopefully will find out, needless to say I'm anxious about doing the sample but I need to know what's causing it so just have to try and keep my anxiety in check whilst I do it an wait for results.

31-01-18, 11:25
I was having mucus with my stool long before my anxiety and after I started to have piles. Others members on here have been told that's normal to have mucus. I even remember one GP saying it wasn't then referring them to a specialist who said it was and the GP was wrong.

So I've been having mucus in my stool since it started, 20 years ago, yet nothing has ever come of it. That sounds very strange to me.

It may a certain amount that is unexpected that needs checking that they are thinking of but to claim mucus never occurs, when it actively lines the colon on a daily basis, sounds odd to me. :shrug:

31-01-18, 11:29
Hiyer Munchlet, I think you are being really sensible about this, and have responded in a way that isn't overly panicky and have taken advice at the point you needed it. I too would have rung the doctor when you did, and I think most people would have - it doesn't mean that's it anything sinister of course but you do need the stool sample taken at this point now. Once they know what they are dealing with I bet you will turn the corner on this quickly. Take care and keep hydrating. Its a real shame that you started eating and improving and then this symptom popped up. :unsure:

As for the mucous thing your GP said, I don't buy that. ( I know, I know we are meant to trust our GPs lol) I've always had this with IBS all my adult life, and I know its my body's way of trying to protect my internal pipes at times when I've had a bad IBS period.

31-01-18, 11:42
NHS Wales says IBS can cause mucus:


So do NHS Choices:


31-01-18, 11:46
Terry, whats the difference between mucous and mucus? This is a serious question.

31-01-18, 11:52
Terry, whats the difference between mucous and mucus? This is a serious question.

The latter is the stuff itself, the former is where it comes from (mucous membrane).

Probably find it gets used interchangeably in error though.

I always have said mucus, so I did just have to check if they meant the same outside of having the word membrane on the end of it :biggrin:

31-01-18, 12:14
Thank you Carys and Terry i do actually feel better and today I'm eating bits and pieces, just wondering if maybe I overdid it yesterday and my stomach wasn't ready for it. I also think my piles are flaring as I can feel it so I'm not convinced about the mucus thing either. I actually recall being told that IBS causes mucus in your stool and also that piles cause it especially internal piles which I have. I do wish these GPs could agreed on answers it does nothing but provoke anxiety for people with HA.

Anyway I will do the stool sample, haven't been again for hours so will probably have to wait for ages now which is typical! but I'm not complaining if it means the bug is on the way out then I'll be only too pleased to see the back of it.

Thanks again for your replies they really help :)

31-01-18, 12:15
Thanks, yep, makes sense...and being used in error is probably why its become interchangeable. From now on I shall use mucus if discussing stuff that comes from the mucous membranes, as I'm a stickler for word accuracy and saving the English language from corruption (and its punctuation for that matter.)

01-02-18, 15:18
How ya doing Munchlet ?

02-02-18, 11:31
Hi Carys

I think I'm slowly getting there. I only managed to take my sample to the Dr this morning as they'd given me the worlds smallest pot to use and then typically I collected a different one yesterday and didn't go to toilet all day. Mind you I wasn't complaining it was nice to finally have a day off.

The Dr wanted to see me yesterday as I was losing quite a bit of blood but she examined me thoroughly and said she's happy it's either viral or bacterial gastroenteritis and piles and inflammation have been triggered by it.

So the last couple of days I've eaten better and the diarrhoea finally seems to be subsiding. I have been having night sweats the last couple of nights and still feel quite washed out/tired but I guess it's to be expected after having a bug for this long.

On the whole I feel a lot better than I did though, thank you for asking. :D

02-02-18, 12:38
Oh yes those little brown box things that has reminded me of. It's been a long time since I've been asked for a stool sample but i can remember thinking about asking if they had got something in man size! :winks:

We also used to have to hand them over to the receptionist :ohmy::blush::roflmao: it amazes me how it took until recent years for the medical profession to catch on about that possibly not being hygienic :doh:

I think your GP is just being cautious. They might have got the mucus issue wrong but they are doing extra checks to back up what they think and it's all in your best interests. Ongoing runs means issues of dehydration so keeping an eye is good.

I hope you feel better soon.

02-02-18, 13:03
Sounds like it hit you as it did me. Not fun at all! :lac:

It will get better. I'm over two weeks from when it started and while I'm getting better, my stomach is still dodgy and I still have some lower digestive issues but I am improving. If you have the same or similar bug, it's no wonder. Know that it does get better.

Positive toughts

02-02-18, 15:10
Well, that's good you have a 'day off' and that's a very good sign. I think you are on the up, but it will take a week or so of careful activity levels and looking after yourself to feel back to full health.

02-02-18, 19:31
Terry your post made me laugh because I had to hand my sample over to the receptionist first thing this morning and I was thinking, poor girl what an awful thing to have to be handed. You'd think they'd have a little hygienic bin or box you could post them in so they don't have to handle or see it!

Glad you are still on the up Fishmanpa it really is a nasty bug and seems to take forever to go.

Thank you everyone I do feel I'm getting there, had a small plate of pasta for tea and so far had a clear day with only one toilet trip! :yesyes:

03-02-18, 02:19
Yeah, bit of a shit job that one! :winks:

Our surgery has had a box you put them in yourself for years now. Sounds like it isn't a standard thing then which is amazing really considering the NHS & the important of infection control! :doh:

Plus it's pretty embarrassing for the patient.

03-02-18, 02:29
Sorry for the TMI but I had a stomach bug since Xmas day that has just gone away. Took weeks! So hang in there...

03-02-18, 02:31
Sounds like you had rotavirus. My family had that it back in 2015. It took me to the ER it was terrible. It lasted going on 2 weeks for us. I hope you're feeling better soon!

07-02-18, 15:05
So I'm continuing to recover from whatever it was that upset my stomach. I'm still waiting on results from stool test, called GP yesterday as I was told it would be back but they are now saying end of the week which will be two weeks from when symptoms first started.

I am back in work so obviously feeling a lot better, had a couple of days where I had relatively ok BM's and had been eating a very boring bland diet.

I have my appetite back which is also good so yesterday started to try and eat relatively normally, chicken and veg soup for lunch and some pasta for tea and I went to toilet 4 times!! Not diarrhoea but still felt looser than normal. Then today I went to work, had porridge for breakfast and had to run to the loo and did have diarrhoea again.

I know it can take a while for your stomach to settle after a bout of whatever it was I had but I felt like I was going back to normal and now it's going backwards again.

If it carries on I'll book a call with the GP but not sure if it's to be expected or maybe it's because I've started eating normally again.

I do have IBS so the GP said it would probably affect me more than someone who didn't have a sensitive stomach but I still don't feel right in myself, still a bit washed out and weak.

Mind you I guess it's to be expected after having the best part of a week not eating and then the last few days eating really boring food that probably don't have much in the way of vitamin or mineral content!

Anyone else struggled with BM going back to normal after a bug?

07-02-18, 15:12
I had a stomach bug from Dec 25-Feb 1. My BM’s still aren’t back to normal but getting there. Doesn’t worry me a bit. I also have IBS so I’m used to funky stomach stuff. I

07-02-18, 15:18
Hi Munchlet,

Wow, you've had a really bad run of it (sorry on word choice). I was going to reply, that it was a diagnosis of dysentry based on a stool sample (which I picked up abroad) which started off my IBS some 25 years ago. Then I saw that you already had IBS, so you aren't in a good starting place already. :scared15: I'm not sure what to think about the symptoms 'reversing', I mean its great that you got much better but odd that its become bad again. My gut instinct (sorry for word choice AGAIN) would be to monitor for 24 hours and see if it stabilises.

07-02-18, 15:45
Wow Jules that's such a long time, was it viral or a bacterial infection that caused it?

I know IBS is awful as it starts you off on the wrong foot so recovering from upset tummies seems to take that much longer.

Thanks Carys I have to say the bleeding and mucus (sorry tmi) seems to have stopped so I can only assume that it's going in the right direction but obviously not quite there yet.

I think I'll give it til Friday when my sample should hopefully be back and if it's still going on when I ring for results I'll ask to book in for a call with the GP.

It's so frustrating I just want to feel normal again, mind you Jules that sounds horrific and I know Fishmanpa had a pretty nasty bug too that hung around for ages.

Thanks guys.

07-02-18, 15:58
Are you trying probiotics too?

07-02-18, 16:36
Yes Carys started a Yakult a day :)

07-02-18, 17:15
Try yoghurt too. It carries a higher volume of healthy bacteria and generally they contain the forms that other healthy bacteria feed off.

It sounds like your GI has taken a bit of a hammering and I'm thinking it maybe a little sensitive for longer so foods need to be introduced slowly. Smaller meals more often perhaps? Maybe even a lot of fibre is just pushing it through too quickly?

07-02-18, 18:13
Thanks Terry I will give the yoghurt a try.

You could be right it does seem strange that I was ok when I was eating boring things like, toast, eggs and crackers etc but as soon as I introduce things like vegetables and sauces I'm running for the loo again.

I've gone back to my eggs on toast for tea will see if it helps to settle again.

17-02-18, 10:25
So I was told by my GP receptionist that my stool sample was normal.

I found this odd as it contained blood etc but didn't query it as obviously I believed what they said.

This morning I have a letter from our local council environmental health department telling me my stool sample tested positive for Campylobacter a food poisoning from eating infected meat or cross contamination.

In a way I'm relieved as I couldn't understand why I felt so ill for so long and no one around me was ill and it also explains why I'm now fighting cold sores and a cold as my poor immune system has probably taken a bit of a hammering.

The thing is should I call the Dr's to say that they told me result was normal but I've received a letter telling me otherwise. I don't want to cause a fuss but my GP said if it was food poisoning I could have had antibiotics. Obviously I got over it and it's best not to take them if not needed but it just makes you wonder if they are giving out wrong results to other people as well or whether the receptionists need extra training.

17-02-18, 10:47
Well, I would certainly ring and say something.....I mean its simple isn't it; you provide a sample and they get the results and tell you if you need treatment! They cocked up, and if you had needed treatment and were less physically able to get over it, it could have had far worse consequences. So, yes, I wouldn't think twice about ringing and letting them know that their receptionist is giving out incorrect results, but then that's me :winks: This time food poisoning, next time diabetic results or other serious infections. No wonder you were so ill !!!!

17-02-18, 11:44
That's what I thought Carys, I think I will ring them on Monday. if it had been a young child or someone with other health issues it could have potentially been quite serious.

As I say I feel pretty much recovered now but it's more about making sure it doesn't happen again.


17-02-18, 12:19
It could indeed.....there are deaths in very susceptible people with with weakened immunity. I mean I know it's a common food poisoning bacteria /um, but it is notifiable by law (by doctors) to the agency. So....I wonder if they've done that? I guess someone has, otherwise you'd not have got the letter. My Mum had a campylobacter positive last year, and she was really ill for weeks too.

17-02-18, 15:23
Yes you should call and inform them of their error. Of course! I’d be quite upset about them giving out wrong info like that. I’m wondering why you are hesitant to do so? Perhaps asserting yourself is uncomfortable? Doctors aren’t gods. It’s ok to question them, and doctors offices are human and make mistakes like everyone else - but giving out wrong results is serious. That’s why we must always advocate for ourselves- which can admittedly be a bit of a confusing slope for those with HA but must still be done.

18-02-18, 08:43
Yes I'm going to call in the morning Jules, I think it's more about the implications it could have had and the fact if I don't tell them then the receptionist could keep doing it and next time it could be more serious.