View Full Version : Intrusive Thoughts Triggering Health Anxiety

29-01-18, 19:13
Does anyone else have Health Anxiety with intrusive thoughts? I tried a new dressing gown on earlier and I thought 'I look like I'm in the hospital...' and I saw it as some kind of sign that I'm gonna end up in hospital soon... https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/fcb/1/16/1f641.pngNow I'm anxious again...and it's so stupid...

29-01-18, 19:35
Ohhh yes, I USED to when I was much younger.....I see those as paranoid (almost superstitious) intrusive thoughts and categorise them that way. At the time of me having them it was pre-internet and my fear of these thoughts lasted much longer than they should have, as I had no evidence or experience of what they were and why I was having them. I started seeing symbolism in everything and getting paranoid about people maybe being able to cast spells, and that maybe bad things were happening because I did this or that and broke a mirror under a ladder near a black cat. I would see 'signs' in lots of things, even very mundane things. I recall thinking that when I found a needle on the carpet it was a sign that I was going to need IV fluids. It really is nothing more than a thought, things like this mean nothing other than you are anxious. Thoughts like this can't hurt you, and the sooner you dismiss them the better. Nothing about a dressing gown can give you a prophecy of anything in the future.

I tell you what, and this is kind of related as its about superstitions; in my adult life I decided to also deal with a few 'old wives tales' as they were things my mother put into my head. You know the type of things; 'don't put new shoes on the table or a meteor will smash your house', 'don't open an umbrella indoors or the pixies will steal your nose' and even 'touch wood' that people frantically do to avoid terrible luck. I deliberately did them, one by one, as they are just sayings that people repeat because they are fearful of some mystical impossible connection to reality.

29-01-18, 20:43
That could be a part of it, you know!? My Mum was always filling my head with daft superstitions...which she lead her life by...sadly she passed away 3 years ago without ever having really lived...
I think I will try what you said about acting out some superstitions and put them to rest maybe :) Thank you.

29-01-18, 20:54
I can PROMISE YOU, nothing will every happen from flying in the face of those supersitions...and your life becomes better as you aren't fearful of not carrying out certain silly rituals. :D