View Full Version : Physical symptoms

29-01-18, 21:02
During the summer of 2016 I started to worry about a spot on my shoulder. I was convinced I had skin cancer. I've been checked and was given all clear. I had tightness in chest and kept feeling dizzy, I've been to A And E for then to tell me I was okay. I still kept worrying and they did a chest xray all was fine. I then kept waking up during the night either cold or sweating I then convinced myself I had lymphoma. My symptoms were spiralling out of control, I've had blood tests several times MRI on head as kept getting numb one side of body, all results were clear. I've had lump in throat and camera down plus camera up back passage as I noticed bowel changes again both all clear!!

I'm still suffering as I have no answer to why I feel this way. I'm constantly checking my body and the internet for answers. I'm convinced doctors have missed something and I have MS or MND.

Can anyone tell me if they have had same symptoms as me? Is this really anxiety?

Feeling like lump in throat
Waking up either hot or cold
Numb hand foot and face left side
Fullness pressure in head
Muscle twitches
Acid reflux
Internal tremor when waking up from sleep
Clenching teeth especially at night
Heart flutter every now and then

29-01-18, 23:51
Well, I cannot tell you that it is anxiety, but I can tell you that I have left sided numbness on my face as well and that is what brought me here tonight. I have the pressure in my head as well, I also clinch my jaw. I have heart thuds randomly, and definitely have muscle twitchesz I have acid reflux, which is aggregated by coffee, tea, chocolate, and artificial cheese products (Goldfish, cheese itz, etc.) So, I think we may be in good company.

I have a line on my toe nail, I posted about it a few weeks ago. I went to the doctor and got the all clear. He cut my nail down and checked the skin, I felt great and relieved for about two weeks. Then it hit me like a brick wall one Sunday night. I panicked and have been since, “What if he was wrong?” I spiral, I panic, I cry in the shower. I cry to my husband. Saturday I cried to my husband and felt better after. I used to see a counselor, I moved and haven’t found a new one. I made my first appointment with a new one today. I have the desire to live my life without HA, I’m more than ready and so is my two year old and my husband. We can’t keep going like this after clear scans and in preperation for appointments that are routine. (I have that worry.)
I do believe I read a thread about physical anxiety symptoms and nimbleness was one of them, in relation to our breathing. Try the legs up the wall yoga pose and the five senses grounding exercise. I do that when I’m worked up and it helps. Oddly enough, when I’m busy I don’t feel this, it’s when I’m calm, which seems so opposite, but that’s how it is.
Breathe my friend.

29-01-18, 23:52
Have you read this:
