View Full Version : Very worried about muscle/limb jerks

29-01-18, 21:08
Hey hope this is the right place to post this.

I've suffered bad anxiety/chronic worry for a few years now over various different issues. Im 27 now.

Basically I have gotten these involuntary jerks everyday for years now, more noticeable when sitting still or laying down, what will happen is I'll be laying there and suddenly a limb will jerk or jump, leg or arm or my foot will move involuntarily, but it happens to my fingers/head/toes too, it happens all the time, it can be subtle but I am always aware of it, its been like this for years now and am really worried, I got so stressed last night over a situation I bashed my eye black and blue, I'm going to the doctor again tomorrow.

Just wondering has anyone else ever gotten these symptoms or anything like them? I'm really worried as I've been googling stuff and horrible things come up, can these all really be caused by anxiety and happen so regular?

29-01-18, 21:54
Hey there,

Don't worry about the involuntary jerking, I get this often in my legs and arm. I can't give a great explanation of it but it is to do with the fact that we anxious people have excess adrenaline in our bodies which causes a reflex signal where the muscle will tense and jerk as our bodies go into "fight or flight" mode. I get this when I'm completely relaxed too so it could have something to do with tiredness as well. I would not worry as a lot of us get this. Stay strong!

31-01-18, 22:25
Thanks for the reply.

Iv'e been to my doctor and was told again it was down to anxiety, I know im an anxious person but it's hard to accept this can be caused by anxiety, Im also on a fair amount of medication for the last few years, prozac, mirtazapine, seroquel and a beta blocker.

These jerks even though they are all the time, are sudden, brief and subtle and don't really interfere with life, the anxiety pushes me to think there is a serious physical illness behind them and then the that thought consumes me, I spent hours googling symptoms a couple of nights ago and regretted it. Its just a constant battle with your own mind.