View Full Version : Swollen lymph node worry-again

29-01-18, 22:46
I had a sore twice throat about a month ago. The second it was really bad, i also got chills and a bad headache so I went to an urgent care and the doctor said it's a virus. I also had a visibly swollen lymph node the size of medium/big grape on the side of my neck (posterior cervical) that freaked me out more than the sore throat. It was not too hard and mobile. The doctor said it's probably related to the virus i had and it should go down in a few weeks after I feel better, and it did, not completely but it did go down a lot.
It's not visible anymore and i have to look for it to find it. However, it's still there, oval shaped and around 1 cm long.

I stopped worrying about it when it got smaller and not visible but i started worrying again a few days ago because i can still feel it. I don't know if this is its original size because i never worried about lymph nodes before and never checked. I got this fear after lurking on this forum long enough.

She said she will send me to get a scan if it doesn't go down. It went down maybe 70%. Should i go to the doctor again so she will give me a refferal?

30-01-18, 01:03
I have no advice but as you know I'm going through a lymph node scare, too. By what your saying though, it's related to the virus you had and I'd give it a while longer to go down but I completely understand your fear.. *hugs*

30-01-18, 02:40
Thank you Leslie735. I was very happy when it went down. I can't see the lump, not even even I tilt my head, however I can feel it and I started poking it.
I have lost a family member from cancer last year and I have another family member struggling with it. I started panicking yesterday when I heard that he got worse. I can't stop poking that and i've also googled and went on lymphoma forums.(big mistake). I'm a mess right now.
I am trying to convince myself that it got swollen because of the virus and it went back to it's original size. But I don't know if it was like that before because I never actually checked. I didn't really care much about nodes before.

30-01-18, 03:47
Nodes that’s swollen from cancer will usually increase in size, not decrease. Cancer don’t go away on its own. If your node decreased by 70 % then it’s extremely likely it was due to the infection. Some nodes take ages to completely go away and some never return to normal. It’s possible you may always feel that node now.

30-01-18, 13:59
If you think it is 1cm long it is probably a lot smaller. I thought mine were enlarged but ultrasound showed that the one I had been obsessing over, had short axis (which is what they take into account) was whooping 0.23 cm. :D In fact I had one larger, I hadn't even found yet - and the largest of mine neck nodes I'd been obsessing and prodding on for over a month... was 0.5 cm. They surely felt more than 1 cm to me! But not to a doctor and ultrasound.

I got my ultrasound because I paid privately. My GP and two other doctors I visited for my nodes, touched them and said that no scan was necessary.

30-01-18, 18:38
Honestly- you do not need to worry about this AT ALL. It is perfectly normal for nodes to remain palpable - perhaps indefinitely- after an infection. You node has SHRUNK - which should amount to proof it is not sinister. Relax! X

31-01-18, 02:37
Thank you for all your replies. Everything that you're saying makes sense. I will leave it alone and stop poking and prodding.

05-03-18, 17:54
That node is still here, almost 3 months after the throat infection. It's not as big but it's still there. I had an urgent care doctor look at it and she couldn't feel it!!!! even tho it's quite big, especially when i turn my head..
I told her it's been there since i got a throat infection and didn't shrink completely. She couldn't feel what i feel so she just dismissed me and said she doesn't worry about it and that i don't have lymphoma.

However, im still worried

19-03-18, 18:06
I was busy doing something else (read worrying about some other stuff), so i stopped messing with that node for like 2 weeks and i think it went down even more.
I guess this is good news.

19-03-18, 18:18
I guess this is good news.

You "guess"? That means it's nothing at all to be concerned with :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

20-03-18, 06:40
I have a flared up one at the moment. Very worried.

20-03-18, 22:35
Now it feels just as big as before....
I did poke it though.....

21-03-18, 00:45
Right there with you. I noticed mine in mid January, had it checked by ultrasound and saw an ENT. I'm going back in May for follow up. Still there. Ugh!

21-03-18, 03:33
If you play with them too much they will stay up. Also if you have acne they flare up too.

22-03-18, 07:26
Thought I'd share that I went to the doctors today and she said my lymph node was fine.. no cancer :D