View Full Version : Toddler mole worry! Please help! Going crazy!

30-01-18, 10:06
Hi I have an almost 4 year old boy. LasSt September ihad boticed a small black spot newr his mouth area. It was a black spot which wasnt raised. Somehow didnt Think too much of it even as it was always at the back of mymind ( as there were other health anxiety symptoms i was dealing with personally)
Now recently i was browsing theough all photos when i suddenly realised that theblack spot is much more visible now. Its clearly darker and more definitive.

I am terrofied and havent slept in 3 days properly!
I am attaching two snaps.. one was taken in september and the ither just tday.

Please tlek me what to do!! I am too scared od goibg to a doctor.
He is otberwise totaly active and healthy. But mole changing is not a good thing everywhere i google and see .
I am terified.. please


30-01-18, 10:18
just a mole..... he is more tanned in the first picture so it doesn't show up as much.

30-01-18, 10:59
But why has a mole suddenly developed? Is it normal for. 4 year old tomgrt moles at such a young age?

30-01-18, 11:04
But why has a mole suddenly developed? Is it normal for. 4 year old tomgrt moles at such a young age?

Yep! Some are even born with them. I have one on my arm since birth. Totally normal.

Positive thoughts

30-01-18, 11:12
I developed new moles all the time, remember reading that’s it normal to get new moles and by age 40 some of them disappear again... there you go !!

30-01-18, 13:36
anyone else in here with a toddler who had has a mole?

30-01-18, 15:24
My mom always told me I had a mole down below when I was an infant, because it was annoying when she had to change my diaper, she kept thinking she missed a spot, but It was just my mole :doh:

30-01-18, 16:27
Yes. My son was born with a large (size of a quarter) mole on his head. He also developed a mole on his butt and we had it removed at age 5. It was benign. And it looked a lot different than that. That looks normal. My son is now 16 and has lots of moles. He sees a dermatologist once a year.
Thing is, melanoma is almost non existent in children. Like nearly zero. So if I were you I would not be scared to go to the dr. They will look at it and give you peace of mind. Then they can look at it yearly for any changes and remove it if necessary before it becomes an issue.

30-01-18, 16:55
Looks like a completely normal mole to me. I actually asked my dermatologist recently about moles in children. My son (he's 9) has a mole on his back that concerns me. She said skin c. in children is VERY VERY rare. Of course, get things checked out, but she told me its most likely totally ok.

30-01-18, 17:10
My 4 year old has about 8 or 9 moles. She was born with one or two and has had them pop out since birth.

30-01-18, 19:11
My son just turned six and he have a mole just like that on his stomach. He have another on his leg and one on his chest. I never worried about them.

30-01-18, 19:42
I have three kids under 9. I come from a moley family.
This has happened with each, and is normal.

30-01-18, 20:17
I come from a moley family.


Positive thoughts

30-01-18, 20:21
Thanku all... I actually asked an online derm and sent him the same pictures. He also said its a benign nevus.. which i googled and its just a mole.

Still contemplating to go and see a doc.. Hopefully sill gather enough courage soon!
Thanks a lot for the replies😘

30-01-18, 20:26
I'd just show to my pediatrician at the next well check. Odds are they've already noticed it and knew it was nothing anyway. They are trained to look for things and since it's on his sweet face, they would see it

30-01-18, 20:38
My 8 year old has moles and my 20 month old also has a few!

30-01-18, 21:05
I'd just show to my pediatrician at the next well check. Odds are they've already noticed it and knew it was nothing anyway. They are trained to look for things and since it's on his sweet face, they would see it

The thing is his last visit to his dr was in July. After that , witth God’s grace havent so far had the need to go. And back in July it was just a riny spot that evenI didnt notice until I strted scanning back to old photos. This really came to my attention in September.

And now its become more noticeable. Thats y the panic!

30-01-18, 21:25
The thing is

That's another way of saying "What if?". The thing is that it's a normal BENIGN mole and there are several replies of reassurance. You can take the advice and reassurance from several members and a medical professional or not. That's your choice.

Cute kid btw :D

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