View Full Version : first time poster

07-12-04, 16:38
afternoon all ,

Firstly I would like to thank the people who set up and run this
website as it has been a revelation and comforting (sorry!) to see so many other people suffering simalar and linked symptoms. I am 26 years old and been suffering from panic attacks since i was 21, the first was on a plane and then for 2 years it was pretty plain sailing ,in comparison to now ,with the occasional day when i was self conscience of a fast heart beat and the dizzy spells but I put it to one side and did not tell any of my friends and family. Cut to Portugal last march and I believe it was food poisening that started the big attack but who knows as it was a burn both ends of the candle holiday, but i was stuck in a portugese toilet for approx 4 hours, i have never felt such crippling panic and physical symptoms of being totally out of control. In the time i managed to get up (i was in a hotel block) and find my friend, all i could try and get him to do was to hit me so he could knock me out as I was sure that that would save my life, as otherwise what was happening to my body would surely Kill me, at the time, this was the most rational thought , as before I was simply lying on a bathroom floor almost looking down on myself. As the attack subsided throughout the afternoon, i lay in bed shivering and convulsing with the eventual visit to hospital which petrified me even more as the Portuges did not seem to understand what was happening to me either. Thank God for Portugese Chemists not caring about handing over Valium , otherwise I would still be in Lagos !
Today , i still have not recovered from the attack , and my main symptoms are numbness off left arm and leg at its most severe , and the main problem im having is the days when i wake up at 7 in the morning feeling anxious and know straight away my whole day will be dictated by keeping an attack under control which leaves me awake till probably 6 the next morning when i pass out from exhaustion . Things are getting better, I eventually (dont ask how long it has taken) have my appointment with CBT this Friday morning, and i have really cut down my drinking which i cannot emphasise how much has helped , as I got myself into the spiral of needing a beer by 12 or i could not function , which is a truly viscious circle as im well aware, but when a short fix is near , im pretty weak im afraid. Anyhow there u go, I have hundreds more things to discuss , but i guess this is pretty much it.


07-12-04, 18:32
Hi Frazer

Welcome aboard to you! So glad you found us here. I started the website 3 years ago as am I sufferer for 11 years now (you may have read My Story on the website).

We started this message forum about 18 months ago and it has grown steadily since.

You will meet some very caring people on here and some that came her in a real panic and are now doing so well.

There are so many things we can do to help you but I will let you settle in first then bombard you lol.

Great news about the drink - I used to drink to oblivion to forget and we all know that isn't the answer. I am cutting down now too and there are a few on here that will tell you their stories of alcohol.

Great news about the CBT - I did it for 9 months and it will help you a lot - BUT it is hard work so please try to make the most of it which I am sure you will.

So let us know how we can help and hope to hear more from you soon.


07-12-04, 18:38
Hi Frazer

Welcome to the site.

I am sure you will get a lot of help and support here. I hope the CBT appointment goes well on Friday.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-12-04, 18:57
Hi Frazer ,

Sorry to read you had such a hard time.

Panic is often sparked off by post alcohol and/or illness so both together it must have been grim. I guess you were on the bathroom floor with D+Vomiting as well as panic .

**i still have not recovered from the attack ** . Is this the numbness or the memory or that they are recurring ?

Apart from the alcohol ( well done ) have you made any other lifestyle changes ?

Are you doing ok at work ?
Are your family supportive ?

Do post about worries you have - glad the CBT is coming through finally

Try this

First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

07-12-04, 19:38
Hi frazer sandra here im so sorry to here about ur attacks but as i have found out there are loads of lovely people on this site ready to comfort u and help u.Im a relativley new member myself not very good at puttin my feelings into words so i havent been postin alot ,just resdin other peoples posts and replies have answered my questions.Anyway frazer hope u feel better soon and ur not the only one who needs a wee drink to feel better ,i havent metioned that yet to others as im a bit embarrased but to be honest i cant sleep at night wiyhout a couple of ciders. xxxxHope to here how ur doing luv sandra.

07-12-04, 19:56

I love cider lol. You are not alone with that one!


07-12-04, 21:13
hello Frazer,

Welcome to the site!! It sounds like you have been through a very rough time. Everyone here is very friendly and suppoetive so hopefully things will start to look up for you soon!!

Sarah :D

08-12-04, 12:55
many thanks all, really good board with so many replies so soon !

looking forward to friday as im sure it will make me more positive,
interesting to see how many replied with the reference to booze as i thought it was just me develeping a problem ! my work is fine , i told them i had heart murmerings which is kinda true but they have been very good, unfo tho i have had abt 4-5 weeks off ill this year, which i think is pretty good all things
considering, i tend to get ill and it is a huge hill to to climb to get back up to a level where i can actually get into work, let alone perform. But anyway, im looking forward to the new year as i think things will really start to improve as i had a great 3 weeks recently where my sleep improved and everything. Anyhow, thanks again all for the kind responses


09-12-04, 09:57
Hi Frazer

Welcome to the site,

There are lots of nice people here who
will give you help and support.
Remember you are not alone


In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.

09-12-04, 22:19
Hi Frazer,
Im new also. Im glad to hear you slept better in the last couple of nights. Im glad to meet you and hope to speak with you more soon. The people on this site are so very nice, and it is so reasuring to know that they have some of the same symptoms you have. It makes you feel not so alone. As I said Im new to, but Id like to say welcome.

11-12-04, 03:39
Hi Frazer

In my eyes nothing could be worse than experiencing how you felt abroad and can totally appreciate how you feel.

When if first hits us out of the blue it is the most scary thing we have to face and although we maybe with people we do question what is going on and try to keep it hidden as until you have felt like that how can you understand it.

So pleased in Portugal they helped you and how i have suffered that is one country i would go back to (when i get totally brave for a 3 hr flight) Lagos is a lovely place and no doubt you appreciated the harbour as that was my highlight when there. How the other half live!!!

You have done well since then although you suffer. But i am sure on this site you will get all the answers you need.

Take care and look forward to hearing from you.

Love Sal xxxxx

11-12-04, 20:20
hi, im new to the site and not sure where to start, so am just flicking through the items to settle myself in

fan x

11-12-04, 21:16
Hi Fan

I replied to your other post
