View Full Version : Maybe my silliest fear yet...Tetanus

30-01-18, 16:17
Hello everyone,

I've been doing okay but then the silliest things happen and I suddenly think "THIS IS IT I'M DYING"

This one is silly, I know that, but the HA fear is still there being horrible.

I went outside into the garden last night to put some rubbish in the bin, I was just wearing socks and no shoes. I stood on a stone which really hurt my foot. I looked at the heal of my foot and there was a little puncture (tiny~) and a little bit of blood under the skin.

Then I freaked the f out and was like "I'm going to get a disease, I'm going to have tetanus, I'm going to die!!!!" - I felt stupid, my mum said I was silly, but still the health anxiety was there bringing me down and down and down.

It wasn't even like it was a deep cut or anything, it was so little.

Why does HA make us believe the silliest of things and does anyone think I need to worry? :(

30-01-18, 16:37
Idk if this is gna help, but if you haven't had a tetnus shot in the last 5 years I recommend getting one to be safe =)

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---------- Post added at 16:37 ---------- Previous post was at 16:36 ----------

Idk if this is gna help, but if you haven't had a tetnus shot in the last 5 years I recommend getting one to be safe =)

Sent from my SM-G950W using TapatalkNot because you deff have it but it's good to be sure =)

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30-01-18, 18:05
If you had all your childhood immunisations and you're under 30 then you are covered.

Also you won't get tetanus from treading on a stone.....

02-02-18, 09:46
Following on from this, I'm struggling quite a bit to shake this silly fear of tetanus.

I've started feeling quite ill and stupid me read about it and it says it can develop between 4 to 21 days.

I don't know if this is the stress/being busy/something worse.

My body is aching but I'm thinking this is because I walked a lot yesterday. However, my breathing is awful, I can't catch my breath and it's making me feel so rubbish - I couldn't sleep last night because of it.

I almost feel flu like actually, but my head is ringing alarm bells and saying it's tetanus.

My sinuses feel strange, so perhaps it's that?

I'm struggling very badly to be rational, I'd appreciate some opinions :(

02-02-18, 12:32
If you had all your childhood immunisations and you're under 30 then you are covered.

Also you won't get tetanus from treading on a stone.....

You maybe missed this post. Did you have your childhood jags?

02-02-18, 12:36
You maybe missed this post. Did you have your childhood jags?

I did yes, I am almost certain I had my booster in my teens as well? My friends all seem to remember having it as our 'leavers' jab but I can't remember. I'm now 22 so I should still be okay if so.

I am sure the doctors would have reminded me every time I've visited if I hadn't of had it, I only recently had my meningitis booster because for some reason I never had it in my teens

03-02-18, 12:54
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to follow on from this because I still feel quite poorly BUT I looked at the governments publications on Tetanus and in 2016 only 4 cases were reported in the UK.


This just hit me in the face how irrational my anxiety really is, it's actually crazy how nuts my anxiety is.

And if anyone is worried about getting tetanus remember that statistic, it just proves so much.

I'm going to try and get on with my day now, ride the wave of this ill feeling and sort myself out for a new week.