View Full Version : Neck worries

30-01-18, 18:36
Hello, I posted a week or so ago in the HA forum but wonder if I'm better suited here.

Essentially went to the doctors about neck pain, she terrified me as she said there was a small lymph node (hurt when she dug her fingers in) and then she said there was a 'mass' which could be my bone at the front of my neck but we would 'have to wait and see'.

The word mass terrified me and I have to have a scan in a few weeks. Anyway was struggling to cope with this comment so went a walk in gp. She felt my neck much more lightly, said she couldn't feel the node, and that what the other doctor called a ''mass' wasn't a mass, but said on some people the bone sticks out more (I have a slim neck which is what she said). Anyway this put my mind at rest for a bit, as I thought well I think the bone has always been obvious. But now I'm not sure, when I touch my neck at the front there are two harder bits one on directly on top of the other, with a small gap between, not 1 bone.

These are central to my neck and I'm wondering if it could be thyroid then bone on top (or other way round). I can mainly see them when I swollow or stare at my neck. I'm female and wondered if anyone else (female) had this make up of neck (2 visible/ feelable bits).

I'm going mad thinking about it. Getting my partner to check twice a day, he thinks it feels normal but I'm just terrified it's not.

Any help would be much appreciated xx

30-01-18, 18:49
It'll be your oesophagus. It's composed of cartilage rings, hence why you can feel in between.

30-01-18, 18:54
Thanks for your reply, only thing is is they are both quite wide and tall (couldn't think of the best word) one is definitely the bone just not sure of other.

30-01-18, 19:12
Cartilage feels like bone. If they're directly under your jaw, and one is slightly bigger than the one underneath, that's your Adams apple

30-01-18, 20:08
Thanks again for your reply. It's more middle and lower part of my neck, and I think the lower one is larger.