View Full Version : Honestly can't cope anymore... :'(

30-01-18, 20:18
Since December it's been one thing after another...

I had a load of trouble with swallowing my food and then the stress of having the Gastroscopy done and it's just gone from there...
That was fine, then I started with the bad UTI symptoms...then went to kidney worries, which I still have...that's gone on for a full month now...
I was started to feel a tiny bit better about it all the past few days...now today I did my BP (because they say you should check your BP when worried about Kidneys...) and it was high both times (and my BP has NEVER been high, it's always been low if anything!) it was around 139/89 then the second time, it was about 135/83. Didn't want to check it again just incase.
Also woke up this morning from feeling like I couldn't breathe...had a terrible, pounding headache and a blocked nose...blocked nose has gotten steadily worse over the course of the day and I'm starting to feel ill...scratchy throat too! I just want to feel okay again, it's nearly two months now of one thing after another and I don't know what to do anymore...the doctor's don't care... :weep:

I'm in tears as I write this... :weep: I've been fine for years...hardly ever needed the doctor...manage to control my anxiety and now it's back with vengeance and it feels like my whole life and body and good health is all falling away from me... :weep:

I don't know why I'm putting this here as there's nothing you guys can do....but I guess I just wanted to write it down somewhere.

30-01-18, 20:47
Hey, sorry your feeling so bad, you are very much describing the awful condition of health anxiety and I know how you feel.

With your kidneys/ swallowing, do you drink lots of water? I know my kidney area hurts when I don't, and in general drinking water helps with quite a few of my anxiety symptoms. I drink about 3 litres a day plus a cup of tea.

I'm full of a cold too and it's making me feel really down about my worries. You say your docs don't care1 have they addressed your anxiety?

Hope things improve for you but I just wanted to let you know I know how you are feeling xx

30-01-18, 21:05
Hi thank you so much for this...I guess understanding and 'all in it together' is all we have. It just feels like one thing after another, you know? One thing clears up and I start to relax and another thing rears it's head...I'm going to become scared of relaxing and not worrying at this rate...

The doctors have referred for me CBT waiting list and put me on Buspirone...not really helping but I'm trying...As I say, up to decemeber I wasn't doing too badly, I was getting by normally...
But since all this with the gastroscopy, it's set things off ten fold!!!
I have started to drink more water since all this kicked off and it does seem to help and my skin is now looking lovely! So much clearer and I've come off the alcohol a bit...and count down on what I eat...I know 2 months isn't much for progress but If I can keep these little habits up, it may help in the long run...

I just feel like something is out to get me and I'm dying of something that the doctor's have missed...it's always that 'this time, it's real and serious' thing...you never know, do you? xx

30-01-18, 21:58
I know exactly how you feel. I just lurch from one thing to another. It is so wearing and, when people think it is like a phobia I try to explain that, although it may be irrational like a phobia, deep down we know that spiders or whatever can't hurt us, one of these illnesses that we dread are real and could happen. By the way, i don't know how old you are but my blood pressure is much higher than that if that is any consolation.:hugs:

31-01-18, 16:32
Thank you. My friend told me that it's only a slightly high reading but it's still worried me, I've never had a high BP. Both my parents suffered from it and my Mum died at 59 because her kidney's failed because of it, so that and my kidney's are a HUGE fear... I just feel like I'm heading for death :(

31-01-18, 16:47
It is not a high reading its totally within normal limits. Anxiety can have huge effect on bp and if you havent taken it recently then you would be super stressed. Drs now have to make sure your bp is persistantly 140/90 or over to diagnose high bp. The word that matters is persistant!
I had to take my bp 4 times a day for a week and they then do the average which is what matters.

31-01-18, 16:54
Please read the below post from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Due to technical problems it is proving difficult to merge posts so for the moment any posts that we feel should be on a previous thread will be closed, allowing you the opportunity to re-post on your existing thread.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.
