View Full Version : It happened. I got the flu. Help me not spiral

30-01-18, 23:49
I work in a medical center and it was only a matter of time until i got the flu. sure enough, a flu patient coughed on me yesterday and i was dx with flu today. i'm freaking out about complications or things like that. the media is making the flu out to be so deadly this year

31-01-18, 00:05
I work in a medical center and it was only a matter of time until i got the flu. sure enough, a flu patient coughed on me yesterday and i was dx with flu today. i'm freaking out about complications or things like that. the media is making the flu out to be so deadly this year

Chances are you had the flu before that patient came into contact with you. It takes a few days from intial contact to get the flu. It will take a few days to get better. My dad had it for a week, and I had it last March.

31-01-18, 00:20
Did you get your flu shot like many of us suggested?

31-01-18, 00:47
yeah! It's 10% effective against the dominant strain in the US tho

31-01-18, 02:34
Yes, but it will make your case easier to deal with.

31-01-18, 12:13
i'm so sorry you have the flu. not only because you probably don't feel good, but also because of the anxiety that goes along with it. that's almost worse to me. did you get to the dr? if so, i hope you got the tamiflu. i think with the shot and the tamiflu, people are getting over it quickly. i know alot of people who have had it, and they have recovered, even without having had the shot. i know it's hard to not worry....but just know that there are treatments for the complications, if any do come up.
that's what keep trying to remember

31-01-18, 12:24
did you get to the dr? if so, i hope you got the tamiflu. i think with the shot and the tamiflu, people are getting over it quickly. i know alot of people who have had it, and they have recovered, even without having had the shot.You don't need to go to the doctor with the flu....follow usual protocols for treating flu and fevers. (look them up, sensible home treatments and care deal with most cases in the usual time frame as the body fights the virus). You only need contact a doctor (by phone would be a good idea, so you don't spread it to others) if you are experiencing something out of the norm for the flu. Save A and E, doctor visits and places at hospitals for the old , immune compromised and those who are really ill with complications.

I'm struggling to understand this constant US use of tamiflu....maybe someone can explain? Or that people are actually having tests to determine they have flu ? I have it prescribed years ago, to use IF I developed symptoms of was it bird flu or swine flu or something that was about in the UK. I was working in a large community setting for sick people, so was considered at risk. I never used it as it happened.

Well, Over Xmas, I had neither a flu shot, or tamiflu, nor went to the doctor and was tested to say I had flu, and neither did my family....and we all had true flu over Xmas. We all recovered just fine, as I expected we would. Perspective needs to be put on this flu epidemic, and please take media reports with a massive spoonful of salt. They are winding you up into a frenzy that is not necessary.

---------- Post added at 12:24 ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 ----------

Complications, like chest infections or bronchitis or long term coughs and such like can happen....of course they can...but they are treatable !!!!

31-01-18, 12:48
I work in a medical center and it was only a matter of time until i got the flu. sure enough, a flu patient coughed on me yesterday and i was dx with flu today. i'm freaking out about complications or things like that. the media is making the flu out to be so deadly this year

How many deadly cases have you seen in the medical centre?

It's no different than any other year. Rest, drink plenty of fluids and eat healthily. You must know this already! :shades:

And stop catastrophising it in your head. It's just not a big deal unless you're in one of the at risk groups, and even then it's unlikely to be an issue.

31-01-18, 14:00
Thanks all. I woke up with a high fever and am debating going to ER. My doctor is supposed to call me soon.

31-01-18, 14:03
A high fever is what people with flu get. Paracetamol, fluids and rest.

31-01-18, 14:04
The cold and flu are caused by viruses and nothing your doctor can do.

Advice as above, fluids, rest and OTT medications.

Going to ER is a total waste of resource and also risks other people who maybe in one of the at risk groups.

31-01-18, 14:16
Well, I'm glad you said it about ER ! I very nearly did. :D

31-01-18, 14:18

I saw this article and it seems many healthy people are randomly dying of the flu. I'm so scared.

31-01-18, 14:23
You read the daily mail !!!!!!! Oh for goodness sake, what do you expect from THEM. They are the lowest of the low for whipping up hysteria in the public. I loathe the daily mail, and all it stands for, it barely even qualifies as a newspaper - I call it the DAILY FAIL.

31-01-18, 14:27
You read the daily mail !!!!!!! Oh for goodness sake, what do you expect from THEM. They are the lowest of the low for whipping up hysteria in the public. I loathe the daily mail, and all it stands for, it barely even qualifies as a newspaper - I call it the DAILY FAIL.

And if you are sitting on line scaring yourself silly I doubt that you have flu, a cold perhaps but unlikely to be flu.

31-01-18, 14:32
These people aren't randomly dying, some had health complications already, asthma, heart conditions, genetic problems and lung problems. Some and very young (with low immunity) and some old (with more likelihood of complications). Some developed sepsis and pneumonia, which are complications of flu, but in MOST cases are treatable. The Daily Fail has picked up unusual cases here, and plonked them all together to make you afraid. That's what they do best!

I agree with Elen, when you have flu you can barely wander to the toilet and back without feeling exhausted, and just plop into your bed to rest. Getting into a car to ER (A and E).....I can't imagine doing that when I had flu. DO NOT read that paper, really, and don't read flu articles in general, it won't do you any good.

The daily fail 'newspaper' only managed to find a handful of cases, amongst millions and millions and millions of people. They've now pushed it out there to ignite the fires of the perenially fearful.

Leave ER to those people who have complications and are needing to be there.

31-01-18, 15:44
Now im scared...could it be meningitis?

31-01-18, 15:56
Now im scared...could it be meningitis?

Why would you think that? I thought you said you were diagnosed with flu at the medical centre you work in?

31-01-18, 15:58
No they don't test for flu

31-01-18, 16:00
Well you did say....

and i was dx with flu today

So, did your doctor call ?

My doctor is supposed to call me soon.

31-01-18, 16:02
She says she's not sure, it probably could be the flu or it could be a virus.

31-01-18, 16:03
I didn't think so but was confused by your original post where you seemed to be saying you definitely had it. I don't think you have flu then. Not if you're online typing this. It's probably a cold.

The Daily Mail over here is regarded a bit like the National Enquirer. It pretends to be better than that but it's not. It's a rag. Don't read it.

31-01-18, 16:04
could be the flu or it could be a virus.Well, flu is a virus, so she means it could be flu or some other sort of virus, like a cold or similar.

Did she give you any advice?

I'm not sure how you've made a leap to meningitis?

31-01-18, 16:17
meningitis also presents with flu like symptoms at first.

also i thought i had a sesitivity to light when i woke up this morning.

and basically the clinic does not have the capacity to test for flu, so she can't say for sure if it's a flu or a virus

31-01-18, 16:32
if it's a flu or a virusI'm going to repeat this again, flu IS a virus, a cold is a virus, there are many viruses, measles, chickenpox....viruses.

If you 'thought you had light sensitivity' just this morning, then NO this isn't meningitis. People don't 'think they did' just for a short time. They do have light sensitivity, that gets worse and a huge variety of other symptoms.

---------- Post added at 16:32 ---------- Previous post was at 16:21 ----------

Scaredpt, you have a problem here - in January alone you have been afraid of having the following -

Chest pains
Breast cancer
Meninigitis (twice!)
Flu (twice!)

That's just in Jan. I didn't go any further back. That's a lot of fear about lots of serious illnesses ina really short space of time. You need to find some way to get some help for yourself here. Whilst you are at home (presumably) with this virus, spend some times instead of researching illnesses in reading help articles, finding self-help books (also listed on this site) and finding out how you can get some support in the real world for your HA. IN your title for this thread you said 'help me not to spiral', but YOU need to learn the skills to do that. It takes strength, but you have to take those steps.

31-01-18, 16:49
And Again

None of your fears are the real problem.

Please read the below post from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Due to technical problems it is proving difficult to merge posts so for the moment any posts that we feel should be on a previous thread will be closed, allowing you the opportunity to re-post on your existing thread.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


31-01-18, 17:29
Confirmed it is flu but type B-doctor said my lungs look good and my fever has been lowering which seems like good signs

31-01-18, 17:31
Confirmed it is flu but type B-doctor said my lungs look good and my fever has been lowering which seems like good signs

Scaredpt, you have a problem here - in January alone you have been afraid of having the following -

Chest pains
Breast cancer
Meninigitis (twice!)
Flu (twice!)

That's just in Jan. I didn't go any further back. That's a lot of fear about lots of serious illnesses ina really short space of time. You need to find some way to get some help for yourself here. Whilst you are at home (presumably) with this virus, spend some times instead of researching illnesses in reading help articles, finding self-help books (also listed on this site) and finding out how you can get some support in the real world for your HA. IN your title for this thread you said 'help me not to spiral', but YOU need to learn the skills to do that. It takes strength, but you have to take those steps.

Positive thoughts

31-01-18, 17:35
So, you went out and got a flu test ? I don't get it, I really don't...US people help me out here.....can you just go and 'buy' any test you want? So, basically, you just have normal flu. I don't understand the need to be told you have flu, when you have flu, cos you know you have flu already? Maybe....or maybe you think its meninigitis? :winks:

31-01-18, 17:37
basically yesterday i had went to a clinic, but they don't have flu tests. today i went to my GP and he did a flu test!

31-01-18, 17:38
Geez, our GPs would be cross if we turned up with flu at their busy surgery, to infect other people, and asked to be tested for flu. I've never heard of people here being 'tested for flu'...anyone else ? Mind, when I had flu, I knew I had flu...and just did what was required in home care.

31-01-18, 20:09
Well that was a pretty instant result for a flu test, wasn't it?

31-01-18, 20:12
I think they are done pretty quickly Pulisa, its not something I think we are used to in the UK I guess?!

31-01-18, 20:35
I suppose not. Can't see the point unless the patient is immuno-suppressed.

31-01-18, 20:44

31-01-18, 20:50
I reckon working at a medical centre isn't terribly helpful for the OP. She gets through a hell of a lot of ailments in rapid succession....Incredible really.

31-01-18, 21:19
We don’t test for flu in Denmark either, unless you are admitted to hospital. If I called my doc she would probably not see me in person either, unless they afraid it’s something els. I can get really frustrated of how loose the US are with medicine and how there seems to be no common sense because sickness are a money industry. In Denmark you can The a free flu shot IF you are 65+ or ill to begin with (asthma etc) my grandpa is 75 and never had a flue shot in he’s life.

Guess us Europeans have a way different culture, and that’s why we can get frustrated.

Eat soup, stay in bed and watch Netflix, sleep a lot. I’m sure your gonna be fine soon !

31-01-18, 21:21
I suppose not. Can't see the point unless the patient is immuno-suppressed.

It's a billable procedure.

31-01-18, 21:23
Interesting post MissJensen, its nice to hear a perspective from another Euro country.

The other great thing about flu, to my mind, is that even though you are feeling a lot better after a few days to a week....you can still flop about for...oooooo at least another 2 weeks LOL. You can get take-aways, not do cleaning 'cos you are too tired and generally shirk all responsibilities and plop on the bed to play games, watch t.v. and read. Or is it just me that pretends I have it for longer than I have ? :whistles:

31-01-18, 21:30
Hahaha no I think you can be tired for some time after, I had mononucleosis way back and I was out for 6 months! Never been so tried in my life. :shades:

But it’s funny, you can’t really treat a virus with medicine, so there’s no need to go to the doctor unless there is complications.. it just sucks :roflmao:

01-02-18, 02:09
glad you only have the type B flu. it's milder than the A strain that is making the news media freak us all out.
hang in there. take care of yourself

01-02-18, 02:51

I saw this article and it seems many healthy people are randomly dying of the flu. I'm so scared.

Just want to say RIP to those who have died, especially those poor kids. :flowers:

01-02-18, 02:52
Yes, it's so terrible. Makes me scared to be a parent honestly.

01-02-18, 03:01
Sadly children do die from these viruses but how many don't? An article like that shines a big torch on a few cases but what if millions have been successfully treated? Then it becomes a clearly rare event.

It's one of those issues that comes down to how sometimes bad things just happen to people. The police do a good job of keeping us safe from crime but I could be in the wrong place just once and end up killed. Isn't that just the same as the few rare cases of a virus killing a healthy person? Yet we still go out and live our lives.

How many parents worry about the safety of their children? But we have to accept that we can't always protect our loved ones as much as we would love to. So you do what is enough, what is practical and learn to accept you have to go on faith for the rest otherwise your mental health is going to suffer.

01-02-18, 03:02
Yeha, I just read this terrible article "how a simple flu killed my daughter" and it was so sad and now i'm really scared.

01-02-18, 03:11
But we only hear about cases like that.

When I was young my younger cousin ate a hamburger his mum cooked. He had food poisoning which became so serious within days he was moved to a specialist children's hospital where he stayed for months. I won't go into detail further on this board but it was extremely serious and they saved his life. You won't hear about it in the media though because such hospitals are busy saving people every day.

How many people cook & eat burgers daily? And nothing happens. How many people who have food poisoning just have a few rough days? The vast majority. Sometimes someone just gets unlucky in these cases just as they are in road traffic accidents.

01-02-18, 03:17
I will give you a flu story. My 4 year old got the flu about a month ago. She had a fever, and cough, and stuffy nose for a week. She stayed home several days from preschool, watched a ton of Caillou, kept her mama, also sick with the flu, awake, and then recovered.

That is the more typical fly story.

01-02-18, 08:20
Who would actually go to the Daily Fail (similar trash rags are available) and sell their story of a loved one's death from flu or some rare cancer anyway?

01-02-18, 08:42
Yeha, I just read this terrible article "how a simple flu killed my daughter" and it was so sad and now i'm really scared.

Sorry, but now this is a really silly thing to do, you already have a fear that's out of perspective and chose to seek out and read that type of article. Anyone who sells their story to the Daily Fail about their deceased daughter is a rather strange person, and the thing about the Daily Fail is that they NEVER give the other side of facts - the medical facts, because hospitals don't give those out.

People die, yes, this is true. There is no avoiding it, 'nobody comes out of living alive'. :roflmao:Sorry, I like this phrase and find it funny, but sorry if you find it offensive. Tragically people die in road accidents, from falling off ladders, from being hit by a bus, after taking illegal drugs, etc etc etc....but you or your family being killed by a 'simple flu virus' is probably statistically less likely than a plane falling from the sky onto your house this morning.

---------- Post added at 08:42 ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 ----------

An article like that shines a big torch on a few cases but what if millions have been successfully treated? Then it becomes a clearly rare event.

Yes! I mean if the daily fail made a list of everyone this winter who had had the flu and was totally fine.....well...that would fill many many many newspapers just full of names.

01-02-18, 09:37
I will give you a flu story. My 4 year old got the flu about a month ago. She had a fever, and cough, and stuffy nose for a week. She stayed home several days from preschool, watched a ton of Caillou, kept her mama, also sick with the flu, awake, and then recovered.

That is the more typical fly story.

Same here. My 3 year old had it for nearly 10 days. Didn't eat a single thing for 7 days, nothing. Luckily he kept drinking water, but wouldn't touch calpol. Constant fever for a week. I've never seen him that ill and it was horrible to see.

But now, he's back to being a noisy, brash, loud, dirty, smelly little toddler like they all are. It's wonderful.

Child mortality from common viruses is about 1/50,000 in developed countries. It's just a complete, total non issue. They're far more likely to choke on their food at that age.

01-02-18, 17:52
oh no. I have a new fear: gullian barre syndrome. My legs have been cramping or the muscles hurt. Could this be the start of it? I know GBS is caused by viral infections.

01-02-18, 17:56
I have absolutely no idea what 'gullian barre syndrome' is....and I'm not going to look it up. I do know that you have chucked the words muscle cramps and aching into google however! You only posted yesterday that you had the FLU, these are symptoms that people get with the FLU. WHy are you looking for bizarre reasons for cramping and pain in muscles, when you actually had a flu test that said you had FLU. DId I have cramping and aching with my flu...YES I did.

01-02-18, 17:58
oh no. I have a new fear: gullian barre syndrome. My legs have been cramping or the muscles hurt. Could this be the start of it? I know GBS is caused by viral infections.

Will you PLEASE stay off freakin' Google?! :lac:


01-02-18, 18:04
Ok, I did it (cos I'm a curious sort and can't help myself), I looked up this syndrome thing......you don't even have ANY of the starting symptoms. None of them, not one.

01-02-18, 18:08


You know this by now!

01-02-18, 18:56
For those in the UK - here in the USA, it's common to get tested for the flu via a nasal swab. Many doctors offer a rapid flu swab test - results are back within several minutes. Other offices don't have the rapid test, and results come back in a couple days.

It's interesting to hear that many other countries don't commonly test for the flu but just go based on symptoms. Here's it's test for flu then Tamiflu Rx.

01-02-18, 19:00
There is no reason to get testet for the flu, it’s a virus the doctors can’t treat it, the body have to fight it. A bed and over the counter medication is enough!

01-02-18, 19:08
yeah i'm a medical researcher (ironically, i know)-and testing for flu helps a lot with surveillance.

01-02-18, 19:16
What sort of medical research do you do ?

01-02-18, 19:28
mostly just calculations/analysis. not anything biological (as evidenced by my HA)

01-02-18, 19:29
Even medical/biological people can have HA :D

For those in the UK - here in the USA, it's common to get tested for the flu via a nasal swab. Many doctors offer a rapid flu swab test - results are back within several minutes. Other offices don't have the rapid test, and results come back in a couple days.

It's interesting to hear that many other countries don't commonly test for the flu but just go based on symptoms. Here's it's test for flu then Tamiflu Rx.

Thanks !

01-02-18, 19:33
I have a stinking cold which I actually thought was flu, reason I have downgraded to a cold is because I can still walk to my stair lift, I still have a good appetite and thankfully my temperature has stayed about 37.5 in the evening, lower in the morning, worse part is the cough, good solution is a really hot curry, load's of hot and cold fluids, rest as in let other half do more if your lucky. Stay away from anywhere that puts others at risk, I have had to cancel an xray and my hydro tomoz, paracetamol helps and just keep an eye on yourself, yep reading some stories online can be scary and ringing 111, they terrified me and sent me to a walk-in centre because I had upper back pain.
So long as it doesn't last tooo long, stay healthy all

01-02-18, 20:09

You said some time ago, can't remember where, that the 'medical facility' where you worked didn't do flu testing. Is it like a surgery or clinic or something? The reason I ask is that if it is, then then might be perfectly placed to find a resource for you to help with your HA.

01-02-18, 20:18
I do have a therapist.

Really worried-temperature went from 99 this morning to 100.5 just now. wondering if it could be a complication happening

01-02-18, 20:33
99 - 100.5 Is not really much of a change and isn't that high. My daughter's temperature without paracetamol was 104 plus for days. No, what you have is a standard and actually quite low temperature for the flu. Infact, some people have a temperature of the same as you have now with a cold.

So, your therapist.....are they ok with you posting on here ?

01-02-18, 20:39
What sort of work do you do with your therapist?

01-02-18, 22:16
When my husband developed pneumonia when he had flu 15 years ago it was very sudden and unmistakable. His temp went up to 104d f and he really could not breathe and only talk in a whisper. This sort of severe complication comes on suddenly and he said since it made flu look like a walk in the park in how ill he felt

02-02-18, 01:24
When my husband developed pneumonia when he had flu 15 years ago it was very sudden and unmistakable. His temp went up to 104d f and he really could not breathe and only talk in a whisper. This sort of severe complication comes on suddenly and he said since it made flu look like a walk in the park in how ill he felt

Yeah I've had flu and pneumonia separately. Flu was in bed feeling like garbage. Pneumonia was waking in the night in a lot of pain struggling to breathe feeling like a had an elephant on my chest and off in a ambulance, a week in hospital and then months of recovery.

Like you say, a big difference. Mine had got worse though, the previous doctor missed the pneumonia.

Flu just makes you feel very rough but it's not the same as feeling so ill that you need medical intervention.

02-02-18, 16:18
Anyone heard of a cytokines storm? Seems to be what is killing all the young people. I’m very scared

02-02-18, 16:26
You are doing EXACTLY what you shouldn't be doing! No, I've never heard of it, and unless you'd been looking things up neither would you. WHY? why why ? do you want to scare yourself. This is a serious question.

02-02-18, 16:30
I think it has been mentioned earlier or on another flu thread along with sepsis and all the other ones. Remember some of these cases were people with complications in their health anyway.

Cytokine storm, sepsis, they are all about as linkable to your own case as someone with the flu getting hit by a bus. All are possibilities and not guarantees. Just as the cases of MRSA complications, that can happen to any of us going into a hospital but the vast majority it doesn't.

02-02-18, 17:16
I was with a friend who had Guillain Barre syndrome in the two days before she was admitted to hospital and she was nothing like you describe.

02-02-18, 17:25
I was with a friend who had Guillain Barre syndrome in the two days before she was admitted to hospital and she was nothing like you describe.

Reading about it, it sounds like a potential ALS rabbit hole for people on here.

I hope your friend is recovered. :flowers:

02-02-18, 20:06
i keep getting worried i'm having a hard time breathing or i have chest pains, but that's also what my anxiety does.

02-02-18, 20:30
i keep getting worried i'm having a hard time breathing or i have chest pains, but that's also what my anxiety does.

Would you please answer the question by Pulisa and also tell us what your therapist thinks about you posting on the forum?

What sort of work do you do with your therapist?

Positive thoughts

02-02-18, 20:50
I suspect we will be waiting for a while...

---------- Post added at 20:40 ---------- Previous post was at 20:36 ----------

You are doing EXACTLY what you shouldn't be doing! No, I've never heard of it, and unless you'd been looking things up neither would you. WHY? why why ? do you want to scare yourself. This is a serious question.

Probably a bit of looking up of old threads here? A cornucopia of rare ailments and complications.

I think a change of therapist is on the cards?

---------- Post added at 20:50 ---------- Previous post was at 20:40 ----------

I'm confused. You're a medical researcher but a flu patient coughed on you and you developed flu the next day. Do you have medical qualifications? Do you have actual contact with patients?

02-02-18, 21:04
I work in a medical center. No contact directly w patients, but a lot of patients have been coming to the center with the flu

02-02-18, 21:09
So do you come from a medical background if you are a researcher? You must have to have a certain degree of medical knowledge in the first place?

Could you tell us what you are working on with your therapist? He/she is obviously not helping you much at the moment.

02-02-18, 21:28
Could you tell us what you are working on with your therapist? He/she is obviously not helping you much at the moment.

Obviously, the engaging of counter-productive reassurance seeking behaviors hinders one's recovery. The lack of an answer speaks volumes as does the post history :lac: This is self-inflicted anxiety IMO.

Positive thoughts

02-02-18, 21:47
It is something that you are going to have to face preferably sooner rather than later.

You post history shows a problem with HA and always thinking the worst.

Getting a brief period of reassurance for each and every one of your fears is doing nothing to recognise never mind deal with the real problem,

This is an anxiety website and you have to trust us that we have seen this pattern of behaviour over and over again.

There does come a time when it is up to you to acknowledge what the real problem is

02-02-18, 22:39
Thank you Terry. She was in hospital for a long time but is much improved.

---------- Post added at 22:39 ---------- Previous post was at 22:37 ----------

Reading about it, it sounds like a potential ALS rabbit hole for people on here.

I hope your friend is recovered. :flowers:

Have just worked out how to do the quote but thank you again.:)

04-02-18, 17:31
definately worried about GBS, my left calf feels weak and cramping

04-02-18, 17:42
and you've read our replies about that particular condition , in the last few pages ?

04-02-18, 17:52
yes but it seems quite pssible..someone even said they had a friend with it.

04-02-18, 17:55
Yeah, and that she had nothing like you are talking about in terms of symptoms. So, you've been selective in interpreting what she said ! :winks:

The symptoms for this exceedingly rare condition occur quickly, sometimes within a few hours of having the flu, and anyway the symptoms are not what you are referring to at all - your cramps and hurting aren't mentioned.

So, if you are going to 'develop an imaginary illness' at least try and get the possible symptoms lined up a bit better. ;o)

04-02-18, 20:58
Sorry if i scared you. My intention was to emphasize that you don't have the symptoms of GBS.

04-02-18, 21:00
My intention was to emphasize that you don't have the symptoms of GBS.

...and you quite clearly did that ! :D:D:D

04-02-18, 21:33
Sorry guys. The flus is just a rough illness. It's day 6 and i'm still feeling fatigued, I haven't seen friends and have mostly been alone, and I think I just have the blues. My fever is still here-around 99. just worried about having a complication. and bummed because of the being alone.

04-02-18, 21:44
It is horrible, sorry you are still so rough, if it's any consolation that's how we all were too...and it was 2 weeks before I felt I could walk the dogs again. Has your temperature been any higher than that ?

04-02-18, 22:18
well a few days ago it was higher but it's lowered overall...just took again and it was 99.1. fluctuatues between 98.7-99.3

---------- Post added at 22:18 ---------- Previous post was at 22:01 ----------

should I go to an urgent care or something?

04-02-18, 23:34
well a few days ago it was higher but it's lowered overall...just took again and it was 99.1. fluctuatues between 98.7-99.3

---------- Post added at 22:18 ---------- Previous post was at 22:01 ----------

should I go to an urgent care or something?

NO! You're getting better. You never answered the question about what your therapist thinks about you posting here :shrug:

Positive thoughts

04-02-18, 23:40
My mum had this flu thing 3 weeks ago and she was really poorly.

She still has a bad cough now and doesn't feel 100% and is tired all the time. It is taking time to go.

Catherine S
04-02-18, 23:50
I've been the same. I very rarely get colds or bugs, but i'm into the 5th week now of a bad cough and a sore throat with my voice not being altogether there. I can't say I've been really poorly but definately no energy and just feeling much less than normal. Its got to the point that I'm thinking this is now my new voice! There's so much doing the rounds right now and its taking time to recover from it all.

Thing is, that it's the same every year but we forget about it all once the spring and summer arrive.

05-02-18, 01:46
Yeah, different strains. I have a model of what I expect to happen in a typical cold and sometimes you get ones that act completely differently. I say a model because it has always helped me to understand when my asthma might start to be an issue (colds always used to become chest infections for me so it was on the antibiotics) but the last couple of years I've had some ones that were more throat based or bypassed the nose stage completely. And I found these lingered a lot longer.

Usual colds for me can leave me still having some shifting chest rubbish weeks later but it's week two where that is normally at it's worst when I have always kept an eye on my asthma.

Different strains, I guess. My mum has had some the last couple of years that have been going for weeks or disappeared then returned weeks later.

05-02-18, 16:18
I keep having chest issues, like not being able to breathe

05-02-18, 16:26
scared pt, why won't you talk to us about the therapy you say you are having ? Are you not having any, is that why? I've gotta ask, as people here have questioned you about it a few times and aren't getting a reply. If you were having some mental health assistance, then maybe we could reenforce that and help ?

05-02-18, 16:39
i keep getting worried i'm having a hard time breathing or i have chest pains, but that's also what my anxiety does.

Would you please answer the question by Pulisa and also tell us what your therapist thinks about you posting on the forum?

What sort of work do you do with your therapist?

Positive thoughts

05-02-18, 17:16
Well, yeah, because I asked if scaredpt's psychologist/counsellor/therapist was ok with her being on here, pages ago; I'm interested, as if she is having assistance with her HA, then I can't see how this thread is supporting that ?

06-02-18, 15:51
updating: I am now scared to leave the house.

06-02-18, 15:54
...and why would that be? You've had the flu, the thing you feared, you've recovered. (and very quickly actually)

06-02-18, 15:58
Scared here is your post from the thread I closed

I had the flu this week and because I have health anxiety it was a really disturbing experience. I got it from being on public transit and having a rude person cough in my face and then tell me she was just at the doctors' getting diagnosed with flu. i'm terrified of leaving my house. every elevator button and person just screams germs, contamination, death to me. i went out to dinner with my parents last night and was so anxious the whole time. any advice?

Can I clarify though, you have given us two different ways that you caught the flu in the first place.

But you have managed to throw it off very quickly which is good news.

06-02-18, 16:03
i keep getting worried i'm having a hard time breathing or i have chest pains, but that's also what my anxiety does.

Would you please answer the question by Pulisa and also tell us what your therapist thinks about you posting on the forum?

What sort of work do you do with your therapist?

Positive thoughts

06-02-18, 16:14
OH yes, I'd forgotten that, thanks for the reminder.....


sure enough, a flu patient coughed on me yesterday and i was dx with flu today.Except that it transpired you weren't diagnosed with flu, as two days later you went around clinics to find someone to diagnose you, after your doctor said;

She [doctor] says she's not sure, it probably could be the flu or it could be a virus.
So, was it the bus or the patient at the clinic? Does it really matter, as there's no way of knowing is there.

Good that you got over it and were out for an evening meal 5 days after findig out you had flu though, that's a pretty good immune response if you ask me, for flu. So, surely that is very encouraging. It wasn't meningitis, you didn't have any complications, you didn't have that rare muscle/nerve thing you looked up etc.

06-02-18, 16:25
Scared here is your post from the thread I closed

I had the flu this week and because I have health anxiety it was a really disturbing experience. I got it from being on public transit and having a rude person cough in my face and then tell me she was just at the doctors' getting diagnosed with flu. i'm terrified of leaving my house. every elevator button and person just screams germs, contamination, death to me. i went out to dinner with my parents last night and was so anxious the whole time. any advice?

Can I clarify though, you have given us two different ways that you caught the flu in the first place.

But you have managed to throw it off very quickly which is good news.

As a medical researcher I suppose it was important to research ways of getting flu from 2 different sources...

07-02-18, 09:03
scared pt, why won't you talk to us about the therapy you say you are having ? Are you not having any, is that why? I've gotta ask, as people here have questioned you about it a few times and aren't getting a reply. If you were having some mental health assistance, then maybe we could reenforce that and help ?


10-02-18, 23:26
I just recovered from the flu. A week after I had recovered, I feel like I have a fever again and my temp is around 99.5. I’m worried I caught the other strain and my flu could get really bad. And I’ll have to go to the Er or something because I got flu twice.

11-02-18, 00:01
I don't think that is uncommon. Please don't go to the ER and spread your germs. This is not long at all for a flu virus to still be hanging around and 99.5 is not that high.

11-02-18, 00:10
They'll just send you home unless you are really sick . are you coughing? I know coughing from the flu can keep a fever around for a bit . my 7 year old has the flu and I'm sue in have it too now. My throat hurts and I feel tired.

11-02-18, 02:09
This is definitely not uncommon. A secondary bacterial infection may have occurred, or you may have unfortunately caught another virus. Both are not dangerous in any way and if it's the former, it can be easily treated with antibiotics (if it's bacterial).

---------- Post added at 10:09 ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 ----------

And you don't need to go to the ER for sure!!!!!!!

11-02-18, 05:59
I did read that you should go back in if your fever go away and then come back. It could indicate that another infection started. With that being said 99.5 is not considered a fever. It’s only slightly elevated.

11-02-18, 08:21
If you still have a bad cough or feeling breathless then its possible you have bacterial infection which just needs antibiotics. Just go and see you gp. Not sure what you call them in us

11-02-18, 09:18
I would advise people to read this thead to, until the threads are put together or the poster is advised to put their new flu fear with their old one. This gives more insight into the thought processes scaredpt is engaging in.


Scared pt, last time you got the flu it lasted (unlike for most people where it lasts weeks!) 5 days and you were out having a meal on the evening of the 5th day....so you clearly have a very strong immune system. As others have said 99.5 hardly even counts as a temperature. If you get the flu again, or a cold or a cough that lasts or anything that concerns you, then there is still no reason to go to ER! Go see your doctor.

11-02-18, 09:22
That isn't a fever. If you don't have any actual symptoms other than "feeling like you have a fever" then I'm sure it's just recovering from the flu mixed in with your anxiety about the flu which makes you hyperaware of every tiny thing. You need to be patient. You do not need to go to the ER.

11-02-18, 10:02
Here is one of the posts at the end of that thread scaredpt...but many others are asking too...

scared pt, why won't you talk to us about the therapy you say you are having ? Are you not having any, is that why? I've gotta ask, as people here have questioned you about it a few times and aren't getting a reply. If you were having some mental health assistance, then maybe we could reenforce that and help ?

---------- Post added at 10:02 ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 ----------

Absolutely Anna! what is this 'need to go to ER' thing that seems to kick in as the first port of call with any minor physical problem. There are really sick people, really ill people, those with life-threatening conditions needing the help of the doctors and nurses there and you don't need to be there. Have some sense about this.

15-02-18, 16:27
i keep getting worried i'm having a hard time breathing or i have chest pains, but that's also what my anxiety does.

Would you please answer the question by Pulisa and also tell us what your therapist thinks about you posting on the forum?

What sort of work do you do with your therapist?

Positive thoughts

16-02-18, 15:49
We talked and he said that I need to stop googling i just have to protect myself as much as I can. It’s just stressful when people come to class or work when they are sick and I can’t leave

16-02-18, 23:52
what if i get the flu again???

16-02-18, 23:57
well you will have to deal with it but it is unlikely.

17-02-18, 06:24
You'll recover just like you did this time. Clearly you have a great immune system as were out eating a meal 5 days after starting with the flu....so that is a QUICK recovery and means you didn't even get it that bad at all. Working in a medical centre you are going to have to work on this aren't you, big time. I've only had the flu twice in my life (I don't have the vaccine) and that's from working with kids, young adults in education and active in the community.

You know, here is something to think about....think of GPs/primary doctors. They see people day in and day out going in with every manner of virus imaginable. However, how often are they off ill ?

22-02-18, 23:04
(Please don’t lump this in with my other post. That was from when I had the flu.)

I was very triggered today because I was in a shared cab and when the other ladies had gotten out my driver mentioned he had picked them up from a hospital from a surgery. I know a surgery is different than the flu but I broke down. I can’t driver so I have to take crowded public transit or taxis everywhere. It’s so ****ing scary because I see everyone as someone with the potential to get the flu. The advice the articles give you is bullshit-you can wash your hands all you want but if someone is coughing in the same can or on you in the subway, you’re screwed. Any coping tips?

23-02-18, 00:01
I thought you could get anti-flu shots in the USA?

23-02-18, 00:06
I thought you could get anti-flu shots in the USA?

From a one of a few previous threads by the OP about this...

yeah! It's 10% effective against the dominant strain in the US tho

It's actually more effective than that and the season peaked a couple of weeks ago. You can't catch the same strain either as your body would have developed antibodies.

Positive thoghts

23-02-18, 00:22
If you have had the flu I would think the chances of getting it again are very minimal.

Why are you obsessed with the flu can I ask?

23-02-18, 01:44
Do you have any pre-existing health conditions that are considered at risk for those who get things like flu? If not, doctors over here wouldn't even be bothered about any preventative treatment.

The things is with this fear you must surely know you can't stop yourself unless you isolate yourself from anywhere human beings go. This also points out the flaws in the logic of this fear because unless you are walking around in a HAZMAT suit all day spraying every surface you go anywhere near, how can you truly prevent it?

23-02-18, 08:16
Please follow this link and see your posting history. You need to acknowledge that you have an anxiety problem, otherwise this pattern of posting is just going to continue. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/search.php?searchid=6545663


Please read the below post from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Due to technical problems it is proving difficult to merge posts so for the moment any posts that we feel should be on a previous thread will be closed, allowing you the opportunity to re-post on your existing thread.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


27-02-18, 19:28
I had flu B a month ago and know it’s possible to get the flu twice but how probably would that be? Am I destined to get the flu? I try to do everything I can including wearing purell on my neck lanyard and using it all day but I’m still scared. The flu is deadly

27-02-18, 19:35

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


27-02-18, 22:44
I had flu B a month ago and know it’s possible to get the flu twice but how probably would that be? Am I destined to get the flu? I try to do everything I can including wearing purell on my neck lanyard and using it all day but I’m still scared. The flu is deadly

There is no predicting. If you get it, you get it.

I know you're obsessing right now, but acceptance and tolerance for the unknown is what we all need to figure out.

04-03-18, 21:07
Pretty sure I got the flu again. yay me.

05-03-18, 14:58
When you say flu, what are your symptoms?

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05-03-18, 16:23
well today I am just feeling like I might have a fever (haven't checked yet) and am feeling extra tired.

05-03-18, 19:54
I’m sure it’s not the actual flu then. That comes on quickly & you know you have it. I’d imagine you have maybe a cold coming on. Keep drinking water, get some rest & you’ll be fine.

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10-03-18, 16:00
Anyone have tightness in shoulder blades, not being able to get a good breath in? Especially at night. I am recovering from flu and get awoke during middle of night with this.

10-03-18, 17:41
Have you got a cough?

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