View Full Version : Pain below left breast when drinking water

31-01-18, 02:02
So the past couple of days I’ve been having a pain below my left breast. At first I figured it was because of anxiety. My best friend just got diagnosed with breast cancer and I’ve been worried about her. Anyways, I realized yesterday the pain only happened when I drank something. It’s in a specific spot each time and isn’t that painful. It’s like I can feel the water going from my esophagus to my stomach. I of course looked it up and found esophageal spasms, which aren’t that bad but I’m concerned. I know the easiest thing would be to just go to the dr but I’ve been watching my friends kids while she is getting her double mastectomy. Anyone else have this happen to them? Did they find relief? Could it just be I’m hypersensitive and I’ve always had that happen?

31-01-18, 22:16
Anyone? I feel like it’s where my esphogus meets my stomach. Maybe acid reflux?