View Full Version : I'm terrified. Jaw Pain.

31-01-18, 02:32
I notice I've been getting jaw pain lately. Not to mention I've also had what feels like toothaches. What's even more strange is it's completely random situations. I can be sat in bed playing video games or up making dinner or taking out the trash or even just laying down. Suddenly I'll be hit with a quick jarring jolt of pain in my jaw. It only seems to be on one side when it hits. It's like a toothache in my jaw and speaking of toothaches, I've been getting what feels like severe toothaches along with this and it can be in the top or bottom row of teeth towards the back. Obviously like anyone in their early to mid-20s I turn to google to look for symptoms and of course the first thing I find is a bunch of stuff talking about heart attacks! I don't know what to think. I also found out about the trigeminal nerve which can cause headaches, jaw pain, and tooth pain. I've also found out about TMJ which I think I have for sure because my jaw clicks and I know for a fact I grind my teeth because I've caught myself doing it and have had to make myself stop only to go right back to doing it when I stop paying attention. I'm not sure what's going on with this but anytime anything is wrong with my health I have that horrible tendency to research it and I jump to the worst conclusion possible. What can this be? Does anyone else have this? I really hope I am not alone in this :(

31-01-18, 04:13
I’m almost certain it’s the TMJ. I have TMJ and I get the same thing.

31-01-18, 20:25
I’m almost certain it’s the TMJ. I have TMJ and I get the same thing.
Thanks for the reply! I'm sorry that you have TMJ but I love that there's at least one other person out there that can relate. I wish you the best :)