View Full Version : Please help!

31-01-18, 05:57
Hi, I am new here, living in Toronto. I met with an accident last year. It hits me physically as well as mentally. Most of my injuries were cured. But my left leg got paralyzed. For the past several months, I am taking physiotherapy treatments. But my problem is that I couldn't see any noticeable change in this treatment. My therapist, as well as others who are concerned about me, have hope in treatment and they hope that my condition will change soon. My therapist can see improvements in my case. But I can't see any developments. I am too much worried about the situation. Always I have tension regarding my treatment and recovery. Everybody said that we should have faith in treatment then only it will work out. I tried to overcome my tensions and worries. But I couldn't control. Is this a health anxiety? Shall I consult an anxiety disorder therapist? Please share your views.

31-01-18, 15:15
Your post comes across as rational and realistic. I do see bits of frustration and worry but not to any abnormal degree. You're not catastrophizing nor thinking irrationally but it's obvious you're struggling.

You're correct. When one suffers a serious physical illness or injury, it takes it's toll mentally as well. It's VERY difficult to adapt and accept the "new normal". Just my opinion but it appears you're doing the right things. You're in therapy (I went too after my 1st heart attack and bypass and took Zoloft for around 6 months during my recovery).

All you can do, is work to get to your new normal and try to keep a positive attitude.

"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it" - Charles Swindoll

Positive thoughts