View Full Version : IBS? Palps? In my head? On sertaline

31-01-18, 10:49
Hi all.
I am getting the most weird symptom and before I head back to the GP again I wondered if anyone else has it.
It’s two fold and just above my diaphragm. Sometimes it feels like a fluttering and other times it feels like a thump. I am thinking it is coming from my stomach and up my windpipe but there is no acid, no pain really other jab a ‘Jeez what’s that’ feeling. It is worse at night and the thumping is bad when I try to sleep. So bad on occasion it wakes me back up! If I then take a diazepam it goes and I can sleep. It doesn’t happen all the time I can go a few days without and then a few days with and is usually heralded by a feeling that there’s something in my throat. I’ve tried ranatidine and gaviscon to no really effect.
Oh and I have a mild back pain with it right where my bra strap sits.
I’m on 50mg sertaline, upped from 25 8 weeks ago which was when this started.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? My health anxiety is having a field day esp with the lack of sleep/diazepam hangover!
Thanks in advance.