View Full Version : Don't know what to do?

03-07-07, 12:30

I am not sure of what I am going to do, I do not think my Dr is goning to give me any more sick notes, but I feel that I am not ready to start looking and finding a job yet.

I just don't know what to do :weep::weep::weep::weep:.


03-07-07, 12:50
Are you in a job now or not?
I cant work but claim income support which helps pay the bills. If your doctor says you not fit for work then you can claim this.
Sometimes infact most of the times the idea of doing something is much worse then acctually doing it. You might find a job and love it and finds it really helps you.
Also you could try doing volentry work as this is a great way to meet people with simmiler intreasts, get use to going out to work and feel good about doing something possitive.
Hope it works out for you
Take care

07-07-07, 13:24
Hi Blackie

Many Thanks for your reply, sorry for not responding sooner, no I am not in a job I am claiming Income Support and Incapacity Benefit because I suffer with depression, anxiety etc. I am sure last time I saw my doctor, she said that she was not going to give me any more sick notes, but at the moment I don't feel up to it.

I am going to see my doctor on Monday afternoon, so hopefully she will give me a sicknote. The problem is I don't have any confidence whats so ever, if the phone rings I don't like to answer it unless it is someone who I know or expecting, things like that, also I get upset over nothing, the slightest thing upsets me, plus I can only think of negative things about myself, no positives whats so ever.


07-07-07, 14:27
Ask your doc for a note just tell her what you're saying here. :)

After a while you don't need any sick notes as you go on long term sick maybe that's what your doc meant?

07-07-07, 16:55
You should tell your g.p. what is reall on your mind, how you are feeling, she may be able to refer you for some councelling , it will get better for you hun just try and think positve.:hugs:

11-07-07, 17:30
Hi Everyone

Many thanks for your replies, sorry I have not replied sooner, well I went to the Doctors on Monday, I explained how I felt etc and she did write another sick note thank goodness. I just have to fill in the form now.

I have started seeing a councellor, hopefully she will help with my problems.

Many Thanks
