View Full Version : Anxiety / inhaling rubbing alcohol

01-02-18, 01:14
Hello I'm 19 year old female, also new to this cause I'm always having anxiety something bad is gonna happen to me.
So today I was painting my room and spatter paint on the floor saw I looked up what will clean up dried paint and it said rubbing alcohol so I spend maybe an hour cleaning up and inhaling the rubbing alcohol so I looked it up and saw it was harmful to inhal it
So now I'm freaking out thinking something bad is gonna happen to me even though I don't show any symptoms cause of what I looked up and saw that I can get into a coma
So freaking scared :weep:

au Lait
01-02-18, 02:03
I use it frequently to clean and it’s never harmed me. You’d need to seriously inhale it in a closed space (with little to no ventilation) to get sick. And if you were to have a reaction it would have happened already. You would have started to feel sick while you were cleaning. You are fine.

01-02-18, 02:12
Thank you for replying, that's a relief I also did have my window open while cleaning :)