View Full Version : Just diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia... terrified of heart problems

01-02-18, 01:38
Hello everyone! So I recently got my heath insurance back and went to a doctor for some symptoms (painful periods, dizziness, fatigue, heart palpitations) and all she really did was check my heartbeat with a stethoscope and have my blood taken to be tested.

Well my blood was sent to be tested after I went home, and yesterday I got a call from her saying I have iron deficiency anemia. She prescribed me some iron pills and my follow up is Feb. 8th.

I shouldn稚 have looked it up... but I did. It turns out anemia can cause irregular heartbeat that leads to heart failure or enlarged heart. Ive been in panic mode all day. When she checked my heart while I was in her office she had a hard time and said my heartbeat was weak. I致e also been having chest pains.

I知 19 and a senior in high school. I have lots of work to do, but now I知 having panic attacks. I知 scared of my heart giving out. I知 taking my iron pills now, but I知 just so scared. :(

If anyone could help me I wil be so so grateful. Thank you!

01-02-18, 08:39
When I got pregnant with my son my midwife freaked when she got my first lot of bloods back. I was dangerously anemic and I had no idea - i had no symptoms at all (well it was pre HA and I was fresh in my 20's so I probably was to busy partying to notice). Anyway, the iron pills sorted me out and nothing bad came of it, no damage to my heart (I have heart anxiety so I'm always getting ECGS ect)...

I'm no Dr, but im sure you will be totally fine (easier said than done I know this!) :)

The iron pills should bring everything back to normal, just look after yourself, drink water, eat healthy all that jazz and let ya doc know if anything changes.

You will be ok :)

Take care ...and b r e a t h

01-02-18, 09:02

Iron deficiency anaemia can be a real problem for those with heavy periods, I know how that goes as perennially get that way myself. (I am also vegetarian) I don't even get myself tested for anaemia now, as recognise the symptoms and start taking the iron tablets. A number of years ago though I recall not really knowing I'd got to the point of very severe anaemia and when it was tested it was incredibly low, like the previous poster. My usual symptoms of anaemia are - racing heart on activity but generally elevated all the time, feeling out of breath, feeling very fatigued and dizziness when standing up quickly.

Anaemia is very treatable with your iron tablets (don't take more than the recommended amount at the times stated!) Although it can take months to get back up to correct levels, after a week or so your symptoms will gradually start to get better. I think that would probably be quite a reasonable thing to go.

I suggest that when you go back for your follow up you need to try and get to the bottom of the heavy periods, and find a way to manage those.

she had a hard time and said my heartbeat was weak. I致e also been having chest pains. Did she say you had a weak heart beat, actually say that? I can see why that would set you off on a fearful spiral, I think that as a comment from a medic would affect me too, but I strongly suspect it was a poor choice of words on his/her part. I think that if she thought there was any possibility that you had a 'weak heart rate' or underlying heart condition, after listening to it, then you wouldn't have been just walking out of the office with iron tablets.

If it would help you to calm down, why not call back the office and say you were concerned about the 'weak heart rate' comment and could she explain/elaborate to put your mind at rest.

Anaemia causing the sort of issues you read up on, heart faliure and enlarged heart, is incredibly severe long-term anaemia that would require transfusion (my Aunt 40 years ago got to this level, she could barely manage to walk around a few steps with breathlessness, racing heart, irregular heartbeat and was obviously very ill) . The doctor would be aware of that sort of level, as when your results come back they give figures on the level of your anaemia, and if you have been prescribed tablets then your anaemia will be within the level for 'easily treatable at home with iron tablets'.

01-02-18, 12:14
Very sensible responses up there!

I had iron deficiency for a while - I took iron pills and that was it. Easily solved. That was a year ago - I stopped taking the pills a couple of months ago. I don't need them any more.

For heavy periods, I've started taking tranexamic acid, which is a non-hormonal option. This reduced the blood flow to something manageable.

No heart problems here... I do get a loud heartbeat sometimes but I'm still alive.

01-02-18, 17:18
Thank you all so so much for the responses! It truly makes me feel so much better. I知 going to continue taking my iron tablets and hopefully things will go back to normal. I知 going to wait until my appointment next week to ask if my heart is actually weak, but considering I was just sent home without much word on it I think I知 okay.

Again, thank you all!

01-02-18, 17:55
Hello everyone! So I recently got my heath insurance back and went to a doctor for some symptoms (painful periods, dizziness, fatigue, heart palpitations) and all she really did was check my heartbeat with a stethoscope and have my blood taken to be tested.

Well my blood was sent to be tested after I went home, and yesterday I got a call from her saying I have iron deficiency anemia. She prescribed me some iron pills and my follow up is Feb. 8th.

I shouldn’t have looked it up... but I did. It turns out anemia can cause irregular heartbeat that leads to heart failure or enlarged heart. Ive been in panic mode all day. When she checked my heart while I was in her office she had a hard time and said my heartbeat was weak. I’ve also been having chest pains.

I’m 19 and a senior in high school. I have lots of work to do, but now I’m having panic attacks. I’m scared of my heart giving out. I’m taking my iron pills now, but I’m just so scared. :(

If anyone could help me I wil be so so grateful. Thank you!

Don't worry, the iron tablets should sort you out. My haemoglobin dropped to 8.9 during a miscarriage but with iron tablets it was up to 12 a week later.

You'd have to have pretty severe anaemia for quite a while before your heart gave out, I think. And I'm sure you'd be feeling very ill indeed if you were at that point.