View Full Version : Please help, end of the world intense fear

01-02-18, 03:06
Hey guys, I feel ridiculous while writing this but I really don't know what to do anymore and just hope that someone feels the same, every social network I go all I seem to see is stuff about doomsday and nuclear war and all that, I don't know why but this makes me extremely worried, Just the thought of it makes me freeze in fear. I don't know what to do about it anymore, please help 🙁

01-02-18, 08:48
Hi, I had the same fear for a long time. In fact, I once refused to visit Paris with my boyfriend because my anxiety told me that if I do, the world will end. :-D Now I can laugh about it, but it felt real back then.

What helped me is restricting the amount of news I read and hear, in facy I stopped readijg it all together. The truth is that if something trully important happens you will find out.
Also think about how many times people were wrong about those end of the world "propecies".

Enjoy the here and now, There will be no ens of the world. :-)

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01-02-18, 10:20
The best way to help this situation I find is to remove anything from your life that reminds you of this. Don't go on Facebook etc if it's a big trigger, change the channel if news comes on, don't read the news etc... quite a drastic approach but it will work and has done for me (although my reason is different than yours)

Also I find thinking along the lines of "if it's the end of the world I won't be here anymore to worry about it anyway, so why waste time worrying now, absolutely nothing I can do about it." Most of it is scaremongering anyway.

Hope this has helped some what. Just try and enjoy the world while it's not the end, because we have a good few thousand years to go yet I reckon.

01-02-18, 23:44
Now I'm having so much anxiety, here in Portugal they already caught 18 earthquakes in the same region, they are now saying this could be a big one coming, I'm so scared, I have a two month old at home and I live in the ground level floor, of a five level building, im so scared it will collapse on us and I won't be able to save my little girl I'm petrified��������

04-02-18, 17:38
I had exactly the same thing 2 years ago. I became so convinced and it was terrifying. Alongside counselling and meds I discovered a guy called Robert Walker who has a Facebook page called Doomsday Debunked. It is not scary and basically he debunks and explains all of the silly stories in the media. If I found myself wanting to go on Google or You Tube I would look him up instead. He also writes articles about these sorts of fears on a site called Science 2.0. It helped me understand things and I am now no longer frightened of these things. Hope you feel better soon.