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View Full Version : Can health anxiety do this...

01-02-18, 11:39
So I read online that liver disease can make male breasts grow in size.

Today I looked in the mirror and to my eyes they looked slightly bigger.

I'm not even sure they are bigger, I do have slight "man boobs" as it is.

Can health anxiety do that to you? If you read a symptom online, can your mind end up persuading you that you have it?

01-02-18, 11:56
Yep, absolutely, totally, 100 percent YES.

Its a simple answer really, which is why everyone here advises to not start looking up symptoms as with a susceptible, anxious mind, you can convince yourself that there is something and that something must mean that you have X, Y or Z. The more you obsesses about the 'something' and check for the something , that larger it becomes in your mind and it even starts to look larger.

01-02-18, 12:31
You’ll even start to feel pains that aren’t there. You’ll obsess over it. I have a big toe situation since the beginning of the year, I swear I’ve never felt toe/foot bone pain until I started obsessing over it.