View Full Version : Headaches

03-07-07, 16:23
Arghhh they are driving me mad. For the last 2 weeks ive had a pressure over my eyes, between my eyes, temples and down my nose. It does feel abit like sinus type pressure and sometimes I feel like a good sneeze would sort ithttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gifbut im not snotty at all so I know its not a sinus infection or anything.

Over the weekend I had a sickness bug, I feel fine now but the pressure feels abit worse its now in my ears, not got ear ache but I have glands up down the tube from ear to throat, only up a tiny bit but enough to feel that they are sore.

I have no ear probs so I know its not glue ear or anything. I was wondering would allergic rhinitus cause a headache and pressure in sinus area? if so what could I try? It is just very annoying. I am taking painkillers and sudafed but not getting much relief really. There is nothing to blow out either so my head just feels constantly fuzzy and sometimes full of pressure over my eyes and nose.

I had an eye test and check up with dr in May due to headaches so I am not too worried http://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gif it was my dr who told me to have an eye test and the optician reassured me that they can pick up any pressure behind the eyes so I shouldn't worry about the headaches being caused by a tumour.

03-07-07, 18:09
The symptoms you describe with the pressure sound like they could be a sinus infection or sinusitis even though you don't feel snotty. I remember once going to the doctor with ear and sinus problems, he said I'd had an infection 'behind the scenes' if you like...in the sinuses but not coming out as a cold.

I have rhinitis myself. I have to take a prescription nasal spray twice a day to keep it in check. On certain days (esp when it's humid) it really flares up and causes my eyes to feel dry, headache, pressure pains but without me needing to blow my nose or anything.

Just a thought - could it be allergy related with the time of year?

03-07-07, 22:08

Yes I think its allergy related, my GP has always said he thought I was allergic and weather related.

I am getting facial twitching tonight though and im worrying what that could be.

Arghhhhh I need a slap at the moment, its one stress after another. I have just had a weekend of illness with my 3 kids and myself & my husband getting the sickness also. I am so tired and stressed!!

Sorry just had to scream, lol!
