View Full Version : Biopsy fear

01-02-18, 14:31
I'm sorry for posting again. Feel a bit pathetic to be honest but....... thing is I had to go to ENT consultant about a white plaque inside my nose which I have been terrified was nasal cancer ( even tho I know its very rare) . Consultant was lovely. Had a nasal camera which showed nothing else wrong, but he suggested I needed a biopsy so have to have a minor 'procedure' on Tuesday to remove a bit of the mucous membrane for testing. To be honest I'm absolutely, utterly terrified. A bit scared of the procedure but even more terrified by the fact that I've got to have it at all and what it might show. Consultant doesnt think its cancer but I'm not sure he knows just what it is . Had managed to persuade myself that it wouldoes be OK and now.......well know it all suddenly seems serious. I'm not asking for expert opinion on what it might be ( tho of course reassurance always helps); but would someone talk some sense into me

01-02-18, 14:40
He's practicing "CYA" (cover your arse) medicine. That's what good doctors do.

Positive thoughts

01-02-18, 18:49
Thanks Fishmanpa You are very wise and I should know better thanks for the common sense xx

01-02-18, 19:35
I agree with Fishmanpa. I had a situation like this back in 2016 but with a breast lump. The radiologist and my Dr. both felt it was benign scar tissue. I couldn't' wrap my head around that. The radiologist did a biopsy and guess what? It was benign scar tissue. I completely understand your fear, 100%. I pray all goes well and keep us posted! *hugs*

01-02-18, 19:49
I am certain fishmanpa is right.. please try not to worry

01-02-18, 19:53
And... if he didn't test, you'd be wondering if he missed something or was fobbing you off ;) Just the nature of HA.

Positive thoughts

01-02-18, 20:55
Thankyou all. Am trying to be logical and rational. This HA is a pain in the bum!!!