View Full Version : 2 different diagnosis?

01-02-18, 21:46

I have a small bump behind my ear on the mastoid bone. I was freaking out about it for awhile. I went to 2 different urgent care different doctors who told me it nothing to worry about and just brushed me off. One said he couldn't even feel it and that nothing was there. One said it was part of my head. Obviously with my HA I was not going to take that as an answer, so I made real doctors appointments. One with a ENT doctor and one with a general doctor and surgeon in my town.

The general surgeon was very nice and reassuring, he told me that he DID in fact feel something there and that it was most likely a small 3mm-4mm (super tiny) lipoma, which is basically just a growth of fat cells. He told me that it would be super super rare for it to be anything serious given the location and size. He said to just check it every few months if I am worried to make sure it isn't getting bigger and if it does we can remove it. He has been a general surgeon for 26 years so he has obviously had his fair share at diagnosing lumps and bumps. Surprisingly, I am actually not freaking out too bad.

BUT I went to the ENT doctor who is a head and neck surgeon after I saw the general surgeon because I figured he would have more experience with the ear and bones around it. He told me that it was just the way my skull is and that I was most likely born with it this way and am just now noticing it.

So I dont really know what to go by. I saw 4 different doctors. 2 of which told me it was just a part of my head. 1 of which did not even feel it, said it may be a grove in my skull. Then one said it is nothing serious but maybe a small growth of fat cells?

It is kind of annoying to be given different diagnosis.

What am I supposed to go on?

01-02-18, 21:55
The fact that all of them believe it's not an issue :shrug:

Positive thoughts

01-02-18, 21:57

I have a small bump behind my ear on the mastoid bone. I was freaking out about it for awhile. I went to 2 different urgent care different doctors who told me it nothing to worry about and just brushed me off. One said he couldn't even feel it and that nothing was there. One said it was part of my head. Obviously with my HA I was not going to take that as an answer, so I made real doctors appointments. One with a ENT doctor and one with a general doctor and surgeon in my town.

The general surgeon was very nice and reassuring, he told me that he DID in fact feel something there and that it was most likely a small 3mm-4mm (super tiny) lipoma, which is basically just a growth of fat cells. He told me that it would be super super rare for it to be anything serious given the location and size. He said to just check it every few months if I am worried to make sure it isn't getting bigger and if it does we can remove it. He has been a general surgeon for 26 years so he has obviously had his fair share at diagnosing lumps and bumps. Surprisingly, I am actually not freaking out too bad.

BUT I went to the ENT doctor who is a head and neck surgeon after I saw the general surgeon because I figured he would have more experience with the ear and bones around it. He told me that it was just the way my skull is and that I was most likely born with it this way and am just now noticing it.

So I dont really know what to go by. I saw 4 different doctors. 2 of which told me it was just a part of my head. 1 of which did not even feel it, said it may be a grove in my skull. Then one said it is nothing serious but maybe a small growth of fat cells?

It is kind of annoying to be given different diagnosis.

What am I supposed to go on?

Seeing as all four gave benign reasons and found nothing that alarms then, isn't it kind of academic?

01-02-18, 23:28
Yeah I guess but none of the doctors did any type of testing...just physical exams. If there is a bump shouldn't they do some type of testing to make 100% sure its nothing sinister? I had a CBC which came back normal but no testing was done to the bump

01-02-18, 23:43
Yeah I guess but none of the doctors did any type of testing...just physical exams. If there is a bump shouldn't they do some type of testing to make 100% sure its nothing sinister? I had a CBC which came back normal but no testing was done to the bump

Doctors don't knock up their own certificates on Microsoft Word you know... they're trained (highly trained) to know how to recognise the red flags for diseases. If they even suspected a small chance of something sinister you'd be whisked off for testing in no time. And you've had a complete blood count! That would show if something was going on, and that further tests were needed.

Any inconsistency in "diagnosis" is because they had no reason to suspect anything sinister and were speculating what it is because in their expert opinion there was nothing to worry about. They're not going to waste any time or money investigating what flavour of benign it is.

You've seen four medical professionals who aren't in the slightest bit worried.

Do you want us to say you should see a fifth? Because the answer is no. Seeking doctors' opinions past a second opinion - unless symptoms drastically change - is a warning sign anxiety is getting out of hand.

Sometimes a bump is just a bump. :shrug:

Allow yourself to be happy you've had the all clear and move on.

Now what are you doing about anxiety?