View Full Version : Abdominal soreness\yellow mucus in stool but also HA?

01-02-18, 21:47
Hello all. First post here. I've read over several threads and it seems like a good community. Thank you for your encouragement and support to one another.

So, a brief history. I smoked a lot of pot when younger (18-23). Eventually I was getting panic attacks while high, then when sober, then all the time.
I self medicated with alcohol. Drank all day to push back the feeling. I eventually quit drinking and used xanax/klonopin to treat my anxiety and panic disorder. I eventually quit those too. Since then I've had short episodes but they never really grew out of control. I've learned to just ride them out, not to get in a thought spiral...basically just got used to that sudden jolt of adrenaline, chest tightness, numb arms, can't breathe type feeling. I rarely get bad anxiety anymore...well...I didn't

My issue now is a sore abdomen that I can't explain. Started about 5 weeks ago with 3 days in a row of very mild nausea. Didn't think much of it. My upper abs felt sore but I hadn't done any exercises. I chalked it up to sitting on my daughter bed while she fell asleep for hours using the laptop. Odd sitting position and all. Well anyways, the soreness never really left. It just stayed. Sort of under the ribs but also dead center above the belly button. The above the belly button soreness feeling deeper.

When I'd stand up it'd mostly go away or lessen, but sitting and lying down made the feeling stronger. Like a mixture of fullness/pressure/bloating...but also when I layed down like there was a weight tied to the middle of my abdomen pulling down towards the mattress.

Next part might be TMI

This past weekend I decided to start monitoring my stool. Never done it before. Seemed ok, just what I assumed were peanuts and normal brown looking. Second day of monitoring the morning bowel movement was a bit tougher. The first part that came out had yellow mucus almost rolled into it (it was hard balls that floated). The rest sank and was normal. Well the soreness in the center of my stomach seemed to just be getting worse and not going away.

Unfortunately I live in the US without health insurance besides what is called Medically Needy Medicaid. Basically I have to pay the first $650 of medical service each month, then I have Medicaid (actually not bad insurance though finding Dr who takes it is hard). Basically this means I have to go to the emergency room because just walking in the door will cost more than $650, which crazy enough, means I don't have to pay since I passed my "share of cost". Crazy system, but yeah, I went to the ER for a stomach ailment. I just didn't want something bad happening since I have a wife and small children. Also I don't want to die haha.

Obviously reading Dr google had me with pancreatic cancer. Pain in abdomen, yellow floating stool...

I know it's extremely rare at my age (early 30's) but so is winning the lottery, and someone wins almost every month.

So they actually didn't brush me off, they drew blood and did a catscan with an iodine contrast. Said the catscan seemed normal and blood looked ok but wanted me to go to the digestive disease clinic. I just went and after showing pictures of my stool with mucus (haven't seen much mucus since that one time) they want to do a endoscopy/colonoscopy. If nothing shows they want to do an ultrasound of the gallbladder. Her opinion was stomach or gallbladder.

Anyways, since the IV iodine contrast injection I seem to have nothing but diarrhea. The day I went to the ER I started the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce,toast) just to see if something was setting my stomach off. It's been 4 days now since the IV iodine and I'm still having nothing but diarrhea. I'm hoping it was just the iodine coming out but it's worrying me that it hasn't gone away. I had a loose bowel movement before the iodine contrast IV but nothing like this.

Anyways, just wanted to vent. I know no one here can tell me what it is but I just needed to talk to someone. I'm trying to comfort myself with the castscan results but I know that pancreatic cancer is hard to diagnose can easily be missed or miss diagnosed. Obviously I'd hope something that was causing pain would be big enough to be seen.

My worrying isn't helping anything and I'm having a hard time concentrating in school. I really need to be focusing as it's tough material and lots of memorization.

Hope everyone here is doing ok today. Sorry for the rant.

02-02-18, 13:16
First stool of the day was slightly firmer than it has been. Still had these floaty particles. The rest was brown and sand but very soft. Anyone else have this reaction to IV iodine contrast?

My middle right abdomen hurts this morning. Almost like a sore muscle or gas but not going away when I stand as it had been. Stomach was sort of very mildly burning last night but I think that was due to not eating enough. I've been on the BRAT diet and just haven't been getting as much in as usual. Appetite yesterday was strong. Craved a burger and fries but that wouldn't be good.

I really wish this would all go away. Hope y'all are doing ok today.

02-02-18, 13:29
You're correct in that cancer is a huge stretch. The doctors are correct in wanting you to see a gastro as stomach/bowel issues are a very common physical issue with anxiety sufferers. You've found ways to manage your anxiety but your body is still on high alert based on what you posted.

Diet is one part of the equation but learning more effective ways to manage and treat your anxiety may be in order. I know you don't have insurance but look into free community resources in your area at mentalhealth.gov. (https://mentalhealth.gov/) Also, ACA is still a route you can take to at least get some type of insurance.

Positive thoughts

02-02-18, 15:15
Thanks for the reply.

Thankfully they didn't brush me off. I've got a endoscopy and colonoscopy lined up for next Thursday. Yesterday my stomach wasn't so bad. Not sure why last night and today it is hurting/burning. The waiting is the hardest part but I keep telling myself that if it were a large metastasised growth the ctscan should have seen it.

Funny thing is I've never had stomach issues from anxiety. My wife does though. Maybe a good thing out of this is more empathy : )

I know I shouldn't worry because it does nothing but harm. Honestly wish I had some klonopin to see if all the symptoms wet away. If it was just anxiety I could deal with it. It's just that nagging "what if" I know we all fight.

02-02-18, 20:16
Been having diarrhea still today. Bums me out. First stool this morning seemed like it was heading the right way. Now back to these really fowl smelly diarrhea stools. Thursday can't get here soon enough

02-02-18, 23:12
Your symptoms sound exactly like mine. I too am experiencing the pain under the ribs which goes into the centre and round the back. It is as you describe, a dull, tugging type pain. Also notice mucus in my stool a lot. Like you I am waiting for further tests, a faecal calprotectin came up high but standard stool samples and blood test all fine.
I have been told I most likely have an IBD but some of the symptoms don't fit but they seem pretty sure. Like you I was worried about pancreatic cancer too but it's rare in our age group and comes with a whole host of other symptoms. Your scan would also have highlighted any abnormality.

Will be interesting to see what your results come back with, we are in a very similar position.

03-02-18, 01:35
I'm sorry to hear you are dealing with this. I hope you find some peace whatever may come.

I didn't get a fecal test surprisingly. They were going to do blood but opted to wait til after the endoscopy /colonoscopy.

It's just the waiting that is hard. Still discomfort and pain in my abdomen. Last night and today have been a more noticeable time for it. Just so scary to think of the possibilities. Still, worrying does absolutely nothing good. Just gotta live in the moment. Enjoy the day.

03-02-18, 08:43
I understand how hard the wait is. Every morning I wake up feeling sick with anxiety and worrying about the procedures and the results.
I wish you well, keep us updated. Like you say, just got to try and live for the moment hard as that may be at times.

03-02-18, 15:44
Feeling a little better than yesterday. Hopefully it'll be a good day for us all. Hope you all have some peace today.

20-02-18, 23:13
So thought I'd update. Had the endoscopy/colonoscopy a few weeks ago. Nothing found except a spot of inflammation that was biopsied. No word back yet.

The soreness in my stomach remains slightly. Usually slightly above and to the right of my navel. Most noticeable laying down. Honestly if someone told me it was an muscle pain I'd believe them. Feels like it. Just doesnt make sense that it's been so long.

My stools seem normal so that's good : )

I guess HA just stcks with me. I worry about pancreatic cancer. Don't know how to rule it out. Would an abdominal ct with contrast show it? I had one done that came back normal.They may order an ultrasound of the gallbladder, would the pancrease show then?

I've read stories of people diagnosed who went months with odd sensations. That's just in the back of my mind. I try to just enjoy the day and relax but sometimes it casts a shadow.

Hope y'all are doing well and find peace. Take care : )

21-02-18, 17:37
Stomach was pretty annoying last night. I did exercise yesterday so maybe I strained something.

Just annoying. Wish there was a complete scan they could do to put oyr minds at ease. I guess that's part of life though. The unknown. Facing it. The possibilities. Just hard with a wife and kids to be worrying.

26-02-18, 13:25
Man...I just don't know what to do. My abdomen felt fairly normal yesterday except for some soreness under my right rib. But last night when I laid down it hurt in that same spot, slightly to the right and slightly above the navel. Standing up helped and certain positions laying down helped a bit. Has anyone else had anything like that? Would cancer pain go away when standing. I know I'm reassurance seeking here bit it's just that I don't have access to normal doctor visits. I have to basically go to the ER to start any referral process.

I'm really just tired of having this soreness. I try to push pancreatic cancer or other cancer out of my mind but I've read accounts where the doctors miss it. You all know how it is...

Sorry for the rant. I know there are people who actually have verified problems. It just scares me to ignore this soreness because of the importance of catching certain things early.

26-02-18, 17:54
This worry is just getting to me. I'm really struggling with death. I so don't want to put my family through that. Is an abdominal ct scan with contrast good at picking up cancer? Specifically pancreatic?

Sorry for being annoying