View Full Version : Can anyone relate?

03-07-07, 16:49
Dont know if anyone has found this problem, I have been talking to an old school friend through the internet, texting and the phone but he wants to meet up and Im so nervous I just cant do it! It's happened before with other guys, I have real trust issues and I'm scared Im going to panic on the poor bloke. I really miss having anyone close in my life other than my mum and a few close girl friends! Im annoyed with myself that I cant pluck up the courage!

03-07-07, 17:13
I am exactly the same. I get really scared to meet up with people i havnt seen for a while. Why not take a friend with you. Does he know any of your friends? Or meet up in a surrounding you feel comfortable in.
Its the thinking about it that is more scary then acctually doing it. When you meet him im sure you will have a great time and feel really glad you plucked up the courage.
Hope it all goes well hun
Take care

03-07-07, 18:28

Explain to him how nervous you are, and why not see if he could come to your house the first time for a coffee as long as you have other people in the house at the same time.

After the first time once you begin to feel comfortable with him then you could progress to going out for a drink or to the cinema :hugs:

Let us know how you get on


Trac xxx

03-07-07, 18:42
Thanks for the replies, I told him about my issues and he was lovely totally cool about it! :)

03-07-07, 20:57
good 4 u hun