View Full Version : Blood on TP, next steps?

01-02-18, 22:13
I’ve had my HA mostly under control this year, but need some advice on whether this is doctor worthy or not. On Monday, I had a very painful BM and had blood on wiping. Tuesday, happened again and so I took some steps to have easier BM’s. Things seem to have settled and no more blood at all.

I do have a family history of colon cancer, so that of course, is my main concern. However, logically I know this is highly unlikely to be CC as I am 36 and grandmother and aunt were in their fifties and sixties at diagnosis.

Is this doctor worthy or a wait and see? Any advice? TIA.

01-02-18, 22:17

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01-02-18, 22:18
Probably piles and/or a fissure.

If it doesn't happen again I wouldn't really worry about it.

01-02-18, 22:51
You say it was painful to pass so it is most likely a pile or fissure. Have you any other symptoms? To me it just sounds like you need to modify your diet, more fibre for example. This should make your stool less hard and stop the bleeding.