View Full Version : Anyone else can feel their lymph nodes?

01-02-18, 22:54
Can anyone else feel their lymph nodes? I can feel a pea sized on both sides of my neck, one at the back of my neck and little pea sized nodes at my collar bone. Have been able to feel them, or i've started noticing them in 2016.. Is it really normal I can still feel them?

01-02-18, 22:58
We literally have hundreds of posts about this so use the search facility and you will find them.

02-02-18, 06:49

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02-02-18, 13:00
Yes! I can feel several, but I recently found one on the right side of my neck which I haven't felt before and I am WORRIED. It is quite hard to find (I was searching) so perhaps I just never noticed it. I showed one doctor who couldn't feel it but I know it's there (now I can find it really easily- not because it is bigger but I know just where and how to feel)..:: so I've made another appointment with another doctor.
It is true though that since SO many people worry about this is my st be pretty common...

02-02-18, 14:28
It seems like many people have the lymph node fear, mostly because of Google I think. I see how Google messes up my head too, most websites say that whenever you're able to feel a lymph node, it's a swollen lymph node and has to be checked out. Yet on here and a few other sites, people say, sites say, it's normal to feel pea sized lymph nodes and that those are normal lymph nodes.
I hate it so much..

02-02-18, 15:22
It seems like many people have the lymph node fear, mostly because of Google I think. I see how Google messes up my head too, most websites say that whenever you're able to feel a lymph node, it's a swollen lymph node and has to be checked out. Yet on here and a few other sites, people say, sites say, it's normal to feel pea sized lymph nodes and that those are normal lymph nodes.
I hate it so much..

I have noticed that too. :shrug:

02-02-18, 15:32
I can easily feel a few in my groin. I don't think they're inflamed, even, just palpable.

I have one 'shotty' node in my neck that's been there for a while and if anything has gotten smaller.

Lots of people can feel their lymph nodes in their groin and neck of they go looking for them. Yours sound small. Are they hard? Do they move? There's no harm consulting a doctor about it (once...), particularly the collarbone ones.

02-02-18, 15:59
They are soft I guess. When pressed on them, they either move aside or are pushed away.. Hard to explain! I've asked several doctors about my nodes and all say I'm fine. But I don't believe them after a few hours anymore, I'm guessing that's the HA

02-02-18, 16:09
No idea, I've never gone looking for them, or pressed around to find one, why do you need to ?. OOo tell a lie, there is one under my jaw that comes up now and again when I get a big mouth ulcer and I only know its a gland because it hurts.

10-02-18, 22:05
I wonder why some websites say that a lymph node is considered swollen if you can feel it. You're not supposed to feel a lymph node, websites say so.. Why would they say that? While just a few websites and quite a lot of posts here say that it's normal to feel them..

Starting to worry so much again..

10-02-18, 22:28
There are 400-600 nodes in our bodies. At any given time, if you poke and prod enough, you're bound to feel one.

Are you getting any help with your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

10-02-18, 23:28
I can feel at least 3 nodes very easily. 3 others I really have to dig deeper to find them. They are small, only pea sized but they still worry me. There are days i'm fine and have no worries at all and then it changes and i'm back to worrying about lymphoma again.

I had a feeling on my right side of my neck, like I was constantly being pinched with a needle or something there. That is what caused my anxiety to rise again, thinking it's because maybe the node is growing.

I have read several posts, even asked you Fishmanpa about pea sized nodes and it all seems to be normal and many others can feel them. But, why does quite some websites say that when you can actually feel a node, it's considered swollen?

I have no help with my HA, just this forum and myself. I also have an anxiety for doctors.. Only visit the doctor when there's really something I have to go for or when i'm really losing it and ask if he can check my nodes so I can calm down again.

10-02-18, 23:33
I've got a rock hard pea sized one between my jaw and neck muscle right under my ear lobe. Worries me but I got a clear blood test so I'm not too worried.. always have my doubts though.

10-02-18, 23:50
I have had a blood test too, not specifically for lymphoma or cancer though but for other things and that was clear. Family says if there was something seriously wrong, they'd see it in that test too. But, there are many stories on the internet that people did have lymphoma but did not show in their blood test..

11-02-18, 00:03
I have had a blood test too, not specifically for lymphoma or cancer though but for other things and that was clear. Family says if there was something seriously wrong, they'd see it in that test too. But, there are many stories on the internet that people did have lymphoma but did not show in their blood test..

Yeah I also saw those stories, but they are really rare. Do you have any rock hard ones? I have a few which still scare me.. might get an ultrasound.

11-02-18, 00:21
They are not rock hard no. Well I can push them away? Like flat or something, no idea how to explain. But I don't try that with them anymore to be honest. I'm trying to leave them alone and then eventually my anxiety goes away for a few days. When I check if they are gone because I didn't touch them anymore for a while, they are still there! That's when I get back to being scared again.

This all started in November 2016.. Gets so frustrating..

11-02-18, 00:46
You're fine..
Mine are rock hard and I'm extremely worried.

11-02-18, 01:10
I hope i'm fine! Doesn't feel like I am though. Thanks for your replies btw :). I'm sure you are fine!!

13-02-18, 16:27
I can tell im totally focusing on my nodes again. Specially on the left side because it's harder than left. I keep telling myself, well I try to tell myself that and believe it, as long as they are pea sized, I'm fine! But they have been there so long.. They don't go away

13-02-18, 18:22
I can tell im totally focusing on my nodes again. Specially on the left side because it's harder than left. I keep telling myself, well I try to tell myself that and believe it, as long as they are pea sized, I'm fine! But they have been there so long.. They don't go away

My entire right neck seems harder than the left , I guess it's the nodes. If you don't have any symptoms like fever, loss of appetite, night sweats, then you're fine. Even if you have these symptoms they can be completely unrelated. I recommend going to the doctor to ease your mind.

13-02-18, 23:14
My right side of my neck is harder and bigger too. I thought it was because of my muscles and being on pc for hours

14-02-18, 00:28
Omg so glad we both have that. I also spend hours on the PC in weird positions. It feels more like muscles than a specific ball/node so thats good. But I still have that rock hard lump under my ear which is honestly probably just a parotid tumor that ill have to get removed one of these days.

---------- Post added at 00:28 ---------- Previous post was at 00:23 ----------

Does one of your ears also have duller hearing and slight pain when you put your finger in your ear hard?

If I plug my left ear, my right ear hears less than my left ear. All my symptoms seem to be on the right side.

14-02-18, 00:59
No I don't have that. I do have days where my right ear is constantly making noises like something is poking in there, so weird! But I don't think anything bad about that. I also think the muscles on the right side are harder and bigger because I always wake up, some mornings I'm lucky, with my jaw being out of place. I need to use a lot of force to click it back in? And that hurts..

I've spend hours on the pc for years playing games. The last few years that has been reduced but I do still think that those previous years of hours and hours of gaming has had his effects on the right side. Also, I am right handed! So I do everything with right and I have to lift heavy things quite often so of course I use the right side more because that side has more strength.

Honestly don't worry about the neck muscles there, I have noticed having this all since the start of my HA which was in 2016 and nothing has changed, right side is still the same and bigger.

I did worry about it that much that when I had to visit a weekend doctor, I decided to ask him about my right side being bigger than left. He said that it was normal and no one is the same on both sides of their body. Of course I didn't believe him but now I don't think anything bad of it.

Relax :)

14-02-18, 01:14
I also spent years and hours on the computer since I was like 11. I'm 19 now. I sit so bad and have no good posture which explains the neck. I also have a clicky jaw which can explain lots of things. Glad we both have similar things.

14-02-18, 02:09
Maybe we have just been too addicted to the computer in our lives ;). I was at the computer since my 12th and I am now 27!

14-02-18, 18:38
Ha funny.. I talked about the right side being bigger than left and I said it was probably because I'm right handed and so have done and do everything at right. Now earlier today I started being worried about that side again because it's bigger and thinking it's my nodes.. Is this seriously what HA does?

18-03-18, 16:55
So I have a cold for 3 days now and a swollen node on my left side of the neck, soft but swollen and does not hurt. How long will this stupid thing stay swollen? I was doing so well with my node fear and now it decided to actually become larger than usual!

If it's anything bad like cancer, I won't start feeling better right? I'll only feel worse?

06-04-18, 00:53
Does anyone else feel a group of pea sized nodes at the end of the neck..? Like before the trapezuis muscle? Well in front of it? I can feel 3/4 of them there.. Scares me!And are these nodes part of the cervical region or the collarbone ones? Hope anyone can help me out here!!

06-04-18, 04:20
I try to keep my hands off my neck for this very reason. The only person who can tell you what region any nodes (if they are nodes at all) belong to is a doctor, because those two dimensional diagrams on Google are useless.

06-04-18, 05:59
I have one I can feel in that region.

06-04-18, 08:10

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

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It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


06-04-18, 12:57
I don't really go looking for them, I roughly know where some of the main areas are but I don't go prodding and poking to feel them

However where I'm having my ..persistent abdominal discomfort when I'm prodding and poking (obviously trying to feel for tumours) I can actually feel one of them, well I presume it is..very small..like..a quarter of a pea? its hard to get my finger in the right place but I can definitely feel it. Worryingly on the other side where I'm not having any abdominal discomfort..I can't feel one :shrug:

11-04-18, 11:58
Right i have been to the doctor this morning for something else. While I was there I thought I should ask her to feel my nodes and she did, she said everything was fine and felt normal.. Yet I'm still not feeling good about it? Anyone else has had this? It's so weird, she said I was fine, why am I still wondering if she missed something?..