View Full Version : Groin lump, should I show doc?

02-02-18, 06:18
So I have HA, few years now. I get breaks of 6 months or more when everything is ok with my body.
So I have a GP appointment in a few hours for my Jaw. I think I’ve dislocated it or something because I can’t open my mouth much or chew without pain in the TMJ. Anyway I’m not worried at all about my jaw.
About a week and a half ago when I was HA free, I found a lump, about the size of a pea but longer shape in my groin. I had a full on blood draining panic attack about it and rushed straight on here. I resisted posting as there were a lot of similar posts. But I did worry because everyone had theirs checked by a doctor and i didn’t want to do that because if she so much as tilts her head to the side with worry I know I won’t cope. If she wants to do tests I know I won’t cope with the wait.
Just thinking about it has me in a frozen panic.
I thought about not even asking her to check it and wait and see if it goes away. I don’t think it Will, in my mind it’s bigger I think.

God help. I’m a 33 year old Mum of two young kids. I can’t die of lymphoma.

02-02-18, 07:39
Morning. Maybe you are recovering from a virus or coming down with something? If your slim your nodes will be easy to feel? Big hugs x

02-02-18, 07:49
Well in almost two weeks I haven’t gotten sick, and I hadn’t been sick at all.
I’m not slim, I can feel other nodes in my body, but this one is bigger and much more feelable. It’s moveable but doesn’t feel right. I feel sick with panic when I touch it. Which is often.

02-02-18, 12:15
How did you get on at doctor, did you ask about groin lump? I was obsessed about one for months a few years back. I think I went to about 5 GP’s (they all said it was fine); a general surgeon (said it was fine), had ct scan on it because I pestered the specialist for it, surprise still fine. It was about an inch long and about half cm wide. 6 years later I still have it, never found out reason for it, and scan showed it was much smaller than it felt. Doesn’t hurt to ask doctor just to check it if it’s still there in a few weeks, but certainly a million and one reasons for it that aren’t related to lymphoma. Google will just convince you that it can’t be anything else, as happened to me!

02-02-18, 14:40
I JUST went through this scare last week and this week but with a neck node. I found it one afternoon while driving home. I tried not to panic but lets face it, we HA go off the deep end with these things. This was on a Thursday, I saw my GP on Wednesday the next week. She felt it and said ti was probably just a reactive node but set me up for an ultrasound. I had that done later on Wednesday afternoon and they confirmed it was a node. My GP wanted me to follow up with an ENT. QUE major panic! I went Tuesday morning, this week, and saw my ENT who I have a history with from tonsil surgery so I know him well. He felt it, read my ultrasound report and said because it falls under the 1.5 cm threshold he isnt' concerned. He wants me to repeat the ultrasound in 4 months just to keep an eye. I feel better about it but my radar is still up, believe me. Anyway, mine feels EXACTLY what you are describing, a pea but longer and moves around. Mine feels squishy as well, kinda like jello. Feel free to PM me, I know exactly how you feel.

ps I haven't been sick either and I am far from slim. But my ENT feels its a reactive node from a previous illness.

02-02-18, 18:02
I went through this too convinced it was a swollen lymph node in my groin. I went and my doctor said it was an inflamed hair follicle and nothing to worry over. She said leave it alone and it'll go away. It did.
Yours is probably the same so dont stress! But I too had the stomach churn moment of finding it. Hair follicle!
Get it checked but I'm sure it'll be something irritating the area x

03-02-18, 22:06
Thanks for the reassuring replies guys. I appreciate them.
Doc said we will check it out Monday when I come back to check on progress of my jaw.
It’s feels like a long pea and is soft and I can move it around. I can feel one on other side but it’s like it’s more buried or smaller.
It’s really stressing me out but it’s nice to hear of other people’s experiences.
I had my nieces first birthday yesterday and I even had those thoughts of “this will be the last one...”
I know that’s just my HA... but it doesn’t make it any more fun!
Thanks all

03-02-18, 22:37
Aaaaaach lymph nodes! I have one in my neck that is freaking me out at the moment. So many people seem to worry about them, though, so I guess it must be pretty normal to be able to feel them...

04-02-18, 15:05
I have those too. At the moment one is feeling a bit sore but maybe it is just my imagination. But 3 doctors felt mine and were not concerned. I did an ultrasound (paid for it myself because I didn't get any referral) and the biggest of them was 0.5 cm short axis! It felt much bigger to my fingers! Doctor wrote - no enlarged lymph nodes!

05-02-18, 05:38
So update
Went to doc about groin lump, and a large (5-6) lump I just found deep in my thigh on the same side!
She felt them both and said she thinks it’s a deep lipoma and normal node but she wants them both ultra sound so she knows what she’s dealing with.
She must have seen the panic, so she asked me if I was well? Loosing weight ? Night sweats or anything. I said no. She said don’t worry I’m sure it’s fine. But of course I know that it’s going to be bad and it’s cancer. Cancer in my thigh? Oh god I’m really in a state. Ultra sound isn’t until tomorrow and they won’t tell me anything i doubt..

05-02-18, 05:57

Good luck with the ultrasound. If they suspect anything suspicious they will inform your Dr quickly. Lipoma's are very common, you can get them anywhere in the body. I've had them in my breast and they can disappear. A friend of mine had one on her side.

Let's know how you get on x

05-02-18, 06:41
Thanks wise monkey
I am in such a panic. I hate HA

05-02-18, 20:11
Ultra sound today
I’ve convinced myself the lump in my leg is sinister and that’s what’s caused the lymph node to react. Didn’t sleep a wink.
Hate this

---------- Post added at 20:11 ---------- Previous post was at 20:02 ----------

Sorry for so many posts, I’m trying to stop myself from googling. Because I know what it will say, so writing to sympathetic ears is my next best bet.
These are the things I’m repeating to myself
-my doctor said “don’t stress, if it was sinister you would be sick by now”
- doctor said “I always ultrasound all lumps and cysts so I know what I’m dealing with”
- it’s rare to get soft tissue ******
- I’ve felt this way before about other things and it’s turned out fine so my gut feelings can’t be trusted.
- just breath and wait, I can’t change it

But the bad thoughts are pushy
- stressing about things has saved you from bad DX before so you better keep stressing about it until you know for sure
- it’s rare but it does happen
- my node is up close to the lump.. this is not good
- I’m unlucky so this will be the end for sure
- it’s my baby girls first day at school on Thursday, this anxiety is going to ruin it

Thanks for listening NMP folks


05-02-18, 20:50
Oh poor you! HA makes life into one scare after another: it can be unbearable. But I'm sure all will be fine. It will be over soon. Let us know how you get on

05-02-18, 21:43
stressing about things has saved you from bad DX before so you better keep stressing about it until you know for sure

No it hasn't. I don't know your history, maybe being on the ball and noticing something helped you out before, but stressing about something doesn't. This is a huge distortion fuelling your anxiety - that worry serves a purpose and it's irresponsible not to.

it’s rare but it does happen
So are, and do, millions of other things you don't worry about.

my node is up close to the lump.. this is not good
:shrug: The doctor doesn't seem too worried about it so why should you? His/her medical degree has more weight than your Googling.

I’m unlucky so this will be the end for sure
Supersticious b*****cks! There's no such thing as luck. You're no more or less likely to have bad things happen to you than anyone.

it’s my baby girls first day at school on Thursday, this anxiety is going to ruin it
Totally appreciate this will put a bit of a damper on it, but it will only ruin it if you let it.

See how easy it us to blow holes straight through your bad thoughts? Your good thoughts, however, are all excellent and cast-iron correct!

06-02-18, 00:06
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

I know my brain doesn’t function well in times of health stress!

06-02-18, 08:23
Appointment is an hour away
I’m so scared. My heart is racing and it’s hard to breath.
What if they look worried and I need a biopsy. I can’t handle this.

---------- Post added at 08:23 ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 ----------

Been for scan.
Of course, as you all told me, it was a lipoma in my leg. And “just a normal node that you can feel because it’s more superficial”
Sonographer lady knew I was panicked so she even went and got the doctor who does the reports. He said
“I see nothing concerning here. I think this is just lipoma here, see no shadows or dark, no calcification, just fat. Not even an abnormal node, less than 3mm short axis, nothing abnormal, you have no reason for worry”

In my mind my node was “huge” at least a cm long and across. So they feel larger than they are, and my lipoma felt hard so I was convinced it wasn’t...
I didn’t even google.

Our brains are our worst enemy. They trick us and make us fear the worst.

Thanks for all the support. I’m sure I’ll be back dying of something else before the years out.
I’ll try and support others in the mean time


06-02-18, 09:11
That is such wonderful news! What a huge relief! Thank you so much for updating us. But HA is such a bugger isn't it? If you hadn't been hyper vigilant you would have never noticed these irrelevant quirks in your body and would not have suffered as you have over the past weeks. It is such a tough cycle to break though. But mainly just: YAY!!!!

06-02-18, 09:28
Thanks for all the support. I’m sure I’ll be back dying of something else before the years out.

Great news. And next time you are "dying of something else", before posting here, stop and revisit this thread and remind yourself how real this one seemed and how exactly the same thought patterns were happening.

In the meantime actively get help for anxiety if you're not already. Whether it's self-help through something like Moodgym (https://moodgym.com.au/), CBT for Panic that's advertised on this site, subscribing to Headspace (https://www.headspace.com/), or (preferably) professional help through a doctor (I don't know how the system works in NZ I'm afraid). Now's the best time - you've put one fear to bed and and another hasn't crept in yet. You're awake to the whole anxiety thing and recognising the patterns, unclouded by a fear that's taken you over. Don't let yourself be caught in the currents and see the next "episode" as inevitable. Good luck. :yesyes:

06-02-18, 11:13
Thanks Jojo and axilotle
Thanks for the advice

06-02-18, 14:59
YAY for good news! :)