View Full Version : Facebook Messenger - Worrying about sister

02-02-18, 10:24
Hi everyone,

My current anxiety, which I know sounds ridiculous, is that I always seem to worry about something bad happening to my sister (who is 29 and lives in a different state). She is responsible and sensible, but I always catastrophise and worry that something bad will happen to her and she will be stuck somewhere or injured, or worse. I find that I'll often just log on to Facebook Messenger and I will see that she has been online in the last few minutes or hours and it always sets my mind at ease. But I have noticed in the last couple of days that it says that she was active 17 hours ago or even longer but really she has been online because I have seen a couple of posts that she has liked from mutual friends. For example, it's currently saying she was online 6 hours ago (when she opened a message I sent her), but she has liked a mutual friend's photo they put up about 45 minutes ago, indicating she has been online.

I'm just wondering if anyone either knows what this issue is that's causing her to not say she is online. When going through my list of messages on Facebook, most people are active within the last couple of minutes through to 2 or 3 hours so I think it must be a problem with her Facebook.

Any tips on stopping this compulsive checking would be greatly helpful too, and how to stop fearing the worst the more time that passes where it says she is not online.

I can't say anything to her about it because she doesn't understand my anxiety and it's not something I talk to her about it, and she would think that it was weird of me to be checking up on her.

02-02-18, 10:34
I hear you. I had a panic attack the other day because my husband wouldn't answer the phone for 4 hours, which is highly unusual for him. I thought he had a car accident and is dead. Turns out he had forgotten his stupid phone at work and went to see his mom. :winks:
As far as facebook, my messenger does weird things all the time. For example, it will state that I'm online even when my computer is not even on. In my friend's list I'm online all the time, it's been like this for YEARS. No Idea what's going on there.
I'm sure your sister's facebook is just as weird as mine :roflmao: