View Full Version : Health anxiety newbie here

02-02-18, 11:50
Hi, I've decided to finally join rather than just lurking, as i'm really really struggling right now, (but I've viewed these boards on and off for a couple of years & found it really helpful)

I've had anxiety on and off most of my adult life, in the last 10 years it's been health anxiety, but usually months (or a year or so) go by between a health crises, but this is the first time I have lurched from one health scare to another with no gap. My latest fear is Pagets breast cancer (Dr has referred me to the breast clinic, 2 weeks)
Every day is becoming harder and harder, trying not to google (& often failing!) I feel like I am clinging by my fingernails not to slip into a black hole of panic & horror. It's almost impossible to function when I get this bad, I'm now not eating much, or sleeping much. I've no one to talk to, I'm divorced & very few people understand what it's like anyway.

I've decided to hang out here every time I'm tempted to google, it's reassuring being with people who know exactly how it feels, and I'm learning lots too. I just hope I get through this latest scare ok, as I think I will have a breakdown or something If I do actually have something wrong this time!

Sorry to ramble on x

02-02-18, 11:55
Hiya Lilacwine and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

02-02-18, 22:19
I'm also new, registered today.
I am hoping for the same advice, help and support. My health anxiety is so bad at the moment. The worst thing for me is that i work in the Ambulance Service so come across patients horror stories everyday and immediately relate it to my life and then convince myself its happening to me!
I'm starting to think my partner is getting frustrated with my constant worrying!

02-02-18, 23:49
Thank you both for taking the trouble to comment. I am feeling a little better this evening, from my awful state this morning. thank God! It's such a rollercoaster though isn't it.
Claire, I don't know how you manage working in the ambulance service!!! I can't watch anything like Casualty, Holby City, or any medical programs or anything about cancer, and haven't for about 8 years now. I don't read newspapers or magazines either anymore. Just got to stop the Googling now, and catastrophising every little thing that happens to me.
Hope you are both feeling ok this evening x

03-02-18, 18:17

I'm also new here and new to health anxiety, albeit I suffered an actual breakdown a couple of years back because of my anxiety generally. I am so relieved I am not the only person thinking these thoughts. I am a lawyer with two children so have a really busy life and find myself in quite tense situations frequently. However i am just struggling with the random symptoms. It all started with a headache that wouldn't shift just before Christmas. This rapidly turned into major anxiety about a tumour. I ended up in A&E twice suffering panic attacks and felt like an awful fraud. Couldnt sleep.Thankfully the headaches have gone but I've been getting dizzy and tingling in my hands at night. It's very hard to manage and believe symptoms can be anxiety. I've been to GP 3 times and had my eyes tested. It's such a nuisance!! I feel this site might be a bit of a lifesaver for me ��

03-02-18, 18:25
Welcome to the three of you.......hope you settle in well. Do read some of the articles that were posted above by admin (if you haven't already) and make yourselves at home.

Take care

04-02-18, 04:40
I am glad you have jumped into the waters and find it comforting knowing there are innumerable of us morbid googlers, I always say it is useful to be armed about what's potentially out there for any human but there's a limit to how much bleak stuff you need spinning around in your head, gotta try to exist in your body whilst you're here too. I hope your visit goes well and that your health is good, you should ensure the doc understands the endless anxiety too, anxiety is a devastating condition and seeps into everything, some doctors are not good at grasping how serious mental problems are, some are very considerate.

24-03-18, 22:53
Quick update for anyone who finds my post while searching Pagets cancer on this forum (as I did a few weeks ago) It seems that despite being the "right" age for it, despite it being on only one nipple, and having all the other signs that it was Pagets rather than dermatitis, & despite even the Dr taking it seriously (!!) .......I had a biopsy & guess what, it was only dermatitis!!! Some strong cortisone cream cleared it up! Panic over, I can sleep again now (till the next horror comes along anyway)

02-04-18, 01:42
That is very good to hear, thank you for updating us, glad you are all cleared up :)