View Full Version : skin cancer??? so scared=(

02-02-18, 15:04
i'm crying right now.. i'm so sure i have skin cancer..
i have had for many months a weird thing on my skin.. it looked like a tiny crust and i scratched it to remove it and now it's just a small pinkish spot.. it's down to my belly
i did a lot ot research of basal cell carcinoma and i'm sure that's what i have...
but i'm too scared to go to a doctor because i know he will tell me the ugly truth
even the thought i might have cancer i want to kill myself!! i have already health anxiety and it's the worst thing that could happen to me
please help =(
what are the chances of that being something benign?? =(

02-02-18, 15:12
i did a lot ot research of basal cell carcinoma and i'm sure that's what i have...

what are the chances of that being something benign?? =(

Unfortunately we can't determine that here but its WAY more than it being sinister. Dr. Google will tell you a smelly fart is bowel cancer so your research is unfortunately skewed in favor of your fear.

I'm not one for paid reassurance due to fear but I think seeing a doctor is the only way to help. While you're there, show him your post and ask for help with your anxiety. Let us know how you make out. I'll have the "Told ya so gang" on standby ;)

Positive thoughts

02-02-18, 16:36
I just googled pinkish spot on skin and got this.

Pink spots on the skin is a symptom of many dermatological conditions. Some of these include psoriasis, eczema, acne vulgaris, contact dermatitis, neurodermatitis, fungal infection, measles, and scabies.

The problem with HA is that we can see the non life threatening reasons but we will immediately zoom in the worst possible outcome. Only a doctor could diagnose you, but you should find comfort in seeing that there could be many possible outcomes. Good luck.

02-02-18, 16:44
i'm crying right now.. i'm so sure i have skin cancer..
i have had for many months a weird thing on my skin.. it looked like a tiny crust and i scratched it to remove it and now it's just a small pinkish spot.. it's down to my belly
i did a lot ot research of basal cell carcinoma and i'm sure that's what i have...
but i'm too scared to go to a doctor because i know he will tell me the ugly truth
even the thought i might have cancer i want to kill myself!! i have already health anxiety and it's the worst thing that could happen to me
please help =(
what are the chances of that being something benign?? =(

Unless you have it tested, you don't know what it is. Let me tell you a quick story. My husband has had 20 noles removed and tested. 2 they thought were melanoma. Guess what? no cancer. If you did have skin cancer it is highly treatable. I have a co worker with basal cell, guess what? She is still alive and is fine. I also had a client with basal cell, again, removed and she is fine. Basal cell often takes years to develop and often just is removed.

02-02-18, 18:32
thank you for your answers!! i know it's highly treatable but it's still cancer so i freak out anyway!! if i have it i don't know what i will do =(

02-02-18, 18:51
There is no way to know for sure...


if it was crusty and easily scratched off, it was most likely a seborrheic keratosis (SK), aka the age spot! I have a gazillion and have scratched a few off. THey never grew back, so I know that's what they were. The other ones I have, very similar to the ones I scratched, were diagnosed as SK by my dermatologist.

You very likely have nothing to worry about, but definitely check the area (once in a while, not obsessively) to see if it grows back. If it does, then you need to biopsy.

This situation doesn't sound like anything to worry about, though.