View Full Version : Has Anyone Recovered from Brain Symptoms / Derealization?

02-02-18, 15:16
Hi, Just wondered if anyone has ever recovered from severe brain type symptoms? Including derealization?

For the last 4/5 years i've had loads of symptoms 24/7 but the main ones being derealization, sensitivity to light and just feeling like something is wrong with my brain. I'm desperate for help.

Been given 100mg sertraline after 50mg not doing much for these symptoms. not started them yet

My brain just feels damaged. Nothing looks right

04-02-18, 09:28

04-02-18, 15:31
Hiya, yup I get severe brain fog, weird head pressure, feeling detached, depersonilisation, etc etc.

If it's any consolation I've seen 3 neurologists and had 2 brain MRI's and they've all concluded nothing is wrong with my brain.

The best thing for me was practicing mindfulness, accepting its anxiety, talking walks... if you don't fear your symptoms they will lesson, over time.

I found/find these symptoms the most scary out of all symptoms. I literally have felt like I'm in a dream and I'm losing my mind. It's so awful. But the more you accept them the less scary they become. Just try saying something like 'Oh here we go again you weirdo' and laugh at it. (Or something that takes away the fear).

Also you can get these symptoms with blocked sinuses so even try doing some steaming with eucalyptus oil in the bath.

Get your thyroid checked too because I get it worse when my levels are off (I have an underactive thyroid) and gluten intolerance can also cause weird symptoms like this.

You're fine :) it'll take time but you will feel better!